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do you think i may be losing my touch when it comes to best answers?

i was at 11%...i'm down to 10% now.


sombra...i know that....but am i losing my touch ? thanks.

Update 2:

t.d not mine

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your total points are similar to mine but you've done 3 times as many Answers.

    I can't see your Q&As but I would guess you're giving answers in random categories. If you select 3 categories where you actually have knowledge or experience, you have a much better chance of getting Best Answer.

    Also avoid questions that require opinions rather than facts. They attract bigger crowds of answerers and this makes it more difficult for you to be chosen if the question goes to voting.

    If you continue to add a large number of new answers without any being chosen as Best Answer, your percentage will drop.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Contrary to your first answer, if you have 2 best answers out of five, you have 40% best answers, not 20%.

    Yahoo uses a strange system where if you have 10.99999% best answer, they round it down to 10%, not up to 11%. I'm sure you're still pretty close, and if you get a few more best answers, you'll be back up to 11 percent very quickly.

    And no, you are not losing your touch.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you're top Yahoo solutions has lost it relatively is touch because of each and all the violation notices and account suspensions which makes human beings no longer want to return around all that a lot anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know where you are coming from, Cliff. I was up yo 17%. Now I think I am at 14%. The ones who have

    high percentages have a lot of help from their contacts. It does not seem that important anymore.

    Source(s): mind of mine
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Cliff, when did you start worrying about best answer percentages? (((HUG)))

    The problem with this whole setup is... people HAVE to pick just ONE best answer.

    I am forced to choose, when I truly prefer to just have people know I thought all answers were deserving

    of best answers. Most who know me, know I have never liked the idea of choosing one over others or the whole damn points and level crap.

    Many here don't answer just to help or for fun, they do it for the game of winning.

    If I could give you all of mine, I would. They are just numbers forced to be because of this game called Yahoo.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are not losing your touch at all. You are a funny fella and i wouldnt worry about the best answer % . Maybe you havent been on as much lately so that would affect it.

    *sticks boobs out* cliff has a feel* abbie says ohhh that feels nice ...see ? you havent lost your magic touch at all ;)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No ... it's simple math.

    If you answer 4 questions and 2 of them get Best Answer, you have a 50% BA rating. If you answer just one more question and it does NOT get BA, your BA% is now at 20%.

    Obviously, the more questions you answer, the more answers it takes to shift your BA% up or down.

    ADDED: Yes of COURSE it's 40%, not 20%. I'd lie and say that was a typo but ... it was a brain fart. Maybe math isn't so simple for me after all.

  • Rama
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yahoo is a mode of passion machine. you will sure be losing your touch as anything good in the mode of passion will unless you are playing somewhat a power game ( i know it is sad )

    me? grateful just to have a room..... lol

    Source(s): advanced countries in our age ( KaliYuga) are under the mode of passion whereas they used to be under the mode of goodness. o' well....
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dont worry about losing your touch Just keep entertaining us with your great questions

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    i think that all the time + nobody listens to what i say + i end up voting my answers Best Answer all the time

    Source(s): watching NY1
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