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traveler asked in SportsFantasy Sports · 1 decade ago

Vincent Jackson, if you own him would you drop him yet?

I was in an early draft and at that time thought Jackson would sign but looking like that might not happen and even if he does will miss a good portion of the season. Drop or Keep? I tried to trade but nobody is biting.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Keep him because there is a chance that he will return in Week 11. If he holds out past Week 10, then he will automatically lose out on any money he was supposed to get paid this season. If he really wants some money then he will be back in Week 11 and when he is on the field he is a fantasy force. It will take him a couple games to get back into the swing of things by he should be all-set by the time the fantasy playoffs come around.

    I personally think he will sit out the season, though, so I wouldn't draft him. But since you have him already I say that you should keep him just in case he comes back or until you see a really hot free agent you want after the season starts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    keep, he'll sign for sure. DONT drop him, way too early...lots of players or trades and also injuries. your crazy if u drop him.

    Source(s): just my opinion but the upside is waaay too big to drop.
  • colts
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    hold him till his suspension is over and if he holds out for a few weeks let him go

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