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Primary goal of education? Help next generation find jobs, or "social justice" and "progress" under socialism?

I am tired of the left using big fancy words like "social justice", "progress", and "fair trade not free trade" when they really want to bring us closer to socialism where individual rights are sacrificed to the collective.

Why do all children need to go to school when some of them are clearly not suitable for advanced mathematics and engineering?

Should we do away with useless majors like art history, sociology, philosophy, etc. where all they teach is anti-american bunk in the first place?

Why not put failing students in a trade school?

What should the primary function of an education be?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The primary goal of education should be to teach kids how to think, how to learn and enough basics to function at least at a rudimentary level.

    There is none of that currently. Right now it is all about what to think. Or better put, indoctrination.

    Schools should focus on math, reading and writing. These should be mandatory all through the education process. And then at various points throw in history and science.

    The majors you mentioned should not be eliminated, but they should not be available before the college level.

    And your point about some people simply not being capable of college level work is valid. There is NOTHING wrong with learning a trade. These folks perform services as valid as, and frankly more valuable than, those in academia. In fact, it is the better than thou attitude from those in academia who perpetuate that particular stereotype. Probably out of some sense of guilt that THEY are in a "take from society" position rather than a "give to" position. So they started indoctrinating people into thinking that if you're not smart like us, you will have to go to a trade school. And you wouldn't want that now, would you?

  • 1 decade ago

    The primary goal should be a full, well-rounded education producing a well informed citizenry. That's vital to a strong democratic system. It's pretty sad to see someone refer to art, sociology and philosophy as useless.

    Trade school is a joke. It interferes with gaining the knowledge needed to living a full and satisfying life. After people complete high school, they can join an apprenticeship program is that's the way they want to earn a living.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the primary goal of education should be to produce people capable of thinking for themselves and recognizing that "social justice", "progress", and "fair trade not free trade" are not "big fancy words." "We don't need no fancy edumacation" seems to be the rallying cry of the right these days. Only liberals can benefit from conservatives rejecting education.

  • 1 decade ago

    The purpose of an education system is to give BASIC skills to the children so that they ALL have the same opportunity to succeed in life. The purpose of education is not SUPPOSED to be to proselytize for socialist causes that the teachers believe, they are only SUPPOSED to teach the basics that the child will need to know to make his/her own choices in life.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Contrary to popular belief, schools are not just a form of free training for corporate America. It's not our only responsibility to provide companies with ready skilled workers for them to use and abuse. Helping people "find" jobs that don't exist is not going to help.

    We need to bring in socialism for there to actually be jobs for people to find. Raw capitalism doesn't need 25% of Americans to work. Since the consumer base is shrinking, they make money serving fewer people. How?

    55% of income growth is in the top 1%, so they go where the money is, they cater to the wealthy.

    So, by, yes "spreading the wealth" evil I know, but when you do that, they have to serve everybody, not just the rich.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thomas Jefferson on education:

    "A system of general education, which shall reach every description of our citizens from the richest to the poorest, as it was the earliest, so will it be the latest of all the public concerns in which I shall permit myself to take an interest."

    "Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government."

  • 1 decade ago

    I truly hope you are a troll, and that you don't actually believe this.

    I like this quote from Jean Piaget:

    “The principle goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done - men who are creative, inventive and discoverers”

    Some goals of education:

    Give children a wide range of academic knowledge to assist them in today's society. Learning the same subjects universally in American schools supports a common culture within society. (I'm guessing you think this sounds like socialism.)

    To train students to perform specific jobs within different industries. The country needs people trained to do specific jobs within industry.

    To help children learn to be civic minded, to be aware of how government works and what their relationship to it is. (I don't know, maybe you think this sounds like socialism, too.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It should provide the general population with the ability to recognize fools, and attention seekers that are concerned with seeking attention and NOT facts

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jobs. No more. No less. Anything more is interference.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The primary goal seems to be providing employment for unskilled union workers.

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