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Ramadan: If a person is BORN with hormonal imbalance?

That makes him/her confused about what sex he/she is. And that person is not merely a crossdresser (the ones whom Prophet(s.a.w)) has cursed. But rather this is something that has to do with the birth, which we have no control over.

People who cross dress still know that they are male (if they have a male body) and vice versa. Islam accepts people who have been born with both sexual organs and even has completely different fiqh issues for them. So whats the case with people who have this condition?

Please have proofs to back up your answer :)

Jazaak Allahu Khiren for answering.


@ first answerer:

I'm curious you know, what does Islam say for these kinda people?

Update 2:

Walking the path:

Please check that link. Though it doesn't say anything about being "born" with hormonal imbalance. I'd like to know more about these people who say they are this way by birth.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i support denver and am a friend of his .......................her or what ever though just became friends with him so give me the BA XD!!!!


  • 5 years ago

    no longer a intercourse substitute. Hormonal imbalances must be corrected. Having medical melancholy does not make suicide ok. Having a limp does not make amputation ok. Having a foul week does not make forsaking faith ok. in case you experience that a intercourse substitute is the only way you could focus greater on your faith and much less on your actual variety, it somewhat is between you and Allah. I won't choose. yet do no longer question me to lie and say that that's ok. i'm able to't assist you know that. All i'm able to declare is that I understand and could no longer choose you as that's no longer my place.

  • 1 decade ago

    As salaam, Denver.

    Insha'Allah, such medical conditions are treatable and the proper hormonal balance can be restored wihtout going through a "sex change" operation.

    As to the obvious psychological issues, therapy is always an option and it can help if the person really wants to be helped and therein lies the "rub" (i.e., if the person wants to be helped instead of merely seeking attention by endless post asking the same questions over and over and never listening to the now!)

    ma'a salaam

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It has nothing to do with birth, it is a psychological disorder. This is common knowledge, and Denver has already admitted he was born 100% male, there is no third gender exception here. Stop defending kuffar.

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  • 1 decade ago

    yes, Allah claimed in his quran that he made person with both sex that female and male, prophet do not cursed them because they re god creation that they never wished to have both organ sex that they called qunsa, for them have a place to them in heaven if they were pious to Allah, prophet and Allah only cursed people who already have one sex that want to change it into the opposite, it completely haram

  • 1 decade ago

    Allahumma aafana.

    m not sure about it. infact i do not noe anyfing about it. but i heard many sahaba from ahel suffa had this problem.

    salam alaikum.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I liked the video of Jihad, denver should watch that! It might help him/her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sister please show some proof from Hadith or Quran about this fiq issue

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my video will clarify that so no one needs to talk about this stupid thing anymore

  • n...
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    LMAO great, another Denver.....

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