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Since African immigrants outgraduate African Americans?

Does this prove that it's about culture and not race? Even European immigrants outgraduate White Americans.....

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I honestly think its the "slave mentality" that keeps many Blacks down.

    In addition to the poverty, crime and high prison rates of African Americans, they seem to have an attitude that they'll never have a shot at success "just because I'm Black". Its really a bullshit excuse to fail at life.

    Believe it or not many of the problems in the African American community are self inflicted. The White Man didn't make you flunk out of high school.

  • 1 decade ago

    It actually doesn't prove or disprove either, because there's several reasons for that which are completely unrelated to race or culture.

    1) Immigration is a self-selective process. Places like Africa, Asia and the Middle East are far away and require a great deal of money in order to simply travel here to the United States from those regions. Because of that fact, only the middle and upper-classes of those nations even have enough money to come here in the first place, and those people tend to be better educated and more business-savy on average.

    2) Many people from African countries come here SPECIFICALLY to go to school, so naturally their graduation rates and educational attainments are gonna be higher than in the United States.

    If culture was the deciding factor for whether or not a group would be successful, it still doesn't explain why the most successful minorities generally come from nations where the educational rate, economic growth, and poverty rate are abysmal.

  • 1 decade ago

    I partly agree with, Africans have not endured the crap blacks in the U.S. or in the western world where they were held as slaves went through. Jim Crow basically ended mid-60s. We have to undo about 400 years of slavery and segregation and discrimination. However, the responsibility also lies in the people themselves. Many blacks have the hegelian mentality. They act as if they were slaves themselves. They act as if the white race owed them something. Or that secretly everybod is against them.

    The past cannot be changed but the future can still be salvaged. And every race has gone through several hardships. Not just blacks. Every immigrant here is basically starting from nothing and has to work their way up. This is good because it keeps us on our toes. It makes us competitive like African and asian immigrants who have done well.

    I think culture is far more influential than race. Race is not something we choose, it's just there. Race simply determines how we would look not how we would think, act, feel, or live our lives. Culture controls many of those things. So sociologists and teachers should try and focus more on cultural differences than racial tensions or struggles.

    Source(s): first-generation immigrant
  • 1 decade ago

    I think so. Americans are slacking educational wise. Even in school people make fun of the nerds and praise the football players. Funny how people say Asians are the model minority and yet Africans are doing even better than them. THEY are the model minority. At my school it's a small amount of Asians and Africans, but they are always highest ranked. They want to be smart and they want to do something. Their parents are on their backs constantly, but in the end it's worth it. That's also true, too. Both groups are have had a different history so it may be because of that also.

    EDIT: I agree once again. In a short time they have become more successful now imagine if they had an even longer time....

    EDIT: When I say they WANT to be smart I don't mean other groups don't I just mean that they seem more dedicated. To me it's more about if you really want an education or not. because if so then you'll try your hardest to succeed.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    having blacks as slaves was quite possibly the biggest social experiment in the world. It wasnt necessarily the was the abuse...unmentionable torture that blacks endured at the hands of whites which caused generational damage on the postpartum level. Then later there was the busting up of successful black neighborhoods in the name of urban renewal that forced a lot of blacks into "the hood" and then the government pumped drugs into the same said hood.

    Africans have to deal with corruption at the governmental level but still they are intact in terms of family and basic self esteem, yet they still suffer from being under white domination as well. History books tell of Euopean nations trying to figure out what to do with "the dark continent" Who will be next in line to rape her and destroy her people. So now we have puppet leaders there.

    Anyway yes it has to do with culture.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually it proves neither. The percentage of African immigrants students in America are lower than African Americans in general. So basically, you comparing a smaller group to a larger group. Plus, African students are not attending impoverished areas and schools. Being said, most of them attend good schools due to their location.

    It has nothing to with culture. There are many African Americans graduating with degrees, earning nice size salary and living an opulent lifestyle. So, it's really a culture. Plus, look at Africa in general. People raping babies, genocide, exploitation and slew of other hellish activities going on over there. So, it it really a cultural difference?

