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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceInsurance · 1 decade ago

Do you think it is wrong for insurance companies to deny people for being to fat, skinny old?

People have been denied by insurance for being to thin, old, having diabetes. Do you think this is wrong. Yes. they have been facts are down below.

Why do people not want a we instead of me in healthcare?

What do you think of Americas health care system? I think the insurance companies charge to much for drugs. I have seen insurance companies turn people down for cancer treatment because they ''are to young to have cervix cancer.'' I have seen hospitals dump people off the hospital bed once they can not pay the bill. One lady had Alzheimer she did not know were she was when they dumped her. Another one had a broken hip and open stitches, broken collar bone. The hospital kicked her out of the bed and put her in a cab pushed her out of it. They did not even tell her where she was going.

Whats funny is the only place in America that has universal health care is guantanamo bay. The only people who do get universal health care is the people who blew up the twin towers. When Bush passed a bill saying it was good health care for the older folks. He really gave the drugs to the insurance companies it was a bill they passed saying they can charge what ever price they want to on drugs.

Bush even congratulated a 60 year old woman for working three jobs. Just to pay for her medications. She should be resting NOT WORKING! I think we should do socialist health care. It works for Europe, France they get right in and out.

I am a college 19 year old that works my butt off! I come from a wealthy family. I had insurance but they did not pay for my operation for my appendix. Now if I did not have allot money in the bank. I would of never been ale to go to school like I am now.I never be able to go to school when I am in hospital debt.

It all started in 1971 with president Nixon was on the phone. He wnated a way to get money. The other guy on the phone like well we can just cut back health care. So that's what the insurance companies do now. Their has been people that have been denied to get paid for their (cancer treatment) because they had a east-infection in their passed.

How well a society treats those that can not take care of themselves. Is what it says about that society. Everyone says I work for my money. Well, is it fair to make a 60 year old work three jobs to pay for medicine. One medical mess up most people can not go to college. Everyone says republicans are for those who work. Jut because people do not come from good families. Should they get denied health care?

We are 27 on the list of health care.We have a higher infant death rate than Somalia. Everyone says my thinking is socialistic that's right before communist. Well, it does not decide who gets health care who does not. Insurance companies already do that. the insurance company bought out our government to pass the law to have control of all drugs. One day you could get cancer need a quarter of a million dollar operation. The insurance company could deny you for saying ''it is experimental''.Is it fair to say you should of worked for your money?

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Facts it is based on


I saw it in the film but still.

10 Answers

  • Zarnev
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sicko has a gross profit of $36,088,030 to date. Moore's contract awards him 50% of profit. Too bad he hasn't donated that profit for health care.

    You are right, it did start in the 70's. Teddy Kennedy, with the support of Nixon, sponsored the HMO act which set the stage for today's problems.

    Source(s): Independent Agent
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well what we (the public) need to do is make a huge deal out of this... Because it really is.. She was fully covered by the company.. I don't understand how a liver transplant is "experimental".. especially because the doctors knew there was no chance of survival without it. There have been protests against the company.. one i think was spiraled by Mark Kirakos.. But it needs to receive a lot more attention.. I think a petition would be a great idea... Would it change anything in terms of legislation? No... But if we make a big enough deal out of it, other insurance companies may be more careful with situations like these... I'm Armenian, so I fallowed the story from the beginning.. It really saddened me to hear that she'd passed

  • 1 decade ago

    Rather strange conclusions. Everyone on Medicare and Medicaid has universal health care. Everybody in the military gets universal health care. Congress has universal health care. It's not just the people at Guantanamo.

    At it's most basic level the whole problem with health care in the US is mainly a problem of adverse selection. You can look up that term in Wikipedia but basically it means that as insurance gets more expensive a correlation starts to exist and get stronger between who needs it and who's likely to buy it. It's the same reason that say, damage waiver insurance is so expensive when you rent a car. The people that buy it are mainly the ones who are most likely to end up wrecking the car.

