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PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360?

Okay, so I've decided I want a next-gen console. And I was wondering which console I should get?

And I'm gonna say right now, I don't want any "Z0MG TEH PS3 IS LIEK WAI BETTUH DAN DA 360 WHICH IS S#IT!"

I want unbiased opinions from people who either own both consoles, or have at least played both. I'd rather have a list of pros and cons of both rather than someone slating one completely, or just pointing out the best bits of the other.

I'd like to know which has better games? Or, should I say, more variety?

Anyway, I'd like to know what you guys think I should get? I know the new Xbox (Kinnect-ready) is about £200, whilst the PS3 slim still stands at about £250...

Anyway, can anyone help?

Many thanks! :D

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    If you're not:

    The Xbox 360 is user friendly and is the cheaper option, It doesn't stop there! Xbox 360 creates 3D depth simulation at a much better rate than the PS3. It is better at lighting and frame rate. You can tell the difference in games like GTA IV. Xbox utilizes many things which the PS3 doesn't. For instance indie games, games which are created by the community. They're not free. But they're really cheap how does $1 sound? The games on the Xbox 360 aren't exclusive to the Xbox, because microsoft produce computers which means all of the Xbox games are released on the PC (similar OS)

    PS3. Now the PS3 Isn't bad either! It's so much better concerning the speed of connection and the graphics card is better than the Xbox 360, Only by 70mhz though. Don't be fooled by the little difference. It goes well!. Although the PS3 doesn't have indie games. It does have PS1 releases. So you can play all the nostalgic games like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro! for about $3. And not only that, the PS3 does have exclusives. like MGS4 or Heavy Rain. Great! and heres the deal do-er! PSN is free! You don't have to play to go online unlike the Xbox. although $4 a month for Top notch membership isn't bad.

    When it comes down to it. It really is just personal choice.

    EDIT: Xbox does get Red Ring of Death, this is due to neglection of maintenance. As in keeping it in a closed area at a temp' higher than 15c

    PS3 also has it's fair share of troubles. As in it's failures are system errors. Which means nothing can be stopped. It just breaks.

    Whereas RROD can be stopped by just maintenance. It's no big deal. Read the manual. it tells you what to do to stop RROD.

    Source(s): I own both consoles. and play them regularly.
  • 1 decade ago

    I do have both and I would say they are both great console systems. That said I am more of a RPG type person and I tend to play more games on my PS3 for that reason. My brother on the other hand loved multiplayer 1st person games like Halo and Lost World and he tended to play more 360 games.

    What I think it is really going to come down to is graphics capabilities (PS3 has higher capabilties) and multidisk XBox vs PS3 blue ray over the next couple of years. As games get larger and larger it can make a differance, personally I hate getting up and swapping disks and for some games it is very evident that Blue Ray shines in that regard (Star Ocean 4 on Xbox for example: the end game content required constant disk swaps vs PS3 1 disk no swaps at all).

    The other thing to consider if you are going to be active in multiplayer games is: What do your friends have? If they all have xbox and you get PS3 (or vice versa) you will not be able to play with your friends. My suggestion is go to gamestop or another game store that has machines set up try them out see if 1 stands out. Look over your old games, do you have more old ps2 games then old xbox games that may also influence your choice.

    Anyway hope this helps as an owner of both systems what I can tell you is that you will enjoy your purchase either way!

  • 1 decade ago

    How to Pick?

    Depends on gaming choices: If you like a wide variety of games from casual to serious, family friendly, etc. The Xbox is a good choice.

    More hardcore games, RPG (role playing games), and a former dedicated PS2 user? The PS3 is a great choice.

    Former Nintendo user from childhood? Want to play those old nostalgic games? Love Mario? Don’t mind moving around a bit with a controller? Nintendo Wii would be great. Much more family-oriented.

    For the Living Room as a Media Center:

    Either 360/PS3 would do (both are dvd players), although the Wii finally got native Netflix streaming installed, so that could fit your needs too. (Wii does NOT have a DVD player)

    360/PS3 both have media center capabilities. PS3 gets edge if you want BluRay movie capability for sure.

    360 gets edge for visual appeal and more choices of media content, and with Kinect, a new interface for commanding your media (Xbox: Play. Xbox: Pause)

    360 pros:

    Xbox 360

    True media center extender for Windows machines (takes local content and streams; also on-demand web content)

    Integrates with the Zune marketplace to download movies, music, tv shows.

    Netflix, LastFM, Twitter, Facebook, ESPN integration

    Xbox Live Gold: Although $60/year, provides a complete experience to playing games online, downloading demos, and accessing the content in the bullet point above. $5/month for a mass of content.

