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Hey Republicans and Democrats?

"National Security Used As Pretext to Confiscate Samples and Notes On Dispersant, Homeland Security Works For BP?"

"I’m an adjunct professor here at A&M, and we were also in the Gulf, but got thrown out. We were testing a theory that the chemical composition of the dispersant they were using was causing the oil to sink. And we’d been there for approximately three days, and federal agents flat told us to get out. And it wasn’t Fish and Wildlife officers. These were Homeland Security officers, and we were told that it was in the interest of national security.

So basically The Department of Homeland Security is working FOR BP!? This is open treason and should be prosecuted accordingly! If this was just a normal oil disaster why would Homeland Security be confiscating scientific samples?"

This is why we were opposed to Homeland Gestapo, the Patriot Acts I and II, the Military Commissions Act, TARP, and all the rest of the excrement coming out of Capitol Hill. See? We told you it would be a dictatorship! What did YOU think would happen?

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work in a futile effort to try to pay for Bush's wars and Obamacare. %$^#.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no offense but this surprises you how? i know that at least three generations now have openly said this is happening within our government yet for some reason it still shocks people.... why?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well Is that Why People are supporting TEA Party Candidates proof Feingold the lone Senators Voting against the Patriot Act It would spread Ignorance and Hate to Muslims tied vs a Tea Party Member in Wisconsin while Christine O'Donnell in Delaware beats mike Castle a Member of the GOP Leadership council, I don't think the damage was done by them they tried to stop what you have just said the people are being replaced here well do more damage then already done.

    Politics and Government Equally as Jaded.

  • guido
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i can only go by the information you give, and by the information given on the website you listed.

    first..what, on God's green earth would be the cover up, the treason, the conspiracy behind anything having to do with the dispersant? let's make some things up here to try to make it fit..

    1. if the dispersant, i don't see why that would be covered up..

    2. if the dispersant didn't

    3. if the dispersant was deadly poison......i think we would have heard of some result of that scenerio..

    4. if the diepersant made the oil there either..

    i look at your question, any posibble scenerio, the website that you quoted where commentors are are suggesting execution of Bush, Chaney and Rumsfeld.....perhaps you are just a stupid socialist anti-government constiracy pinhead....

    maybe you were acting radically as your question and site have suggested and homeland security was suspicious, and confiscated things that were questionalble..perhaps they thought your samples my not be samples, but devices... being in a disaster zone is a bit different than the classroom, there has to be a bit more "martial law" mentality, if your little boat of radicals were making a scene they probably put an end to the nonesense.

  • Scotty
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    This is one of the reasons why I'm an Independent...and if they get any worse I'll change to another party, but it won't be Rep or Dem!!!

    I know nothing about the site I clicked on and this is the first I've heard of this, but that barrier they put up is odd looking because there are people 'inside' of it on the beach??? There's NOTHING that suprises me about anything nowdays.

    That's all I'll say until I here more information on this!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    it quite is dazzling analyzing the questions & solutions in this section lol Alot of people view political figures like professional wrestlers lol After a huge election, the winner's supporters like rubbing salt into the injuries of the supporters of the dropping candidate. i do no longer care the place you stand politically, it quite is an enormously shameful act. there is not any such component as civility anymore. no one respectfully disagree's with one yet another anymore. Why can we try this to a minimum of one yet another? What can we actually earnings? the only component I see are human beings's ego's being inflated because of the fact their candidate gained. basically like while Obama gained. human beings thought component's have been immediately going to alter for the extra desirable over nighttime lol President Obama is basically human. he's no longer a superhero! And as a techniques because of the fact the election effects this nighttime in Massachusetts is going, congrats to Scott Brown. i desire he does a reliable activity in that state. yet human beings, on the two aspects of the political spectrum, you are able to desire to loosen up, ok? To the human beings who hate Obama's guts, you made your voice be heard. solid for you! i desire the discomfort you have felt on the grounds that Obama grew to become into elected President has long gone away. yet Obama remains the President. And he ain't going no the place any time quickly. i'm sorry. Get use to it. To the human beings who voted for President Obama & proceed to assist him, please don't be discouraged. issues take time to get precise. he's no longer broken with the help of the end results of the election in Massachusetts. he remains the President lol So do no longer complication. enable his detractors have their day interior the sunlight. it quite is all a remember of opinion. None individuals are going to accept as true with one yet another one hundred% p.c. of the time. that's basically how issues are. we are all American's right here. And as quickly as we stop viewing one yet another because of the fact the enemy (because of the fact we don't proportion the comparable political,religious or social perspectives) we are able to be alot happier & extra healthy u . s . a ..

  • 1 decade ago

    Typical Liberal rant!! You need to do more teaching than running around getting in somebody's way playing games and spending taxpayers money.

    Have a nice day!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Reagan warned that if the Government says "we're here to help," be wary.

  • 1 decade ago

    So what are you? Are you in the "green party?"

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