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Lv 4
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 1 decade ago

How to deal with sleepless nights with a newborn?

My son is a week old. I breastfeed him exsclusively. Waking up at night for 30-60 mins every two hours to feed a baby on cracked, dry nipples is literally hell. I have a ton of support- my mom is here and my husband is on paternity leave. I did have a csection so I am still in some pain- it's just.... So hard. Harder then I ever thought. I absolutely love my son I just don't know how to get through these nights. Even in the day my nipples hurt so much I want to cry at the idea of feeding him but at night it's so much worse? How do i deal with the lack of sleep (and I do try to sleep when he does)? And how do I deal with the pain of breastfeeding? I'm so close to just switching to formula. The lactation consultants all say he has a great latch and to just use lamosil... I'm sorry I'm just so tired and frustrated.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you can nurse him laying down and also use nipple cream to help with the dry cracked nipples and make sure you wash after every feeding and dont use soap it will make it worse

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    IT WILL GET BETTER. I felt the same as you did for about the first 6 weeks. My son is now 8 weeks old and it's like night and day. I feel great, sleeping better, and so much more adjusted to the trying times with a newborn. Just hang in there and know that it will get better. You will adjust and adapt. You are so lucky to have your mom and husband's help and don't be afraid to ask for it whenever you need it. Don't give up....but that being said if breast feeding is just too hard then consider supplementing with some formula. Your sanity and well being are the most important factor in "surviving" the first few months, so do what's best for you. You are not a bad mom if you decide to switch to formula. Do what's best for you and your family.

    I suggest renting a good hospital quality pump and try pumping some bottles for night time feedings. You'd be amazed at what even 4 hours of straight sleep will do for your moral.

    Keep up the great work, you're a great mom.

  • 1 decade ago

    Use the lamosil, sleep when he sleeps, make sure you are getting plenty to eat and drink, make sure to take your vitamins, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. You can also get a breast pump and pump some milk so that is you really need to miss just one feeding for a nap someone else can feed the baby. The first 3 months can be a testing time, at 1 week it is crazy because your milk is trying to come all the way in and your baby is learning to really nurse but his tummy is so small that he can't take much at one feeding so they eat less more often. Even with formula you would still be dealing with up every 2 hrs and some babies are still slow eaters with a bottle so switching wouldn't necessarily make that part better. Keep talking to your consultant. My son would nurse every 1-2 hrs, I felt like all I did was sit around with a boob hanging out the first 3 months but after we got through that it was so much better.

  • jodes
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i respect women so much that go through this.

    my boy is 8 week old, and one of my friends has a boy the same age. she has been breastfeeding and i havent (my baby would not latch on) so i have had to use bottle.

    in a way i am glad that it has turned out like this (however i am sad that my boy couldnt have breastmilk)

    my baby wakes every 4 hours in day to eat, and once in the night.

    my firend who is breastfeeding wakes every 2 hours just like u have described. i dont have an answer for u really, but just to say that i would be a mess if i had to do it i dont know how u do!

    its much easier on mum to bottlefeed. in every way. (il probably get thumbs down from all breastfeeding mums) if its really getting u donw why not breastfeed for a few more weeks the revert to bottle. with bottle u can control what your baby is getting therefore allowing mum some sleep. possibly try breast pump and storing the milk, therefor your man can help too in the night. again with bottle my partner does the night feed sometimes just to allow me to sleep! (and i am only getting up once in the night so i cannot start to think how u feel!

