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Computer problems with ASUS mothboard. Socket 478.?

Not sure of the motherboard model because its a neighbors. I think it was something like P48 or P4B. Worked fine one day and would not even turn on the next. Removed everything but necessary items. Got it to power on when you remove 1 or more of the 3 ram chips. Thought it was them causing the problem but you can interchange them and only using 1 or 2 the computer will still power on but not with all 3 installed. There is no video signal when it powers on now with only 1 or 2 ram chips installed. Could this be a power issue and just need to replace the power supply?

1 Answer

  • Karz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If it does not beep once, it is not booting at all. Try powering ON with NO RAM installed. If no repeating error beeps, processor is not powering at all. Issue could be with 12V power supply to motherboard or the motherboard's voltage regulator MOSFETs. Also check for bulging capacitor near the processor.

    If PC gives the error beeps, processor is powering up. Try resetting CMOS. Also try cleaning the contact pins of the RAM modules with the eraser tip of a pencil.

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