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mesmerized asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Side effects of spaying?

I have read up on all the aspects of getting my female canine spayed. And taken vets' advice.

But the thing that periodically crops up is anecdotal mentions of a female canine getting snappish and less friendly around other canines.

What side effects/personality changes have you seen in your female canine after spaying?


10 Answers

  • 12345
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People who say there are no possible side effects are lying or extremely misinformed.

    For personality, there should not be any side effects. Spaying affects the ability to reproduce, not behavior.

    As for medical side effects, here is an article that outlines risks and benefits

  • 1 decade ago

    Over the years we several female dogs and we have always had them spayed and having them spayed hasn't changed there personality at all . They have all been great dogs with both humans and other dogs. It is great you are reading up but you do need to becareful there is so much rubbish out there on dogs. I would always recommend having dogs done not only does it stop unwanted puppies but it also prevents several deadly cancers and other life threating problems. .

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been a breeder for 20 years and a dog owner for even longer. I have never had a dogs disposition change into aggression after spaying or neutering. I have had an aggressive ***** become a much gentler and easier to live with female after spaying.

    Source(s): Breeder
  • 1 decade ago

    I work for a vet and I have never seen any of the dogs we've spayed become snappish or less friendly to other dogs. If anything, spaying should make them LESS snappish or dog-aggressive as they no longer have a fluctuating cycle of hormones making them b!tchy. It is NORMAL to some degree for dogs to be less open to other dogs as they age. As puppies they are very open to change in pack dynamics but as they become older their "pack" becomes more clearly defined and they are less open to including new dogs into that circle. For some dogs, this simply means they don't play as hard with new dogs as they once did but for others it means they can become downright aggressive to dogs they don't know.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have had dozens of dogs neutered, male and female, and have never seen a negative personality change. I work with a shelter that has had hundreds of dogs neutered, and have seen nothing there, either.

    Frankly, I have only seen one personality change at all..... a nasty male who became much better afterwards.

    I have heard of dogs whose coat changed for the worse, but have never experienced it.

    Source(s): lots o dogs
  • 1 decade ago

    i have heard this too, the dog produces less oestrogen (i think that's the right hormone, some hormone anyway) and it is this hormone that supposedly make female dogs more calmer than male dogs.

    i have also heard that if your dog is not aggressive pre-spaying then she will remain the same afterwards but if she is aggressive before spaying then she will be likely to become more aggressive.

    i think the second one is more likely to be a myth.

    but in my personal experience my female dog was absolutely fine afterwards, her personality did not change whatsoever.

  • 1 decade ago

    None at all.

    My female dog (why the over use of the word canine? 'Dog' is perfectly fine) is a lot healthier and well trained than a female dog allowed to come into heat over and over again until she ended up 'accidentally' pregnant or developing cancer.

    Spaying has NOTHING to do with behaviour, good or bad. Only training will help behaviour either way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had my ***** spayed several years ago and saw only positive behavior changes - such as not humping my pillows anymore. That change took place over a whole year. Otherwise she's the same great gal I bought 5 years ago.

    Source(s): Proud Boston Terrier Owner
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've had no problems with my dog, she is okay with other dogs and has had no effects from being spayed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats not true. Most dogs are friendlier. Spaying doesn't change dogs at all. They may play more and be more lovey, I know my dog did. Other than that he's the same dog.

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