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Why do so many working mom answers get TDs?

I myself am a working mom and I have noticed that almost any answer (unless it's to a question pertaining specifically to working moms) that includes the fact that I work will get at least a couple of TDs, if not half a dozen or more. I have also noticed this of other peoples' answers. I understand that the parenting section of Y!A is primarily SAHMs, but is there really that much judging against working moms going on? Are there really people who think a working mother is a bad mother? Why would someone feel this way, other than because they're one of those people who thinks THEIR way is the ONLY right way? I just find it hard to believe that there are really people here who genuinely believe that working for a living and raising a family is bad parenting. That's just so snobby and ignorant.


It's an especially sore spot for me (and for many other working mothers, I'm sure) because I feel that SAHMs are the LUCKIEST WOMEN ON EARTH. lol I know that it's hard work and it's not like they're on vacation...but do you know what I would do to be able to stay home with my daughter? So having them look down on me for working to support her just adds insult to injury.

Update 2:

Melissa - OMG If I could TD your answer more than once I would. Did you even READ the question? Nowhere did I say or even imply that I'm "super" for working, if anything I am merely UNFORUNATE. On the other hand, I don't get where some SAHMs get the idea that a working mother's house is clean and the cooking is done and that her baby is cared for 24/7 by someone else. My daughter is with the sitter for 5 hours a day, I work for 8 and when I get home, ALL of that mothering, home keeper stuff is there waiting for me. I don't work so that we can be rich, or so that I can have something to do, I work so that we can survive and my daughter isn't raised in poverty.

Update 3:

Oh and all you're doing is rubbing your good fortune in the faces of mothers who don't have husbands who can support them on one income. What do you get out of it? You're not "better" because you are lucky enough to have that option, so it shouldn't give you an ego boost...your husband should be proud, but not you. You're just cruel.

Update 4:

I shouldn't be proud of myself for working for a living when time with my daughter is sacrificed, but she should for having a husband who makes a good living. LOLOLOLOL OK!

What a tw@t.

Update 5:

Mrs. H - By your logic, what is the point of women ever working at all? Or even going to school and learning anything other than childcare if that's all they're good for and that's their sole purpose in life? Are you freaking serious right now? That is the most anti-progressive crap I've ever heard and I honestly think it's a tragedy that some people still think this way.

Update 6:

Ummm, because the only way I wouldn't be able to afford my child is if I didn't work. LOL Are you stupid? My daughter has everything she needs and wants, including 2 very loving, devoted parents. I guarantee that she will never feel neglected simply because her mother (like billions of other mothers) works very hard to care for her.

Update 7:

I'm getting married at the COURTHOUSE and I'm not TTC #2 for another 2 years. As it's obvious you aren't even literate, I'm just going to disregard everything you've said as the half coherent ramblings of a bored, uppity moron. If the shoe fits wear it sister.

Update 8:

Aly and Becca's Mommy - I would never dream of forcing my man into taking a second job, to where he would get a few hours a WEEK with our daughter, just that I could selfishly spend ALL of my time with her.

Update 9:

Thanks to all who starred this and who answered without ignorant judgements and holier than thou attitudes. I have many contacts who are SAHMs and I treat them with the respect they deserve and I would never in a million years look down on a SAHM for not supporting the family financially. As I have said numerous times, they are fortunate and I envy them. But it just floors me that there are *some* out there who look down their noses at mothers who work out of some misplaced sense of superiority and pride in something they didn't do anything to accomplish. Those women are ugly through and through (for what other reason to do it is there besides being straight up mean?) and I truly pity their children.

Update 10:

"...instead of palming them off like some orhpan." OMG, really? Palming? Perhaps you should reconsider your decision to stay home and maybe finish highschool. Oh and it doesn't appear that I'm the only one who doesn't buy that you have this fantasy dream life of supporting your entire family of 6 by working only a few hours a week from home. It's really a shame you feel like you need to lie to justify your situation to a bunch of faceless people on the internet. Get.A.Clue.

36 Answers

  • Vb
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow @ how much interest the question has received!

    I'm a bit late and wasn't going to answer as I've kind of missed the boat here but I read some of the answers and just wanted to say.,...

    To the people slating working mothers, are you seriously saying that, had you not been in the fortunate position of being able to stay at home with your child then you would never have had kids? It's all well and good to say that people should wait until they are financially stable before having kids but for some this is never going to happen - both parents do sometimes HAVE to work. Also people can be as careful as they like but accidents DO happen and some babies are unplanned - what do you suggest these people do? Scrounge off the benefit system and have other people go out to work so that they don't have to?

    It is because we are on the internet so people can be faceless and say whatever they like and often things that they would never dare say in the real world, but seriously some people need to wise up and start seeing things from more than one point of view. It's ridiculous that there is this divide with every aspect of parenting - breastfeeding/formula, working mothers/SAHM etc etc. Some parents have to work, others are lucky enough to stay at home - whatever, the majority of us work hard doing what we do to give our kids the best.

    I also fail to see how someone can work from home and earn enough to support their whole family whilst still giving their children all the attention that they claim to. I am currently in the early stages of starting a business from home and I can tell you - when my little boy is awake, there is no getting ANY work done and when this business finally starts making money I will have no choice but to work in the day and find a babysitter (luckily for me that will be my mum) for at least part of the week. The person that claims to support her whole family financially whilst working from home - I would be interested to know how you do this. Do your kids sit in a playpen all day? Stuck in front of the television? Because I just don't buy that you can support your whole family by working only when your kids are asleep. And if you are working whilst they are awake then I'm afraid this makes you a working mum - not all your time is devoted to your children. Or perhaps you support your family through benefits (I don't know?) in which case maybe you are trying to justify why you do not go out to work but survive off people who do.