    For the idiots saying African and Asian want to be smart. So, you are saying African Americans want to be dumb? Highly misleading and ethnocentric, right? Now, look at all the countries outside of the U.S. Like Haiti, Uganda, and other black countries. To see, none of them could compare themselves to African Americans. Our GDP is higher than of them, created, millionaires, billionaires, Fortune 500 companies, Pulitzer Prize winners and such. Hardly any of them could match that or a fraction. So, it's really culture?

    How many Jamaican billionaires are there? Exactly.

    Edit***Being African American 'we' do not going around believing White Americans owe us something. I'm African American, I should know, right? Yes, American Apartheid ended 40 odd years ago. So, what do you expect to change within one generation? We made more progress than any other group in this country. Especially the discrimination, we deal with. Just because, Black immigrants are whites favorite or lap dogs. We don't go around, believing we're better, but I have to say. My view on Black immigrants is starting to change. I do believe no African American should help any of them out. Especially some their worthless countries, right?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You question is half right and wrong. We dont dispell the myth of racism cause racism is real, we dispell the myth of "no hope". Africans come here arrogant as f*ck cause they excel and hoard $$$. They make it, some are already accomplished back at home and they go back to retire while others are dirt poor back home and come here to make it. There are black american people out there doing greater things than yourself and me as well. I just wish there was more of them. Black americans should be as infectious as the jews.

  • 1 decade ago

    It proves that it is the history. Africans didn't go through the same things African Americans did in this country. They aren't under the impressions of Willie Lynch. They don't live with the reprucusions of slavery or the Jm Crow era. They aren't brain washed by the media of images telling them how they should behave.

    Yes, you do have a point about the culture. My father's culture (Nigerian) is much different than my mother's (African-American), but if AA's didn't endure the opressive history they have then they would suceed along with Africans.

    @So Sydney explain to me how you expect 38 million people to change their culture? You are always so eloquent in you answers and I'm sure that you are knowledgeable in African culture and African dispora culture so please elaborate.

    @Sydney How many African immigrants do you see in the hood? How many African immigrants do you see in the South Side of Chicago or Detriot? In Queens, Brooklyn, South Central, Compton? Please. Most African immigrants live in the Suburbs not the inner city ghettoes. So you cannot compare the status of an African immigrant to an African American. And Xavier? What does his opinion have to do with the matter. The FACT is that if African American didn't endure the history they had in this country they will have excelled even faster than they have now. Jim Crow a generation ago and in that short time we have AA surgeons, judges, lawyeres, professors, etc. Now imagine if black people weren't opressed. Imagine how much farther we might be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Both race and culture play a part. I find it funny when someone like you sees an intelligent African immigrant and you get excited and make a puppy puddle. Africa has 1,000,010,000 PEOPLE. What percent of them become educated immigrants? Just some perspective.

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree with If african americans would just adopt the ways of africans then they would be graduating at a high rate as well.

    History only explains tensions between races, not which race does or doesn't graduate highschool. Besides like you said, if european immigrants outgraduate white americans then it is about culture, not which race went through what.

    @ If you want to say that african immigrants go to different schools or neighborhoods from regular african americans then I will understand it. But if they go to the same school and live in the same neighborhoods then it is because one is motivated and the other isn't. Most asians seem to do pretty well but some are lazy as hell and some of them are immigrants. Likewise some hispanics who are immigrants themselves do bad at school while some do really well even if they come from the same background.

    It is based off culture and how the parents raise their kids or the expectations they have of them. Also look at this question.;_ylt=Avq8G...

    Even xavier agrees with the asker and he has done his fair share of questions that are of criticism towards whites and he admits that what she is saying is true.

    Again if you want to say that many african americans live in impoverished neighborhoods and that african immigrants live in better off neighborhoods then I'll believe it. Otherwise if they BOTH live in the same neighborhoods and go to the same schools then it IS a matter of which one has motivation and which one doesn't.

    @ Thank you for clarifying that up. Then NOW it makes. NOW that you made it clear that they both live in different neighborhoods, THAT explains it then.

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