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Lv 6
Andrew asked in SportsRugby · 1 decade ago

Do you support the ban of all alcohol at sports events?

Seeing as another contributor has seen fit to block me after I disagreed with his rant, I will ask the question again.

I believe alcohol (and alcohol sales) are an important part of modern professional sports events. Obviously there are some idiots who cannot hold their drink and feel the need to act the fool after they've had a skinful. In my opinion, it is these people who should be banned, or at least removed from games when they cause trouble. Banning all alcohol punishes everyone for the acts of a small minority, it's not only a kneejerk response, it is unnecessary, unfair, and will not solve the problem.

If people want to get drunk, they will just do so before the game or smuggle their own alcohol in. So, those doing the right thing are deprived the right for a few beers whilst they enjoy the game, but the idiots carry on as normal.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Being a rugby supporter who enjoys a beer and a laugh at the rugby no to a ban.

    Being a Father that takes his children to games and has to listen to a torrent of abuse at opposition players annd refs some good humored some not, bad behaviour, foul language etc etc then ban it or at least limit it to certain parts of the field

    @ No Name Brand .. I don't know about SA but in NZ rugby is a family event, why should i not be allowed not to take an eight year old to sit in the stand (members tickets) and watch rugby. The difference between a pub and a rugby field is huge you expect drunken behaviour at a pub (R18) you should not have to put up with it at an all age venue when the organisers make a deliberate push to get children along to watch. Like i said if you had bothered to read or comprehend it make areas of the stand alcohol free so parents who want to take children can without subjecting them to drunken louts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting question.

    In UK football alcohol is sold, but not permitted in the stands. It works in reducing football violence to some extent because even though fans drink heavily before games they sober up during the game. I think this works well in football.

    Rugby on the other hand doesn't have football's hooliganism problem. One of the things that makes rugby so enjoyable as a spectator's sport is that you can sit in the stand with a pint and not worry about the opposition fans throwing coins at you. Every now and again you have a few idiots that get bladdered and act like idiots. But they're the small minority and they're no danger to anybody but themselves.

    Alcohol goes hand in hand with sport, and with most sports you should be able to drink freely while watching a game.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I don't support it!!

    Alcohol is an important part of live sports viewing at home and at the ball park.

    Over here in the US they have simply banned all glass items and anyone causing trouble gets tossed out of the game. You can text a message to security about a disruptive fan and it gets dealt with. At Lincoln Financial Field (Home of the Philadelphia Eagles) they even have a live court based in the stadium with a judge ready to rule instantly on fans that are arrested for bad behaviour during the game...that's what you call instant swift justice!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Totally agree a ban is not the answer.Security has to take their role more seriously and employ staff with the ability to read a crowd and act accordingly.Also a healthy bit of banter can be a lot of fun as long as every is mature enough to not take things personally.

    Source(s): attending fixtures.
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  • 1 decade ago

    @ Taraboy - Then maybe you shouldn't take your kids where people drink. It's like taking them to a pub and complaining that there's drunk people around who swear and smoke. Watch it with them on a big screen and tell them you'll take them to a game one day, when they're old enough.

    Although people should also limit themselves to how much they drink. Not everyone needs to hear the guy next to him swearing like a bafoon spilling beer all over the place.

    But I disagree with the ban. What a load of ball pubes.

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No. It won't work anyway, as you said they'll find a way to smuggle booze in and it isn't that hard. Security at the gates should be aware that if a person is drunk they don't come in. If they start causing trouble, turf them out. Have alocohol free zones at grounds. This has worked at some NRL grounds.

    I agree with you, why should the majority be punished because of few morons.

  • Anonymous
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not only do I not support a ban, but you should be able to bring your own beer

    $10 a beer what the jesus titty ******* bull **** *** raping bush licking anus smelling piece of god awful ***** jew **** is that?

  • 1 decade ago

    You right must remove the drunken and disorderly and NO BAN!!

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