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How do you select a best answer?

I have no idea. haha i just started on here so I have no clue

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    After a minimum of four hours and at least one answer, return to the question, click the best answer button below the answer you choose then follow the prompts to rate and comment. it's always a good idea to do that because asking the question cost you 5 points and you will get 3 points back for choosing the best answer which makes the question resolved. After four days if you haven't chosen best answer it goes to voting and the community chooses. The voting period is two days after that the answer having the most number of votes wins and the question is considered resolved.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to wait 4 hours after posting not 1. And dont worry its not an annoying question. All you have to do is after 4 hours click the question you asked and under each answer you received will be a blue box saying something like choose as best answer. Just click the one you like the best and after that you have to rate it from a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being best, and then you tell why you picked it ( I usually just say thanks in that box). Hope I helped.

    Source(s): me
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    To choose a Best Answer to your question:-

    You must wait for a minimum of one hour or more.

    Click onto your question.

    Read through each answer and decide which one is the best answer.

    Once you have chosen your Best Answer, click the blue button underneath the answer "Choose as Best Answer".

    Rate the answer by the number of stars.

    Comment on the answer if you want to.

    Click OK

    You have 5 points deducted when you ask a question, but you earn 3 points back for choosing the Best Answer.

    The answerer that you have chosen as the best answer will automatically get 10 points.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Very annoying question but....wait one hour after posting.....then under every the button...then tell them how much you like answer....

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