    Anyways like I said we all do what we have to for our kids and Leah, I know from your other Q and A that you work mega hard holding down a full-time job whilst being a mother and even going home form work in the day so that you can still breastfeed. You should be proud of yourself and the sacrifices you have made for your family, ignore the narrow-minded people on here :)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    More than knowing the person, I'd like to know why I got a thumbs-down, because sometimes I have no idea and it makes me worry that I have a fact wrong in my answer. I think they ought to be able to anonymously leave a reason. That would also help if someone really needed to fact-check and gave someone wrong information. I wonder why some people give EVERYONE who answers the same question thumbs-down, regardless of their answers. You can usually tell who it is then--the one person without a thumbs-down!

  • 1 decade ago

    Man...people are nutts!!! I give props to Mothers who care for their babies...whether you work or not, do your best. There are SAHM who do nothing all day long, and working Moms who don't see their kids all day, pick them up and they go straight to bed every day, same same....THEN...

    there are SAHM's who do playgroups, bake cookies, clean and do laundry, dinner are loved and happy. Working like maniacs as soon as they get off, rush to pick up their precious little person(s) carry them the whole time while cooking dinner, and save the cleanings for the weekends. Just trying to make a living to pay for bills and be responsible. Not all bills are created equal!

    Source(s): Use to work...ripped my heart out, so I stayed home and took care of my precious baby. I had the choice, and I'm thankful I did. ; ) Be kind to others, everyone is fighting some kind of battle...
  • cLaU
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Wow.. it is pretty intense in here lol. Don't take TDs so seriously in here. People always have different opinions, don't take it too personally.

    If you really have to work to support your daughter, then do so, and do not feel offended by what other people think.

    I also think a woman should continue to have a social life, and talk to adults on a regular basis. I love being with my daughter, but also need some social life, which you only get when you work/go to school. It doesn't matter whether we need the money or not, a woman also has a right to contribute to society.

    If SAHMs are happy of staying home, then that's them. But it isn't the 19th century anymore when women stay at home all day. Time changes.. Children also benefit from having relationships with other people, and be able to play with other kids, instead of only seeing the mother all day. I go to school only twice a week, but I really love that my daughter is being able to spend some time with my family, she gets bored when it's only me and her at home. Mothers and kids need other distractions as well.

    Even though having children is the best thing in the world, it doesn't mean we have to quit doing things in life.

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  • 1 decade ago

    They are ignorant & think that there way is better. Just turn your cheek & don't let it bug you. You're doing whats best for little Ari. That's all that matters. The same thing happens to me if I mention in an answer that I'm a teen mommy. I've gotten hate mail before about it. "shrugs" I'm not going to let it bother me. Yes I had Lola young. But does that make me any less of a mother? Nope! Some people are just so set in there ways, whatever. To each there own I guess. If we don't let it bother us than maybe they will stop bugging us! One can hope...

    Anyway honey don't let it bother you. Just ignore it. You're a great mother & that's all that matters =)

    ETA- Not all daycares are horrible. Yes there are many out there that are. BUT there are some that are wonderful. I work at a small in home daycare center. It's me & two other women that work there (one owns the house where the daycare is located). We watch 5 children (6 including my daughter. She goes to work with me to interact with the other LO's). Many of the parents agree that this is the best daycare that there children have been.

    It's because all of us that work there are moms. We understand the kids because we have kids. There are 3 of us for 6 kids so that each child is cared for properly. We WANT & STRIVE to be the best. So please Mrs.H don't say all daycares are bad. There are some wonderful ones out there, you just have to know where to look.

  • Sorry, just one question for Melissa <3 Mum of 4 <3. You said you only work a couple hours a week and your husband doesn't work. So you provide the entire income for your family of 6? What exactly do you do, sell crack? I don't know any job that would provide enough for a family of 6 by only putting in 2 hours of work a week.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a SAHM, but I most certainly do not look down on working moms, my own mother was a working mother as she had no choice since my father ran off as soon as he found out she was pregnant with me, but I was in the care of my loving grandmother when my mother couldn't be there.

    I know my mother feels horrible for having to work so much of my childhood, but I know she did it to provide the best for me, and so while I am a SAHM i have the up most respect for working moms.

    Man this is a hot topic on here, some people on here have some very strong opinions on this subject, and some of them are very high and mighty and just plain ridiculous.

    - Amy

  • 1 decade ago

    Girl! OMG People are so rude and mean. If you gotta work, you gotta work... You don't seem like one of those women who are only out for their career, so screw what they think. What some SAHM don't understand about LADIES like you, is that you WORK HARDER than them because you got 2+ jobs! I am not knocking SAHM, because my mom was, but she was fortunate enough that we got her all the time... we were never rich by any means, but we had her... God bless you and your family! <333 Always remember, YOU GOTTA DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOUR FAMILY! ALL FAMILIES AREN'T THE SAME! :D

  • 1 decade ago

    Girl hold your head up high! I'm a SAHM and I don't judge anyone for not being one. Some people judge me for not going back to work so people always find something to complain about. My mother was a single working mother and we went to daycare. Come on people we can't all be clones and do the same things LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    I am right there with you lady. I'm a working mom too and would give anything to be a SAHM. We just can't do it it takes both incomes to support her and ourselves. Each day I drop her off w/ my sis I feel so sad but lucky to cuz at least she is with her auntie and her 4 year old cousin. It would be even worse for me if she was in Day care. I miss her all day then when I get home she is in the worst mood cuz she is hungry and tired. Sometimes I fake sick just to spend the day with her. I can't afford it but do once in a while just cuz I miss her so freakin much and love to snuggle bug her in the am. For all the SAHM you are lucky and I hope you all truly appreciate that you have a wonderful oppertunity. Thanks for bringing this up. sorry to rant!!!

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