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What will you do on independence day to fight corruption..?

A little while ago I returned from flag hoisting ceremony and there we had a constructive discussion about the evil of corruption which is the biggest issue in our country at the moment.

I expressed that we are failing in the fight against corruption for one reason. It's OK that we catch many culprits every now and then and take them to the law of land but it has not served any purpose so far and corruption is increasing day by day.

What we are missing is the SYSTEM to honour an honest man. Since an honest man and his honesty is not being honoured, the society is not able to produce more honest persons in the absence of any motivation from the Govt or even the society itself. What are your views ?

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Happy Independence Day


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EDIT : @ VIPO...

Dear buddy, corruption for me has become a social evil. The society is accepting it slowly. e.g. the becoming in-laws often ask about extra income of the boy. [ ऊपर की कमाई कितनी है ?]

That means values of society are degrading and need to be contained. Hence to motivate the society and to bring about a change, a system needs to be framed for honouring the honesty on one hand besides taking help of law machinery to contain corruption on the other.

Moreover we can't sleep over the fact that corruption flows from the top. It further degrade us as a society since many of the corrupt people plead that they are not to be blamed for their corruption but their higher ups.



10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    You are correct...

    We miss a system to honour the honesty..

    But, instead honesty is being troubled

    Feared of troubles, many honest men do not speak out!!

  • 1 decade ago

    fighting corruption is not confined to only Independance or R day, it is a continuous process; Corruption is pervasive almost all the areas of administratio9n are affected by corruption. The country,s leadership has to be changed as none of them barring a very few corruption free. Future lies with the countrys youth. The present electoral system has to be completely overhauled We are witnessing poor turn out voters at the time of elections, nearly 40 to 50% of urban educated voters are staying away from elections and they do not know the amount of damage they are causing to the nation due to their apathy. We should elect honest and upright persons as our leaders. It requires long sustained campaign

  • Tulips
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    single person fighting with corruption is like sprinkling water drops on a red hot iron. It does nothing

    Common man is responsible for corruption of babus. I have seen many people requesting babus to take money and do their work fast.

    We are the people responsible for corruption and till we remove lust from our own self, it can not be eradicated by 20 sutri or 10 sutri or 50 sutri programmes.

    Indian system as a whole is corrupted right from common man to top officers and leaders. I do not see any hope :(

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Instead of wasting time in removing corruption if one do his own work honestly half of the battle is won.

    Even if you find it difficult to perform well at your place of work or in studies, honest and sincere people are given many chances to prove themselves in their fields.

    In case of dishonest people, second chance is very rare to come by because the society feels that he will keep on repeating his mistakes.

    If one is honest may be he will find hurdle in every step of life still he should accept it and keep going like a tortoise and one day he will win the race.

    Source(s): bn
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dear Friend,

    I would deviate a little from your point of view here. Corruption does not stop with giving honour to an honest man.

    There are two important steps to be taken to curb corruption and they are indeed successful in various developed countries:

    1) Corruption always flows from top to bottom. If the political system is right they can control the bureaucracy to deliver a clean society. How we are going to get right political system ? We "the people" are the biggest curse to this great nation. We are so much divided on the basis of caste, creed and religion that for us "I" first, then "my family" , after that "my religion", my caste, and if there is anything which comes last to our mind is our nation. In first place we have to elect clean political party and while we vote we must consider the nation first.

    Not people like Thakre who say " I am a marathi first then an Indian" Not criminals like Mayawati, extorting money in the name of her birthday gifts. Not people like Gandhi "Who were just agents of Englishmen" Not people like "Advani" using Ram Mandir for the sake of Vote Bank. Not people lke V.P.Singh "make the nation handicap by providing reservation on the basis of caste and religion"

    2) Proper implementation of Law and order. The system of Justice has to be strong. Corrupt persons should be punished in such a way that it sets and example for others. People know that even if I am caught red handed, it will take 20 years to get a punishment. In Sydney the traffic is very organized, why ? Not because the Government gives award to good drivers, it is because we have half a million speed cameras and red light cameras on Roads in Sydney, as soon as you jump a red light, or drive over 40Km/hr in School Zones you get photographed and you have to pay heavy penalties.

    And in outskirts of Syndey where we do not have cameras people jump red light same like Delhi.

    Law has to make them go as per rules. People are all same everywhere.

    An extreme example of Middle East, If you are caught taking bribe, the law will chop off your hands.

    This is the way to stop corruption. Fear of Justice.

    ईमानदारी तारीफ की मोहताज नही होती. और एक सचाई " ईनाम से ईमान खराब हो जाता है "

    महँगाई डायन खाए जात है ..

    महँगाई मेरो पी गयी खून

    हाफ पेंट हो गयी पतलून..

    Source(s): The only absolute certainty is the possibility of error. Un Un Un I am weeping, as my answer will not fetch 10 points, can I bribe you ? Ha Ha Ha Lol
  • 1 decade ago

    I am always against corruption, and I value honesty

    Happy Independence Day to you too


  • Biggest corruptions are by Politicians only. We have to unite to opt them out by our ballet.

    But most of the votes are purchased by corrupt politicians, and we have to change ourselves not to fall prey to them.

  • 1 decade ago

    @ Vipo stop signing stupid song all the ansewrs

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no corruption in India.

  • 1 decade ago

    destroy RSS , VHP , bajrang dal ,,,, all terrorist organisation within india

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