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Coming out to friends - advice?

I've known i'm gay for a while, but have kept it a secret until now. I want to tell my friends (not my family, I'm still in High School, & they are really homophobic) but I am really scared. My friends are all really accepting, but I am still mortified too, so I was wondering what are some other peoples stories about telling there friends, and advice on it. thanks =D

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would recommend doing it when you are really ready. You sound pretty ready, (congrats on your decision by the way) I think most people do it that way. Friends first, then family. For MOST people.. not all, family will eh kinda have to accept it. Its not A CHOICE. You deserve to feel relief, you deserve to be accepted 100% for who you are. Just remember, you don't owe ANYONE an explanation, this is who you are, so just love yourself and everyone else will love you too. ( you will be able to put it into words best )

    Source(s): been there :)
  • Josuan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There are quite a few ways to approach this. Personally, I told my best friend. I went to his house, and told him before hand that there was something I really needed to talk to him about. He got a little worried but I told him not to. I visit him and his parents were leaving, so it was perfect, it was just us. We talked for a bit, then I mentioned the conversation, and he got all worried again. And I beat around the bush... for about three minutes (oh, it's not thaaaaat much of a problem, it isn't that itisn't a problem, but it's personal, but I'm fine and you shouldn't worry, I might have to though. It isn't serious, but it's, well, serious but not grave serious...). My friend was very patient, and then I finally told him. He looked at me and I think he was waiting for something else. His face didn't change or anything, it wasn't like, I knew it all along, or I can't believe it... he was just, "you know what, I don't really care. It doesn't matter."

    I felt a load come off my chest but I still held the load on my back for a year and a half, until I came out to my parents. From there, who cares, I'm out now.

  • 1 decade ago

    tell them you care about them a have something to tell them. then do it. let the info soak in for a second then it helps to end with a joke like " and gentlemen if your worried i'll hit on you don't flatter your self that's just EW WWW" don't be surprised if the guys of the group tend to lean away for a time their just trying to find a new balance to the rules of the info ( like can or should they say certain things around you like "dude that movie was totally gay!" ). All and all the true friends will stick by you.

  • 1 decade ago

    my closest friend told me in a text message. of course, she lives several thousand miles away so this was an acceptable method... tell friends individually or in very small groups. that's what she did at school, her parents have noooo idea. tell them when you're having fun, not when they're stressed because it can be a distraction (not in a bad way, kinda like chocolate cake, but it makes them think for a while).

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  • 1 decade ago

    i'm sooo glad i came out but my parents and friends are super accepting and did not give a crap so that is good. if i were you i would not come out to anyone that would spread it around the school or **** like that...also i would wait to tell you parents of your sexuality because they could be really accepting or they could send you to straight camp but these are extremes. another point if your parents are paying for education after high school the fact that your not straight might push them to not pay and cut you off i hope it works out...<3

  • 1 decade ago

    If they are your real friends then you should be fine telling them, I have had a friend for 4 years and when he came out he was so much happier. Everyone of my friends accepted him and he became a lot closer to me and a few other people. It should be very beneficial for you and your friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    The way I did it was I told my friends that I was crushing on someone, and, when they asked who, I just said, "Oh. This girl Lillie". I didn't make a big deal out of it, almost passing it off as nothing major. They didn't freak out; they either said, "Okay" or "Aww! It's a girl? That's so CUTE!" XD

    Don't freak out. If they're REALLY your friends, they'll accept you. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    this is what i would do.. if they are true friends they would not care.. my brother is also gay and he is 24 and he just came out and told us and we didn't care just do it when you are ready to and when you think it is right if they were really your friends they would not care and neither should your family they should still love you because you would not be any different.. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    when i told my best friend we we're talking about celebrities and i threw in a few i knew were bi and then added that i was too she was cool with it after the first person they get easier to tell

    hope everything goes well for you

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Keep your mouth closed

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