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Lv 7
Zain asked in TravelIndiaMumbai · 1 decade ago

Mumbai International airport to Kurla Terminus?

Kindly advise how to reach Lokmanya Tilak Railway station (Kurla Terminus) from Mumbai International airport and the distance please.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear Zain.

    The distance is about 12 km. There are multiple modes of reaching your destination:

    1. Auto

    2. Pre-paid cab

    I would suggest that you go with option 2 as I feel that you might be travelling with a lot of luggage. Ask anyone for the directions to the counter and you should be able to get a cab quite easily. I do not know how much time it will take as this is a factor that is influenced by which time of the day you are travelling.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you wish to travel in luxury: call 4422 4422 Meru Cabs. They will pick you up at LTT within few minutes of the call. The service is airconditioned and prompt. It costs more than the normal taxis but worth it.

    You can opt for normal yellow and black taxis. May cost about 200 to 250 rupees or so. Depends actually on the traffic density at the time you travel.

    If you do not have much of the luggage with you, take an autorickshaw. It travels faster than any taxi ( due to small size ) and costs less than the taxis. Time taken to travel willl be almost as a taxi would take.

    Source(s): just me
  • Mark
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Take a "Paid Taxi Service" from the airport. It will take you around 50 to 60 minutes depending on the traffic. It is about 25 kms from the airport

  • 1 decade ago

    it is around 10-15 kms.. By taxi it will take around 30-40 mins & cost around 200 Rs.

    By auto may be around 100-150 rs

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