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when the world ends in 2012?

where can i watch it streamed live on the internet?

will it also be podcast? (just in case i miss it)


my sympathies micheal khan - that chip on your shoulder must be weighing you down

8 Answers

  • Ted K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There may still be tables available to watch the broadcast at the Restaurant At the End of the Universe. Make your reservations today, you don't want to delay, 'cause they've been going fast, and there may not be many left. You'd definitely want to be one of us lucky ones who get to watch it, rather than those who get to experience it. Good luck, Don't Panic, and make sure you bring your towel.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are four things in all this that are true.

    1. The current round of the Mayan long count of days might end soon, mostly thought to be 21 or 23 December 2012. But it could be already finished or be hundreds of years in the future. This has no predictive power, it is merely a count of days.

    2. This question has been asked on Yahoo Answers at least 62,000 times and there are more than 100,000 answers saying that it is all a fake.

    3. The 2012 movie is desctructo-porn aimed at the low tastes of adolescent boys and the sort of immature adults who collect comic books. It appears to be based on the predictions for 2003 from Nancy Lieder who is either deluded or a liar, probably both.

    4. Self-described "Bible believing Christians" and the "Watchtower Society" have been predicting the end every few years since before 1840. These "prophecies" are usually based on numerology (which is a system of magic) and are accompanied by howls of how things are getting worse. But global measurements of war, crime, poverty etc show that things are actually getting better.

    Everything else is a lie including YouTube clips, Hysteria Channel "documentaries" and dozens of fraudulent websites selling books or other rubbish.

    Mayans predicted it - direct lie.

    Mayans knew anything about galaxies - direct lie.

    Planets line up, some galactic line up or other - direct lies.

    Nostradamus, Merlin, Mother Shipton - direct lies.

    Bible Codes by Michael Drosnin - Drosnin is a direct liar and that has been known since at least 1998.

    Planet X - direct lie, it failed to kill us in 2003 so the woman who invented it postponed it till 2012 to fit in with the Mayan calendar nonsense.

    Nibiru - direct lie, even the fraud who made it up says it won't be back till after 2085.

    Timewave Zero - complete nonsense. The inventor was a drug addled numerologist.

    Web bot and photon belt- direct lies.

    Revelation predicts it or Old Testament prophets predict it - direct lies.

    It all started with some relatively innocent new age drivel about the Mayan calendar supposedly ending and there would be some kind of shift of human consciousness.

    That was not scary enough to sell survival supplies, disaster shelters, guns, books, DVDs and nonsensical documentaries to unscrupulous TV transmitters. So it got turned into the end of the world for commercial purposes. Profit is the only motive, the source of the profits are gullible kids and adults who are - well you know.

    Nothing will happen, it is all fraud for money.


  • 1 decade ago

    If you are watching for the end in 2012 you are going to miss it.

    Well sort of. It's really going to come up behind you and catch you by surprise.

    Because The Bible declares the end is going to begin with the rapture on MAY 21 2011.

    The Bible is the ultimate authority on truth and today the prophecy of Daniel 12 is being fulfilled.

    ((DANIEL 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. ))

    Today the book is unsealed and knowledge is being increased almost daily. Many are running two and fro to tell the world of the pending end.

    To know 100% truth however, I can't give it to you because the rules of this forum prevent me from sending you to the websites you need to understand this very detailed study.

    You must do your own homework by searching the internet for MAY 21 2011 or WECANKNOW or FAMILY RADIO.

    Before you do, you need to sit down and say a quiet prayer to God that He leads you to His truth and protects you from people who tell you "No man knoweth the day or the hour". Yes this is written in the Bible but 1Corinthians Chapter 2 will show you that these words are for the unsaved condition of man. Saved man "Has the mind of Christ" and can know all things that are revealed by the Holy Spirit. (Read 1Cor2 and substitute "true gospel" for the word "things". Once you do you can easily see how we can know.

    Remember if you don’t pray then you are not asking for His help, you are only trying to figure it out by yourself. I promise, that will not work.

    God Bless and remember: When the end comes, He is our only hope.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, the laws of physics will have to change for any of the "predictions" to come true, since they violate the current laws of physics. And when that happens, I'm not sure how well the internet will be working.

    But if there's any way at all for it to be on Youtube, then I'm sure somebody will put up a clip.

  • 1 decade ago

    I plan to catch the inevitable reruns.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dont worry if you miss it - it's bound to be repeated on satellite :o)

  • 1 decade ago

    Hopefully it will only end for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    well number 1, it won't happen ...sadly

    number 2. NOBODY KNOWS UNTIL IT HAPPENS -________- which it wont.

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