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Do you know how to ask a question and then select Best Answer to your question?

I have serious doubts seeing some of questions and selections of the Best Answers, they don't connect, thus I thought of raising this question to the user community expecting some help.

How do you decide what should be the best question to your question?

* Based on the avatar and user who is answering your question.

* Based on the answer that matches your thoughts.

* The answer that is given most thumbs up.

* The answer that no one including you understand.

* The answer that is clearly defined and answered.

* The answer that you like but that answer may be wrong or irrelevant to your question.

I seriously feel, if a user does not know how to select a Best Answer, he or she should do either of two,

1. Don't raise a question.

2. Leave the question for voting.

For me it hardly matters if my answer is selected as Best answer or not, but many times I see a user has given an excellent answer to a serious question, but an answer that has no meaning, is selected as a best answer by the user. I understand selecting best answer is each user's right, but isn't misusing it is insulting many other users who are serious contributor to the forum?


Dear "the Bull Sir", Sorry, its not personal, and it is not for you... its a general question...

Update 2:

Raj Kish sir, your wish is my command...

Update 3:

Thank-you friends, for your answering on this topic, I have got excellent answers from excellent users. Please let me clear myself once again, this is not against anyone, or pointing anyone. If I had any issues with "The Bull" sir alone, I would wrote to him, in a private email. This is very general question.

All the answers are excellent, and I shortlisted following for best answer, Banjaran, geyamala, Raj Kish, ProTon, now I am going to select one as best answer. Please don't mistake me as I have to select only one... But I give credit to all who have spend time to answering this question.

13 Answers

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very nice question

    I give best answer to only those

    1- answer which is clearly defined and answered.

    2- answer that matches my thoughts...because i ask something which i knows and if something i don't know then i put question to vote but mostly i have seen people do not vote seriously so i ask my seniors about it then give accordingly.

    3-Answers which are witty ,humorous but correct.....then in place of serious answer i will give preference to them.

    4-i try to encourage others even though they are new to yahoo and in that case i just thanks to seniors.(i myself got encouragement when i was new so now it is my duty to encourage new ones)

    5- I ask too many questions so i try to give one best answer to each answerer.(which is not liked by some )but i feel it is my moral duty to encourage every good answerer .

    my humble views

    Source(s): bn
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I hope you leave this question open so as to give me time to respond in some detail.A couple of days will do for me.Thanks.

    Once again I appreciate your patience in waiting for my response.

    At the outset,I would like to emphasize that I do not propose to generalise (because generalisations are banal and are likely to open a can of worms) but provide my views specifically on your observations.Also,it is immaterial whether my answer is chosen as BA or not.The mere satisfaction of having given my views is enough for me.

    Basically,it is ridiculous to choose the BA on the basis of avatar or user who is responding to the question.In effect this method contributes to what is termed here as Gaming.In

    effect it is something like a mutual admiration society to wit ,

    you scratch my back and I will scratch yours.

    Simply because the answer corresponds to the asker's views

    should not fetch it the BA because it could be unfair when another response may be more balanced and logical.

    Choosing an answer as BA because of the number of thumbs up,is the most ridiculous way and smacks of flippancy

    on the part of the asker whose competence to post posers is questionable.Similarly choosing an answer which neither the asker nor anyone understands as BA is the height of insult to

    serious users who respond.Of course such users would not care a tuppence but may stay away from answering questions from the asker in future which will be the asker's loss.

    Also if an answer is to the liking of the asker but neither right nor relevant,then choosing it as BA is an indirect slap on the face of the other serious answerers who have taken the trouble to post their responses,not that such users would be bothered.They may stay away from future questions from such askers.

    Which leaves an answer that is not only clearly defined as you say but also logical,chronological,to the point without being too verbose,demanding to be chosen as BA.Here again ,if there is yet another answer which is also spiced with some humor,then it would be in the fitness of things and also

    most fair that it is chosen as BA.

    If none of the answers meets with the asker's approval,it is best to leave it for voting rather than insult the participants in the forum by choosing an answer as BA when it least merits it.

    Have a Great Day.Thanks again for affording me an opportunity to present my views.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, as far as choosing the 'best answer' is concerned, I choose an answer that I liked the most. And I like only those answers which is relevantly & beautifully answered.

    If I get confused with choosing the best answer then I leave it on the community to decide by voting that is the best thing to do. But the minus point is sometimes the answerer chooses his answer to be the best & it ends up being the 'best answer' which I don't think it was.

    No matter where you go, you end up with morons, they're everywhere even on Y/A unfortunately.