    well done your doing such a good job. and it will get better im sure. my friend who is breastfeeding is still now up every 2 hours, and he is 8 weeks old. so when it will get better i couldnt tell u.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Could you alternate pumping and breastfeeding? When you have the pumped milk have your hubby do some night feedings and you can get some rest. You more then ever need to rest because your body is trying to heal. If you feel stress or are exhausted your c section will not heal as quickly and then you won't be able to take care of your little one as best you can. Honestly don't let anyone tell you whether or not to use formula. This is your choice. Only you know what is best for your family. There are pros and cons of each choice. I will tell you that my experience with formula has been tough. Its harder on babies tummies. But I was able to heal properly from my c section. This is your choice to make. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My firstborn was a demanding baby, and other than my husband working all the time I was alone. It was hard on me, it was hard on us.. I couldn't imagine having a fussy baby and other older kids to take care of. I'm sure you know this will pass. You guys need to tough it out, but if you don't you know you weren't meant to be. Being a mother with no babysitter options I know how stupid this is going to sound BUT can you find a babysitter so you and your husband could get some alone time? Maybe once a week, or once a month? Maybe spend it in counseling, talking things out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh my goodness I feel your pain. A lot of the people I told the same thing to when I was in your position didnt have the cracked dry nipples like i did. I think its because you dont have a lot of milk yet or something and he is having to suck too hard. I dont know a solution to the pain thats for sure. I felt the same horrible, painfull feelings though. Mine actually turned black and were horrific and it was teeth gritting to even think about it. There is not a solution that i know of. after a while it just starts hurting real bad only when they latch on and a few seconds afterwards the pain goes away. Eventually i guess it just goes away tiny bit by tiny bit. I only made it to 5 in a half weeks with my first son breastfeeding and then my 2nd son i never tried. It was a nightmare. Both my sons are hearty, smart, strong and healthy without being exclusively breastfed altho i admire the women who can stick to doing it.

  • 1 decade ago

    he does not haev a great latch if your nipples are cracked. It does get better so know that. My youngest is 2 weeks old exclusively breastfed. we co-sleep so it's not much of an issue. My first baby wa sa little harder because he was ahrder to latch he was also early which made feeding harder and i was jsut not as experienced.

    it sounds like you really want to breastfeed, so i wouldn't advise to switch to formula because you will later regret it. Even offering one bottle though can make latching on worse.

    make sure you ar enot washing your nipples and let them air dry with some breastmilk on them.

    Try for a lot of breastfeeding information

    giving a bottle may cause nipple confusion especially in a baby who already isn't latching correctly and this will only make your breastfeeding experience worse. also, your supply sin't even established. I personally would still not recommend ANY bottles at all. It's not recommended for at least the first 4-6 weeks for these very reasons.

    Eventually you'll be able to do anything while breastfeeding at the same time. Right now, i am nursing while typing with two hands :) It does get easier

  • 1 decade ago

    You gotta make it work. That is why so many parents turn to co-sleeping. You have to stay awake for a half hour per feed on your newborn... I have to get up for 2 min to change my kid's diaper and put them in bed with me, then I get to go back to sleep while my baby nurses. Kiddo sleeps longer too, if he/she wakes up there is a boob right there to snack on, or for comfort, or for warmth, etc.

    Parenting is just figuring out how things work best for you and your sanity. Prepare things in advance as much as you can and do what you can to make your day easier. You know what will work best for your family.

  • Alisa
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Keep up with the lamosil. Don't stress. Its okay to pump and give it to him in a bottle during the night. I would pump during the day and let your husband feed bottle at night, maybe not all night feedings but maybe 2 of them so you can get a nice chunk of sleep. I know how it is to be so sleep deprived and start dreading the night when its only 4 pm. Your going to be okay. And even if you can't pump a couple bottles of formula won't hurt him. I believe in breast feeding but I also believe in keeping your sanity. Is your milk in yet? I know that before my milk came in and I just had colostrum that it hurt more to breast feed because the baby has to suck harder. Another option is to feed your baby and give him promptly to your mother or husband so you can go to bed.

    Source(s): Done it 3 times will do it once more!
  • 1 decade ago

    Just keep using lamosil.

    It will get better i promise.

    My son had colic horribly and never slept.

    Since your husband is there for right now see if he will let you sleep some during the day and he takes care of the baby for a little while.

    You'll get use to it soon enough.

    Its just hard at first.

    GOOD LUCK :)


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