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No Shortage asked in Social ScienceSociology · 1 decade ago

What are the benefits of being middle aged?

I used to love getting older, but as the years go on it isn't as fun as it used to be.

I'm old enough to have attended the funerals of friends, I've seen babies whose diapers I've changed have their own babies, and I'm watching the health and strength of older loved ones fail. This morning, yet again, I opened the paper to find that an old friend with whom I had lost touch has passed away. A few months ago I went to the doctor and he said my problems are "degenerative" and "age related."

I forgot what the benefits of getting older are. Can you remind me of some of them?


Thank you for the great answers. I appreciate all of them.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You get better seats at funerals.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your reflections -and the subsequent question that comes from that- indicate another passage of the journey of life. Of course, along with this passage comes the discovery that some of the things we thought about -possibly even idealized- before we actually made the journey- are now viewed through a different lens ... not a "bad" or "wrong" lens, simply a different one.

    If, as the philosophers throughout time have indicated, our species has a dawn and morning, then an mid- and late afternoon, and then an evening and night, and that is all wrapped up into a life-span, then you seem to be observing your life -and the lives (including those who pass away) of those around you- from the perspective of sometime in the afternoon. That point-of-view can be a mixed blessing as it positions you to look back -and ahead- with a sense of appreciation as well as apprehension.

    Most of the comments to your post offer sage advice -and examples- some tinged with humor, and that, a sense-of-self that includes a sense-of-humor (for me, anyway) seems to be the predominant benefit. That is, a comfortable and confident place in my world, my passage, my time and space, that is a by-product of those earlier years (dawn and morning ... maybe even mid-day) where the quest seemed more to find myself first and enjoy the passage later.

    The middle years -generally- are accompanied by the knowledge and security that there's little need to "find ourselves" anymore and also realizing we can now enjoy the passage while it is happening.

    And finally, one of the true benefits of getting older is that our "reflections" seem stronger and poignant ... there's a beauty in that and that's something we don't experience when we're younger.

    Have fun!

  • radish
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    well you get closer to being 'old' which is a great period of life ..still with those same circumstance you've described, but somehow a sense of freedom, as in "its all going downhill so 'what the hell' ".


    Can't see so well, so it doesn't matter if I dont the clean the house today, so I can focus more on what's on at the local cinema, Or : got a back ache so I can stay in bed all day reading the latest book from the lbrary, read Harry Potter for the third time, watch a 'gulity pleasure' DVD, and.maybe a glass of brandy might do better than those pills.

    That doctor was just cheating (by generalisation); we are all degenerating from the moment we're born. Unless he, too, was encouraging you to accept our mortality and dont fight it but enjoy it.

    Friends do disappear...there's no upside to that.... but social energies could be displaced into one or more of the websites getting you to harass the polticians about key issues. eg Get Up,

    Just being able , as you've done here, to ask provocative questions on Yahoo Answers a pleasure to be treasured

  • 1 decade ago

    From a psychological standpoint, we are considered to be at our healthiest if, as we pass through life, we become (even) more focused on others and the world around us, looking to service and fulfill the needs of others over our own.

    I suppose in this way, our minds are distracted from degenerative and age-related diseases.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well for starters if you have children then they should be close to being on their own or have left the nest already.

    Second you are ready to start planning your retirement and get to see more of the world.

    Third you know what things you enjoy and what you dislike and can enjoy life more.

    Live life to the fullest and enjoy it every day.

  • 1 decade ago

    you can always take up drinking again like you did when you were young! =p but if your credits good you can go get a nice looking car, boat whatever go see the world, don't dwell on life just have fun with it! we're all gonna pass someday how would people remember you by? hope I helped! =)

  • Nikki
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    For starters, knowing what you like so you don't have to waste time trying things you don't. And good memories....

  • bozieu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No benefits:with O'Bama you live like during the middle age!!!!LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    retirement f you have the money and good health to enjoy it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Besides not dying young....I'm not seeing too much there.

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