    Either you deal with it or ignire it & move on. It's upto you:)

  • All levels can pick a Best Answer to their own question and can vote for Best Answer on other users' undecided questions.

    If you go to your question four hours after you ask your question, a little 'select as best answer' button appears by each answer. Any time between then & when the question expires, click on the one you like best. Y!A then gives you 3 points back & gives the answerer 10 points.

    If you miss your chance, the question goes into voting mode. You can still vote for the best answer, but you only get 1 point for your vote.


  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • ProTon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hi Sir,One more great question ! :)

    Yes sir..I think I know how to ask and how to select a best answer to my questions.Well ...while selecting a best answer i would see the following things....first one is I would see whether my question is understood correctly or not...only users who understands the question can answer it perfectly.The answer should contain the information I was searching for or I wanted to see . The selection of best answer differs from section to section.In the Science,Anthro,philosophy or History sections the structure of the answer and the content is most important for me.

    For example...;_ylt=Ak...;_ylt=Aq...

    (this question has only one answerer but look at the perfect answer)

    I ask questions only if I could not find answer through search engines(exception-P&S,Politics).In the polls and surveys,Politics the criteria for selection best answer is completely different.The politcs,P&S,R&S are opinion based sections.Here people can't tolerate opposing views.It is evident,one level 7/6 contributer blocked me for opposing creation of small states without SRCs/recommendations of committees comprising of intellects ,instead of presenting strong points to support her views and arguments the person blocked me(the irony is that user often talks about psychologists and philosophers!...hahaha) .So,I am not giving much importance to questions asked by some users in opinion based sections.In polls and surveys I awarded best answers to interesting responses with new facts/details...but i accept that most of the best answers in p&s were the answers that matched my thoughts....after all it is one of the opinion based sections.If I find more than two good answers to my question I would put that question to voting.Thumbs up , thumbs down,avatars have no importance at all .In opinion based sections people tend to be biased towards their contacts,it is true.Have a nice day buddy :)

    Edit : If you are talking about Mr.Bull's questions...I would say he is a very friendly person.I like his questions very much.I remember, I answered one of his questions on parliamentary committees,2010 budget....I spent nearly 30 min. for answering that question and I tried to answer his question completely .....I am sure that he hadn't read my answer ! Since then I couldn't dare to spend my time answering his questions lol....No Offense :).....well that profile was suspended for using multiple accounts.

    On the other hand it is pleasure answering Mathangi Raniji's questions because she reads all the answers.

  • 1 decade ago;_ylt=As...;_ylt=Ak...

    I am damn sure that awarding BA to these above questions prompted you ask this question.

    As far as I am concerned I am having ""some knowledge"" though I am not a scholar of sorts, to award an answer a best one. It is my humble submission.

    Actually I expected such a question from you as and when I award BA to them, as I have high regards for you and you are one of my "privilaged friends" to question me and make me amend my mistakes.

    But here I awarded BA based on their credibility and humourousness.

    In fact there is a Judge in Madras High Court (still performing his duty there), has ordered that no "shouting" by the Dawali Honourable Judge Coming" before his coming to Chamber

    and also no advocates to address him as "Your Honour" while putting their arguments. That's the spirit of a "borned" man with qualities.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, if i did not select an answer to my question, why i have to raise a question ? i am doing perfectly in this affair. it is morally not correct to comment other members. so, i am staying away from the comments, but praising some members does't not mean against any members.

    while we receive more answers to a question, we read all answers and note that some answers are the answers to the question. when two or more answers received correctly, we have to see which one is best among the best and then can select one answer. i am doing this. while more answers received correctly, nothing wrong in voting.

    Generally, members did not interfere in this selection process since it is the right as per yahoo community guide lines, but while selecting they did not come forward to say the reasons of answer was best among all. All members are answering using their most valuable time and energy. If we thank all, it will be an energy or boost though their answers not selected. Some members instead of thanking, making pain and make the answerers to feel ''why i come to answer this question''.

    All members know well who are the members selecting without any partiality, who are the members selecting with partiality and i hope you also know it and in my short experience, i also came across this wonderful selections. A few members like my respectful sanadan darma sir, 6000 young tamil sir, Aalunga sir, Mathangi Rani madam, Buzzzbe madam, and mr Bull sir are doing without partiality as per my short experience.

