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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

What are your opinions of the Government continuing to finance National Public Radio?

I feel it's a been a huge waste of funds for years now. Government overreaching at it's finest and most wasteful....Audio/Video welfare.

If people want NPR to continue and PBS for that matter, then let them stand on their own (free enterprise, capitalism WHAT a concept!!!!!)

What are your thoughts?


Really JWB and ncsufan and james? Even if it's only 1%, 5%, or even only 10% comes from the Government $696,000,000 (696 million) is still a lot of money to me!!!! And to operate at a loss in spite of that money, and private donations. At least look at the facts in your links prior to posting.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    JW, Nc, James, are you kidding me?

    NPR is great cuz you can fill in the blank for "P"...Prozac, Proletariat, Propaganda, Progressive, etc.

    Everyone knows they ar egovernment funded. That is why they give nothing but lavish rectum-tasting reports and interviews with big-government liberals. Meanwhile, all of their dirt-dig-up stories are about evil corporations and Bush. The only way you can listen to this stuff is if you already believe it.

    "Those poor little stations that get their news from NPR" will have a lot more listeners if they didn't play any news at all!

    I switch the stations around a lot when I am driving. As soon as I hear that tell-tale "NPR vocal styling" giving the "news" (you know, that sedated, slow-motion, monotone orating that sounds like Ben Stein reading a romance novel, or a Tampon commercial), I switch the channel.

    NPR sucks. I've been in situations where I was a captive audience to it, so please, no one tell me I didn't give it a chance.

    Because of NPR's nearly unlistenable banter, combined with the delivery of a 7th-grader's first English class presentation, NPR would not exist without government funding. Nobody would advertise on that crap even if they were allowed.

    That's why they never tell stories about how bad it is to have large government. That's why they dig up dirt stories on anti-big-government entities.

    Source(s): Listening
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Support for NPR (National Propaganda Radio) with tax dollars is unconstitutional.

    JW B, that would be a problem because ...??? Even of only 2% of their funding comes from a tax dollar funded entity, they are receiving tax dollars in violation of the Constitution. The Corp for Public Broadcasting has no right to receive any tax funding. You think so? Tell me what part of the Constitution allows it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I think Its a waste of money like our military and pork Barrel Projects They should be non for profit not government owned and operated they damage Free Enterprise theirs One thing Bill O'Reilly is useful for going after NPR and PBS they are bad people, even CBS, CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NBC are private companies so they are not the problem NPR and PBS is we shouldn't have to pay for their crap.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well since it does not happen, I'd say it is not an issue.

    NPR is a PRIVATE 501C3 corporation that receives NO direct federal funds from the government.

    The Corp for Public Broadcasting, a private, nonprofit corporation, receives funds from the government that they then can choose to distribute to community Public Access stations, NPR, PBS, and many educational and research projects such as Ready to Learn and the Children's television workshop. NPR receives at most 2% of it's funding from these grants.

    In order to "defund NPR" the government would have to stop providing funds to the Corp for Public Broadcasting and therefor defund Sesame Street, tons of community access programs and valuable projects.

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  • 4 years ago

    maximum human beings do now no longer care. i presumed Liberals have been all approximately giving human beings 2d opportunities. additionally, there is countless time between Oct. 5, 1995 and April 28, 2006. i won't have the means to tell as quickly as you're calling him a hypocrite or now no longer, yet as quickly as you're, it is honestly accessible that he stepped forward the habit sometime contained interior the ten twelve months timespan. as quickly as you're happening approximately why human beings do now no longer choose him locked up, see my first sentence.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Giving taxpayer dollars to any private industry is a joke that includes NEA, PBS

  • 1 decade ago

    They only receive 1 % of their budget from taxpayer support. It wouldn't hurt them a bit. However if may hurt the small classical stations that get NPR news.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what are you talking about? the reason for which they have constant fundraisers is so they can generate the necessary funds for basic upkeep and service. they pratically beg the public for money. what government funding? did you hear glen beck say that? be honest.

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