    Source(s): Claims Adjuster
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its called capitalism with the united stated the ceo of major companies want to make load of money. the average ceo make over 55 times the average worker. the people in the hospitls want to make money and when somone cant pay there bill they deny yu like if you want some food but you had no money they would not give the food to you.the drug maker pay off high level head in the government to make sure there will not be any universal health care because if they did people would sto investing and they would lose money. all it comes down to is they ar greedy dont care about anyone except them selfs even thought they say there helping people they really arn't. he in canada no one is turned down even if your not from this country on a trip you break your back they will help you out. watch michael moore's other movie Capitalism: A Love Story in which it shows how capitalism is effecting society but i do believe that obama will give you guys some kind of health care. many companies such as proctor and gamnbal and walmart put life insurence policies on there worker because incase they dies they make millions of dollars on they so watch Capitalism: A Love Story it will tell you why your health care system sucks!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it's fair. No one should be FORCED into a business transaction with someone else, where they have to LOSE money. It's a form of slavery.

    Should YOU be forced to paint my house for $25? No? But that's not fair! My house needs to be painted! So why is it fair to force a business to sell a product for less money than it costs THEM to make it? What if it were your business, and you were selling hot dogs, that cost you $.25 each . . . should you be forced to sell them by the case, for the same $.25?

    I think you are severely misinformed.

    Insurance is ALL about "we", not "me". It's based on large groups of people with similar characteristics, and the estimated claims costs of the group are divided among the group. When politicians interfere, and say, "oh, you cannot charge more than $800 per person for insurance", then the only way a company can stay in business, is to refuse to write insurance on people whose expected claims are WELL in excess of that $800 a month. That would typically be the elderly, the obese, the ill.

    Insurance companies do NOT "charge" for drugs. Pharmaceutical companies charge for drugs. Insurance companies do NOT "turn down cancer treatments". Not in the US, anyway - but the delays for chemo in countries with socialized medicine, like Canada, or the UK, mean that many cancer patients die before their turn for treament comes up.

    Hospitals are NOT "free nursing homes". They cannot treat people for free, any more than you can run a hot dog stand and give all your dogs away for free.

    Guess you're not watching the news much - the UK is trying to move OUT of socialized medicine, because it's NOT working. You haven't seen the lines for services in Canada? France, people pay 21% income tax ONLY for health care, and they ran $9 BILLION in debt, last year only. Oh, and their population is about 64,000,000 - six percent of the population in the usa. Extrapolated, if applied to the USA, IF everyone's income taxes got another 21% tacked on (like that's going to happen - 50% of our population pays NO income tax), we'd have $150 billion in debt added, EVERY YEAR.

    Our maternity statistics suck. That's because almost half our babies are born by c-section, because it makes more money for the doctor, hospital, and cuts down on malpractice judgements. But the USA has the absolute LOWEST cancer death rates in the entire world.

    Everyone who can afford it, comes to the USA for cancer treatment. They sure don't go to France.

    Don't let the politicians and socialists fool you - health care is NOT a right. Food is not a right. If you have to choose, food is more important than health care. Don't talk about free healthcare for all, until we've got free food for all. Anything else is hypocritical, and working towards an alternate agenda.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Guantanamo Bay is not in the U.S.

    2. "Based on" fact means "not fact", in other words "fiction".

    3. New York tried not allowing insurance companies to deny anyone insurance. The insurance companies raised the prices there so high that there were more, not fewer, uninsured individuals as a result. Letting the insurance companies deny insurance to a few, and keep their prices down, keeps most of the country insured. If they cannot deny anyone, and prices go so high that almost no one can afford insurance, that is worse.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all...'too' is the word you're looking for.

    Secondly...nobody goes to Somalia to become a doctor...they go to Hopkins and many of the other great American hospitals.

    People in other countries come HERE to get health care because it's better. 27th on whose list?

    Yes, if you're fat, then you're part of the problem...not part of the solution.

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We wont have that problem by 2014 when everyone can be insured regardless of medical conditon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe you should become an "Activist" or "High Priestess of The Universe...

    (If you run for President, I'll vote for ya'...)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For a 19-year-old college student, you claim to have "seen" quite a lot.;

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