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Did the term "ex-muslim" emerge when the Shia Iranians started to hate their man made dogma?

I had a discussion with an Atheist friend, he claimed that even Muslims become Atheists. i felt upset, until i realized that those who claimed they were former Muslims were NEVER actually muslims to begin with, check the people who call themselves ex-muslims and you will find the following:

- Salman Rushdi IRANIAN and SHIA

- Ali Sina IRANIAN and SHIA

- The founder of council of ex-muslims, Mina Ahadi IRANIAN and SHIA

- Christian convert, Reza Fakour, IRANIAN and SHIA

- Hashem Aghajari and Hassan Youssefi Eshkevari, IRANIAN and SHIA

- ALLLLL Y!A EX MUSLIM TROLLS such as Irish Girl, Fawzia (i so remember her), and others i can't remember their names, they were Iranian and Shia too.

Of course, a handful of Ex-Sunnis does exist, but they are the very least comparing to the rest of the theists, if you want to count the former Sunnis throughout history you will end up with a very humble number, that's because it is the true religion alhamdulellah.

That being said, does anyone, whether be Muslim or non Muslim, still believe that the Shia religion got anything to do with Islam?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Hello I'm an Iranian. When I think about those days that I was a Muslim I feel sorry for myself that how stupid I used to be! Islam in Iran is a Pan-Arab propaganda to Arabize Iranians. So many Arabic words entered Persian language and about 90% of the are religious like Inshallah. This is threatening my language and culture and me and many Iranians have realized that Arabs are there to trick us. They even changed the Persian Gulf's name to Arabian Gulf and I specially found that racist and linked to Pan Arabism.

    2) Our government is a Islamic Republic, the very hardcore way, and it has taken all of our freedoms under the name of Islam! You may not understand my pain right away and give me a thumb down, but if you live in Iran for a while you'll understand what I feel.

    @SHIA: The havn't left just shiism, they have left ISLAM!

    Source(s): ex-Muslim
  • 7 years ago

    I'm a iranian and I was born and raised in Canada. I chose to pray, read Quran, wear the hijab and believe in Allah. I wasn't forced to do all those things but I chose to and I believe that people shouldn't be forced to do stuff that they don't want to. Example Iran, when I saw Iran I was shocked I saw many girls that had half their hair out and I thought to myself assent this place a muslim country. In my opinion if people could make their own choice then many people won't leave Islam, they leave Islam because they were trapped in it. Every single iranian I have seen in Canada don't wear hijab because they are finally free so to get to the point the Shia u have seen that are now ex muslim probably came out of Iran, not all Iranian Shia or any Muslims are like that so don't judge everyone

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have peronaly seen many Iranian Shia who left shiism

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Shia belief is based on Imamat...The rest Imams passed away..the only one is the last one..So its So easy for one to the deny the concept of Imamat !

    2nd they teach the use Taqqiah, by using taqqiah one doesn't fool other but himself, lying for something which one is not sure himself is stupidty...So its an easy way to go away from his her faith !

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More likely is the fact that Iran is the Moslem country with the highest mean IQ, IQ and religiosity are inversely related; you can google this fact and the studies which have replicated the result

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People leave their religion when they find un authentic scriptures.

    or faulty logic

    or contradictions etc.

    Islam is FREE from such (and other) fallacies.


    it comes from Allah

    and is complete in its unique form.

    No True knowledgeable muslim would leave islam of their own free will.

    Jazakallahu khairan for sharing this with us.

    Source(s): Just goes to show that: Islam is NOT what muslims do. islam is what muslims must do. and muslims MUST follow the Quran and the Sunnah above anything and Everything (or suffer the consequences therein) this is NOT a threat. but a WARNING. people have lost the difference between the two. May Allah guide us to the rightful pah i.e. the path which leads to jannah. Ameen.
  • 1 decade ago

    You should check how many Iranian Shias are in the list.

    I say about 70% of the Quranist are Ex Sunni.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh c'mon! Not some, but many Sunnis too have realized that their dogma is man made.... but even if what you're saying is true; it would be a logical fallacy to think that it's proof that Sunni-ism is right.

    Irish girl isn't Irish? lol

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