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Why does everyone hate Fred Phelps?
I know that they can be a bit extreme, but doesn't everyone have the right to free speech in this country? Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean its wrong. He is telling the truth after all, the Bible does say that gays will burn in hell. And I think we should celebrate the signs as it shows our democracy.
6 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
If Fred Phelps stopped there, I wouldn't hate him. But he doesn't stop there.
* Picketed a funeral of a fallen heterosexual serviceman, claiming that this is what he deserved for fighting for a country who tolerated homosexuality.
* Has been accused by his daughters of sexually abusing them.
* Threw his gay son out of the house because he discovered his homosexuality.
* Has been investigated on more than one occasion for physically abusing his children.
* Pickets signs indicating that "God Hates America" and prays and waits for our destruction.
* Picketed a funeral of a gay college student who was murdered in the State of Washington and actually "praised God" for this act of hate and violence.
* Preaches hate in the name of a loving God.
* Even many Christians disapprove of Fred Phelps. Why don't you post this in "Religion and Spirituality" section and see what responses you receive there? He is such an extremists that those that dislike him is far beyond the homosexual community, but the Christian community as well. What does THAT tell you?
- ?Lv 41 decade ago
there is absolutely wrong with people having their own beliefs or opinions, or nothing wrong with freedom of speech
but there is no reason to spread hatred just to get your point across
its no just even in the gay community.. when people protest with words like GOD HATES YOUR DEAD SOLDIER.. really... thats what freedom of speech means?
for example
i believe that he will be in hell right along with me for his judgment on others
but that is my personal opinion, and my personal belief.....and i dont shout it from street corners to get my point accross
there is no reason for the immaturity
and dear, the bible says alot of things, are you going to sit here and say you live your life 110% according to what the bible says to do and dont do?
- Anonymous1 decade ago
He says God hates f@gs. If they knew anything about God, they would know that God doesn't hate anyone. Not only that but he's a dumbass. saying that soldiers should die because there are gays in the U.S. is so ridiculous, I don't know how one could believe anything he says.
- MSU69Lv 61 decade ago
As man who claims to man of religion, he preaches hate, intolerance and bigotry.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
I don't hate him I think he is a national treasure.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
i don't hate him,,, i pity the fool,,, and his little girl too...