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Charles D asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

I have a small dog that eats extremely fast. Is there a way to get her to eat slower?

10 Answers

  • moof
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are various tricks you can try. First of all, there are food dishes that have pegs in them. They're called Brake-Fast Bowls. The dog is forced to eat around the pegs, so she has to eat slower. You could buy one of those:

    You could put your own obstacles in the dish, like a large, clean rock or an unopened can of soup, so that she has to eat around it.

    You can spread her kibble out on a cookie sheet, or even just use a really big bowl, so that she has to eat the kibble more individually rather than taking big mouthfuls. Or, you could scatter the kibble in a muffin sheet, which is a similar idea.

    You could feed her in a food-dispensing toy instead of in a bowl. You could use a Kong:

    Buster Cube:

    Or Tug-A-Jug:

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many "professional" options out there, but what I do for my dog is to add water to the food. I put in about as much as someone would put milk in their cereal. And so you know, my dog is a lab mix that we got from a rescue. When the police found her she was in a pen with a momma tiger and cubs... so she has reason to eat fast. Now she eats at a good speed and we don't have to worry about her getting dehydrated.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    when i first rescued my puppy, he ate very fast. he would inhale the food. that's not good or healthy for the dogs. it really depends on what you're feeding her. i feed my dog the prey model raw diet, so he has no choice but to chew and rip and tear, which would be slowly. if he doesn't, he will choke. what you could do is either span out her eating. if she's eating wet food, that would be easier to inhale than kibble. with wet food, they can lick it up and swallow. with kibble, they have to chew.

    you can put a little in at a time, and feed her in intervals. that's a last resort, because it would be time consuming and teach her that she's going to only eat little by little amts, not eat slower. is she really hungry before she eats?

    one thing i would suggest is to give her a raw meaty bone to chew on for about 15 minutes or so prior to eat time. the reason is because she will learn to chew. dogs need to chew on bones so their juices can get flowing, thus preparing their stomach to digest food intake. if she just wolfs it down, she could either still be really hungry because she didn't taste and enjoy the food, or she could wind up overeating, causing her to have a sour belly. get her in the habit of chewing. if you don't feed raw, then get her a raw hide bone to chew on before she feeds.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give her a little bit at a time, spread her food over a large area, stick a large rock (that she can't swallow or hold in her mouth) in her bowl so she has to eat around it, buy a dog food bowl that's specially designed for dogs that eat fast.

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  • 1 decade ago

    When ever I feed kibble (I usually feed raw meaty bones), I put it into interactive toys so that my dogs have to WORK for their food. It's mentally and physically tiring, just as hunting and eating food naturally is for dogs. Tug a Jugs, Kongs, Kong Wobblers, Buster Food Cubes, etc are inexpensive toys that will dispense a few kibbles at a time and make your dog play to get the food out. They're available at Petsmart/Petco/Target/etc.

    You might also consider switching to a kibble with higher protein/fat/meat content. Dogs who are fed kibbles that are high in fillers are often ALWAYS hungry. Go to your local pet specialty store or feed store and look for grain free kibbles (meaning no wheat/corn/soy/etc) with high protein content (more than 30%). They are much much much healthier for your dog, she will get full faster, and you will need to feed much less than on grocery store brands (which means much less poo to pick up)! :o)

  • 1 decade ago

    Like another user said they sell special bowls. I've also seen people put the kibble in a kong or another sort of toy that you stuff. That way they have to work for the food and it takes longer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes acctualy

    i am getting small dog soon and this is common.

    but if you fee them smaller anmounts and give them more once s/hes finnsihed

    for example weigh out how huch you ormaly give your dog. for exaple 100 g into a cup or bowl

    take him/her to the dogs bowl and spoon in a spoonful each time she eats what she has got

    in summary

    spoon in - she/he eats it- you put in more- repeat- finnished = one happy full up dog

    gd luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Brake fast bowls.

    They vary in price and are about in the US & UK as I have one for one of mine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Feed her bit by bit so that she can slowly digest the food.

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe she has worms.?

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