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rcpeabody1 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Did German Shepherd/border collie hunt down my dog for me?

I was at the fenced off-leash dog park, and it was getting late, but my beagle wouldn't come to me. I knew he was nearby but he was on a scent and it was getting dark enough that I didn't even know where he was. The only other dog at the park was a 9 month old German Shepherd/Border collie cross. I said to him, "Milo, where's Prince? Find Prince!" He went off and came back a few minutes later with my beagle. Was this a coincidence, or would a puppy who barely knew me or my dog be able to figure out what I wanted and do it? If he did, I'd decided I like dogs for their companionship, not their intelligence, but I may change my mind. Thanks.

Also -- I'd really be happy if people answered the question who actually understand what I'm talking about and have experience with herding dogs. Thanks


As far as details go -- we were at a fenced dog park. That means the entire area was enclosed with a -- here it is -- fence. That's the only reason I'd ever let my beagle off-leash. As far as getting him back without random strange dogs helping me, I should have rounded him up earlier, and I should have had treats in the car to encourage him to come to me. He's been better lately about coming when called, but I know he was feeling especially beaglish that evening.

I think you're probably right that it had more to do with getting the dog running around than his using an actual strategy. The border collie mix was a puppy, after all, only nine months. Still, who knows, some dogs can be very smart.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, absolutely!

    I have heard some wild stories about things herding dogs have done - some of them dogs that have been born here - and if I hadn't seem some things as you describe, I might not have believed it myself.

    Herding dogs can be far more intelligent in terms of problem solving than most people with no herding dog experience would think. It is those of us who live with herding dogs who know it is not only possible - it is likely.

    A good herding dog can recognize a problem without being asked to solve, and have the situation rectified before you know it! And yes, they absolutely DO listen, understand, and do things that people describe. Ask any police officer with a K-9, or any farmer with a working stockdog. Or for that matter, the little red dog in my avatar.

    Source(s): many years raising and rescuing fluffy herding dogs
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would not say that dogs are dumb compared to humans they are just dog smart... He put together that you could not find prince and you were calling the other dogs name and if he has learned the meaning of "go get it" he put it together and found prince for you...

    I have an aussie, I have not trained her to herd but she does fairly well at putting the chickens away and running them off the porch. She is very very smart, and sneaky, once you leave the house she will get into the food, ate a whole entire ham once!

    Since german shepherds are very good search and rescue dogs and since both border collies and german shepherds are 2 of the smartest dog breeds I would say that it was very capable of knowing what you wanted!

    Or it could have just been getting excited from your tone of voice and went to play with prince and so prince decided to come back to you...

    @Erica - He said that it was part german shepherd, right? obviously you do not know enough about search and rescue dog or you would know that german shepherds are the most popular and capable search and rescue dogs...

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel like this is a coincidence because while both my German Shepherds and my Border Collie mix are extremely intelligent, I don't see them understanding the name of a dog they've never met. They definitely know each others names so it could be a possibility I guess. Maybe your tone of voice got him excited and he just ran in the other direction, and then came running back to you, and then your dog decided to follow or was coming back to you anyway? Still a really interesting story.

    Source(s): years of dog ownership
  • Unless the dog was trained, then no. You hit the nail on the head when you said "herding" dogs. These dogs heard, not search and rescue. Unless the dog was *trained* to find your dog, etc... then it's just a coincidence. The dog didn't know you OR your dog, so there's no way the dog could "just figure out what you wanted". Dogs aren't people, they don't think or listen like people. They need training to do things like this.

    ETA: Wanted to add that you're incredibly lucky you got the dog back at all. A beagle on a scent can go MILES from the owner. You might want to think about keeping better track of your dog next time before you DON'T get him back.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think of that 5 canines for one guy or woman is lots. we've 3 human beings and seven canines (3 are mine in my view, 2 my mom's and 2 my brother's). we are interior the agility worldwide, so we don't have distinctive canines to them, however the final public thinks we've a ton :) It does sound such as you have the room and function carried out the study, yet my question is how do you plan to workout and mentally stimulate each and each of your canines on your guy or woman? We prepare each and each of our very own canines and this is complicated for me to get the three and supply them each and each of adequate psychological stimulation. all of us have Jack Russells and Border Collies and that they must have their jobs :) in any different case they stress us nuts! It in some circumstances takes extra desirable than in basic terms working around. So in basic terms one thing so you might evaluate. If I have been you, i could in all threat seem into yet another Golden or a Shepherd. i in my view do no longer in basic terms like the Huskys via Northern breed tendency to be complicated headed. Goldens and Shepherds opt to thrill their human beings and are very dependable. So there is my opinion and solid success on your canines seek!

  • 1 decade ago

    well my dog plays a game hes a german sheperd in the woods by mine my sister and all her friends will hide behind all different places trees and bushes... children he hardly knows... ill tell him to go and find the kids and he will find every child whats with us.. and bring them all back to me ... there very clever dogs and learn very quickly... i dont think he would have understood you but ur tone might have been storng sent the puppy away and ur dog just followed strange hey! x

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Since the dog didn't know you or your dog well, I doubt it. You can teach a dog to do things like that though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Who knows how much dogs really understand and know what's going on. Could very well be he did understand you.

  • 1 decade ago

    just plain luck

  • 1 decade ago


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