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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceRenting & Real Estate · 1 decade ago

Helping my mom find a rental, can a landlord do this?

I own so haven't had to deal with this for a long time, and it just seems strange. I responded to an ad about a home she was interested in renting, asking questions about the location, etc. because the ad lacks these important details. Rather than responding to any questions, the landlord referred me to page on Equifax where you can get a free copy of your own credit report, and said that he requires prospective tenants print out their own report to have in hand when they meet with him for "application" before he lets anyone look at the house.

I'm hoping that this is just a very rude person making the assumption that his property couldn't possibly be turned down by prospective renters, and this property will certainly be passed over by ME because I smell trouble or a scam already....but since she is looking to me for help I think I should prepare myself for the possibilities.

Can a landlord require that you consent to letting them run your credit before you even decide that you want to rent from them, i.e. view the home or apartment? I'm not about to let anyone see or run my mothers personal info unnecessarily, it just seems ridiculous.

Can a landlord require that the prospective renter provide the credit report? I have seen plenty of ads that have an application fee to cover such expenses, I assumed this practice was solely the landlord's responsibility?

And lastly, since most everyone seems to require this information-how can we ensure that her private information remains private? Since the 70's it has been law that only a government agency can REQUIRE private info such as a SSN, but this is of course is a voluntary contract on both ends...

I am more comfortable supplying this info to a bank than to Joe Schmoe with one rent house. Can anyone really require this information without passing some criteria or qualifications?


*ahem* I'm not asking if a landlord can require a credit check, if you'll kindly read my question the "bum" implication isn't necessary.

Update 2:

thanks for the responses

I am obviously not clear in my query, as I mean "require to give SSN" in the sense that this is a voluntary contract (so are drs, etc), in that if either party refuses they just don't enter into the contract. I simply included this statement to usurp the replies that just told me to go elsewhere and forget this guy as almost everyone requires the check anyway, voluntary or not.

My concern is about the privacy of personal info with the rate of identity theft today. Are there no governing laws/rules as to the qualifications of the person checking your credit? This stuck in my craw because it is an individual demanding personal info before he would even answer simple questions about the property for me to ascertain whether we were interested to begin with. I can try to discern who is reputable, but I don't like the idea of her SSN floating around with so many prospects if the need to collect it is normally this early in the game.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is not standard & quite rude but not illegal. It would not be breaking any laws to require an application & credit check before looking at the place but most landlords do not do it that way. Most landlords will show you the place before demanding an application & credit check. It is also legal to require the tenant to provide a credit report although this is also not common practice. In fact many landlords will not accept a credit report provided by a tenant. Most landlords prefer to run their own checks. The government is NOT the only one that can require your ss#. Landlords can require it & doctors do too. Landlords are required by law to keep this info private & protected. If they do not & you can prove it then you can sue them.

    This guy does sound like a jerk. Just keep looking until you find a landlord without anal cranial displacement.

    EDIT: "Are there no governing laws/rules as to the qualifications of the person checking your credit?" Nope. A private landlord is not required to qualify in anyway, take any classes & are not regulated but they still have every right to get a tenant's ss#. If they do anything with it but check her credit all you can do is sue them.

    If she wants to rent any place she is going to have to give her ss#. It may not seem fair & you may not like it but that is how it works.

    Source(s): I'm a property manager.
  • 1 decade ago

    I have been a rental manager for 25 years and it is common that we do credit checks at the applicant interview along with rental history and criminal backround checks. it's my right. I'm not renting to you unless you pass all 3. I am however happy to show you an apartment and talk before we do the reports, but we need to start them that day. I do charge an application fee to pay for these reports, sounds like she's just trying to save you the fee. keep in mind that rental properties suffer many looses by not fully checking out applicants in advance. And yes we require SS numbers. If someone comes to my office and doesnt want to furnish the information I need I will simply go to the next person in line.

  • 1 decade ago

    Landlords do often ask for a SSN. We used to, but quit a few years ago - I just wasn't comfortable holding this information. I tend to agree with you that one's SSN is in too many places, and landlords are not regulated enough to know where that information might end up.

    I do ask to see a driver's license/passport to verify ID, but rely more on current income and student loans (and criminal background checks) than past credit history. BUT that's because we Iive in a state where I can evict rather quickly (within 2 weeks) for non-payment. I've had more than one bankrupt tenant. They know to pay me or get evicted.

    I'm afraid my answer though is the same as the others, but I'd still pass on this guy and find someone else.

    Source(s): 20 years as a landlord
  • 1 decade ago

    YES, of course, he can do a credit check. Look at it from HIS perspective. HE wants to be PAID each month and a great many landlord have had problems with bums who either can't or won't pay the rent. ALSO, he is trusting someone with HIS property and he would like to get that propery back in good condition.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, he can require that you prove you are acceptable before he wastes his time.

    They can absolutely require the SSN. You can decline to supply it but that gives them a damn good reason to decline to rent to your mother.

    If she wants to live where this is not required she is going to be living in a slum house in the ghetto.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are being scammed for your personal information. Hire a realtor to ensure you are dealing with a legitimate landlord

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