    Hence, i never return back to see the fate of my answer but i see any comments over my answer, and if i find any comment i will correct and resubmit it. i find very good answers from very good members. Besides, what you feel is true is my answer.

    i am using this forum and i appeal all hindu brothers and sisters to unite one umbrella and please avoid hatism in questions or answers against other religions, and also on other members. The other members also our great hindu members only. The great poet Bharati said '' There was a white cat in my house It gave birth to kittens each a different colour They were all different shades of white brown and grey Irrespective of what colour they are aren’t they all the same kind Is it fair to say one colour is superior to the other? ''. All are equal and no difference among the members. If we unite, we will be strong. so, please help hinduism. if you don't like please be calm and don't show hatism.

    i am proud in giving the poem.

    Vellai nirathoru poonai – engal Veettil valarudu kandeer

    Pillaigal petradu poonai – avai Perukku oru niramagum

    Saambal niram oru kutti – karun Chaandu niram oru kutti

    Paambu niram oru kutti – vellai Paalin niram our kutti

    Enda niram irundalum – avai Yaavum ore taram andro

    Inda niram siridendrum – idu Etram endru sollalamo?

    why Bharati is telling all this ? To whom he spent his energy and time ? Do he got computers at that time ? He said for us. He wanted us to unite. He expressed his his desire through his poem. Is it not our duty to follow his advice ?

    No role for language here, no role for caste here, no role for hatism here. only love, affection, and co-operation is needed of this hour.

  • 1 decade ago


    A nice Question to answer.....

    For Technical Questions, I choose the answer that is clearly defined and answered!!!!

    In case of funny Questions, I choose whichever impresses me most or which gets the maximum thumbs up!!

    In serious Questions, though I try to choose answers which suits the best, most times I end up in choosing the one which reciprocate my thoughts!!!!

    In few cases, people tend to choose the answer which reveals the lighter part of the real answer.. That may impress them to be chosen!!!

    Again, I have a different opinion about your thoughts on those who do not know how to select..

    They may not ask a Question!!!

    Leaving for voting is more horrible!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i will come with details. i find good answers from Geyamala madam, and all will agree that she is beyond comments and such a level madam keeps her profile. Next, it is true mathangi rani never see partiality which even her enemy also know it and enjoyed the benefits as seen from the questions. i don't want to comment about others and not mr bull. Mr Bull is a play boy and suddenly taking saint avatar by his super religious questions. He never see partiality which i know very well from the questions. Moreover, he is very plain and talk openly without caring comments. it is very rare to find from others. Regarding the asker, he respects who respect him, but he keeps distance in Q & A this. Myself ? coming soon.

    Source(s): *
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people do it for point gaming and select completely irrelevant and useless answer either to give points to a friend, or to insult another user or after taking 5 pegs of whisky (only asker can tell);_ylt=Al...

    Pasupathiji please dont mind my little prank and if you are still angry with me for some reasons, tell me I will send best rum to you from my Defence quota !LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    i think you are absolutely right.

    in my view all answers are good, except the answers in which obscene and abusive language is used.

    There are no good or bad answers but only expression of different opinions.

    I do not like to drag my name into controversy by pointing out how a bad or worst answer is chosen as the best by some people.

    For the questions asked by me in language section, i myself check whether they are properly translated or not and then put them for voting if all the answers are good.

    For the questions asked by me seeking information in psychology, i carefully read all the answers and put them for voting if all the answers are good.

    Some times i ask questions to solve my own problems in psychology section, then i select that answer which helped me solving my problem.

    when i get all good answers, i immediately put them for voting and upto now, only good answers are selected as the best by the voters who are more wiser than me.

    When i feel i have not got correct information, i delete my question.

    The shelf life of a question for Indian section is one day and for yahoo international four hours.

    As there is every danger of a not so good answer being selected as the best due to multiple ids voting,, i put them for voting immediately after four hours after it is posted.

    For me, whether my answer is selected is as the best or not important, but to what extent my message was sent is important.

    but luckily, most of the questioners respected my views and i found no bias in their judgment.

    But sometimes, though there are some answers which are excellent , if the person asking the question differs ideologically, may not be selected as the best.

    The other factors that influence the mind of the asker are halo effect, language skills, accepting our ideology, being our contact and several factors.

    But i do not think the people who have vast knowledge and indeed great people in their practical life, do not care who gets the best answer.

    but there is danger that they would stop contributing to that particular person who fails to give proper judgment.

    I stopped answering to the questions of some people who do not care even to read them and always were put for voting by yahoo team.


    Psychologists and philosophers say the human behaviour is controlled by passions and emotions and man does not always behave rationally.

    Source(s): my questions and answers
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