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How do I get rid of a bed bug infestation?

My fiancee and I live in an apartment and we suddenly got bed bugs about 3 months ago. When we tell management about it they just do this half *** spray job at the walls.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very tricky if you don't do it properly and while you procrastinate, they're multiplying. I reckon bit the bullet and burn it.

  • Olivia
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Bed bugs are one of the hardest bugs to get rid of and unfortunately, you have an infestation. Exterminators sometimes, don't get the job done the way we do for the prices we don't love. However, by following the steps I give you, the infestation may be easily removed!

    1) Vacuum your apartment EVERY DAY, and concentrate on the infested areas. Wipe, and disinfect areas that can be cleaned. Basically, KEEP CLEAN...more than EVER.

    2) Never have clothes, blankets, jackets, food, or anything that bed bugs could possibly infest.

    3) Wash all bedding compartments like pillow covers, sheets, covers, blankets, duvets, shams, anything that can be washed.

    4) Cover your mattress, box-springs, and pillows with bed-bug proof covers:

    5) Spray "Bedlam" all over the mattress/boxspring, headboard, bed legs, behind the bed, under the bed, rugs, and all areas where bed bugs will be likely be hiding in.

    6) Apply around corners of the infested room:

    7) Sprinkle around edges and corners of rooms and bed.

    Continuously clean, every week, treat, and you should be fine. With all these steps, your bed bugs will most likely be gone from a month to 3 months. It takes lots of patience!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    * Call in the professionals. At the first sign of bed bugs, you should clean everything in the immediate area and call in people to spray things down. Try to find where they are coming from before you call people in, and try putting double sided tape around parts of your room to try and see where the are coming in from. Once you have called in professional people, follow their instructions exactly.

    * One doctor told me to change the bed twice a week, and wash the sheets in hot water; also wash my pajamas the same way. Make sure that you dry the clothes and sheets in the dryer and not on a clothes line.

    * Treating or discarding any paper products, and loose sheets of paper may help, as bed bugs don't only like fabric.

    * I got rid of mine with a high powered steam cleaner. These can be bought for around $50. You first need to find out where they are coming from. I started by going through all the cracks and spraying hot steam into them for 2-3 seconds. I had to do that every week for about 2 months, and I have not seen any again.

    * I got rid of my problem using Pronto. It is specially made for bedbugs and dust mites. This product is about $8 per can.

    * You need to wash every cloth item in the house from bedding and PJ's to curtains, and everyday clothing. Thick items like a pillow or comforter might take much longer than an hour to safely kill bed bugs in the dryer. And it is the long time in the dryer, not the washing machine, that will really ensure they are dead. Nevertheless once clothing and linens are brought home, they must be kept in sealed, airtight bags (for example, XL Ziploc or carefully sealed space bags). Dry cleaning is alright for delicate which cannot be washed and dried for an hour on Hot, but you must tell the dry cleaner the item is infested with bed bugs (otherwise they can reinvest you and others). And when you bring dry cleaning home, it also must be sealed as the other items are (dry cleaning bags are not airtight and thus not sufficient.)

    * One of the products I found that was very useful is Steri-Fab, which you spray almost everywhere: your mattress, clothes and even carpets. Also using natural products (such as Rest Easy) is a good idea too, taking these types of product when your traveling so that you don't bring them back with you. Getting box spring and mattress encasements is a good idea: it not only helps eliminate them, but helps prevent them. If you try to cover your mattress and box spring with plastic, the bed bugs will just chew right through it. Spraying the mattress and putting dust into the holes in the sides of the mattress before covering the infested mattress is a good idea.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hot-air is the safest and most reliable way to get rid of them. Call a professional they will heat the house to 140 degrees and keep it there for a few hours that will kill adults as well as eggs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    have you googled it??? googling this question is the gonna get you the best answer. if you have suggest hoovering the mattress, sheet, quilt pillow cases etc....hoover the floor around the bed and spray some stuff on it spray it everywhere around that area...give it 1 week if they havent left home yet seek possibly pharmacy advise im not sure...ask your friends or family they might know

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    steam clean or get a new bed

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey there,

    Call the exterminator. They will handle it best.

    For more information:

  • Hilary
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    call the pro back

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    deport illegals.

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