    Older consoles had serious heat issues (red ring of death) and MANY consoles had to be sent in to be fixed. This caused a big problem and turned many off to the console.

    New slimmer console released in June: sleeker, quieter, no more red ring issues, a much better built device.

    Xbox Kinect Motion Contorl released this week, and bottom line: it’s super cool.


    Famous for multimedia capabilities (Can serve as a media center in the living room. Netflix, stream media from your computer, download movies, games, etc, and a Blu-Ray player built in)

    Free online game play (although a “premium” service, Playstation Plus, is now offered that doesn’t seem worth it to us)

    Last year rebranded as the PS3 Slim, quieter, smaller.

    Many game exclusivities were lost to Microsoft (biggest one being Final Fantasy 13)

    Sept. 2010: PlayStation Move was released; a new contoller very similar to the Wii remote. It’s designed to extend the life of the PS3 and give developers a new tool to develop with (shooting games more interactive, sports, etc)


    Distinguishing feature: Wii remote (pointing device that detects movement in 3 dimensions)

    Still popular, though sales have slowed since it was first released.

    Average consumer grew tired of it fast, limited games, only used when groups came by; became a novelty item to show off vs. use regularly.

    Wii Motion Plus and Wii Fit add-ons mildly popular

    Unlike other consoles, NOT a DVD player.

    Hope it helps(sorry for the length)

    ~Lance Longsword

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ill start by saying Z0MG TEH PS3 IS LIEK WAI BETTUH DAN DA 360 WHICH IS S#IT because its true. But u want an unbiosed opinion so here:


    more games (Halo, Fable 1-2-3, Gears of war, Mass Effect, left for dead, blablabla)

    fastest inbuilt wifi in any gaming system ever


    not gay

    no newbs

    3 year waranty

    have to pay $80aus a year for the best connection *cough* stingy *cough*


    red ring + other viruses (*cough* 3 year waranty *cough*

    it looks like bill gates funded it, and buzz lightyear designed it, then they put it into a machine that makes things a million times cooler, and it came out and then they did it 3 more times.

    true fact: when i look at the new 360 i get an orgasm, but maybe thats just me


    exclusive games (little big planet <----point and laugh, killzone, grand turismo, god of war *yep that game is still original*)

    free internet

    family console

    shiter games

    its gay

    looks gay

    1 year waranty

    it looks like a kid with down syndrome desinged it


    thats about it, i know its pretty biosed, but what can i say its the truth

    oo ye btw xbox marketplace is way cooler than this shity HOME thing i keep hearing about for ps3. u can buy and download games straight on to your xbox, netflix and zune means u can buy/rent movies on the spot, and you can watch trailers ON TEH SP0T!!!1!!1 ps3 controlers are chinese pieces of ****

    xbox 360 controlers are chinese pieces of **** that are more comfortable, and fit in your hand easier. ill probs think of more things later

    Source(s): hahaha im not retarted
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  • 1 decade ago

    ill weigh in on online play

    Xbox live cost money evry month ps3 is free

    Maybe it just my internet connection but I had more problems with ps3 online then 360

    Ps3 has wireless capability

    360 requires to plug into wall or must buy wireless adapter which I think is extra 100

    I like 360 controller a lot more then ps3

    I play a lot of fps and prefer 360 controller

    That what I say

    Source(s): Expierence
  • 1 decade ago

    I like my PS3 better, you don't have to pay to play online. Trust me, if you are broke and need every penny each month to survive like me then it matters. Plus it got a Blu-Ray player. It's just all around more useful. Other then that it kind of depends what titles you like, if you like 1st person shooters then you might like XBox better then you can play Mass effect and Halo, but honestly I'm not into those really, I'd rather play MLB The Show and Uncharted.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    both have pros and cons. the xbox has alot more support for multiplayer, but the ps3 has many loved titles that have been carried on from the previous gen consoles. so if your a hardcore gamer, i suggest the 360, while if you are a less multiplayer more epic storyline kinda person the ps3 is for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Xbox = 12 year olds thinking they're "pro" at video games and trash talk but are terribad

    PS3 = People of all ages thinking they're "pro" at video games but usually keep their mouths shut and just play.

  • 1 decade ago

    xbox 360 because there are some games that just doesnt feel right with Ps3 like madden, call of duty, and definatly Halo

    Source(s): Personal Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't recommend either system. If you want a decent gaming platform, get yourself a good gaming PC. :)

    Source(s): I'm a satisfied PC gamer.
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