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Lv 6

your opinion on this view of homosexuality?

it is just a opinion. i just want to see what others think. please do not take it personally. im not attacking anyone. it's just a honest questions.

Homosexual orientation is not a choice. one can be born with homosexual lust. just as a heterosexual is born with heterosexual lust. Both are born with lust. The problem is homosexuals know that it is not normal to have such lust but act on them any way. just as the heterosexual knows that sexual addiction is not normal but acts on it. if you know that it is not normal and do it any way you are no better than a heterosexual who acts out of his sexual addictions.your only justification is that im born this way. well in that case wouldn't a man who cheats on his wife be justified by saying the same just born this way. homosexuality is both a social and moral issue. i understand that people are born with homosexuality but i do not understand how you could use that to justify your actions. you know that something is wrong but do it anyway. i know this argument only works if their are objective morals. so only respond if you believe in objective morals.


"to act against conscience is niether right nor sane"

-Martin Luther

Update 2:

i know that cheating on some one is not the same as homosexuality. but acting out of lust when you know it is wrong is.

Update 3:

i know society has played a role in shaping costums . this also is a natual veiw . they know it is natually incorrect. you cannot reproduce being homosexual. on this ground someone can see that it is wrong.

Update 4:

im not arguing against homosexual marrige. they have that right under the state. marriage under the state. not the church.

22 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe that we are to exercise our conscience. In this we need to stop looking at other peoples activities and focus on what we can control --- which is ourselves (to some extent). Yes, I agree that homosexuality is both social and moral.

    However, I'm sick of people "Justifying" their actions instead of finding ways to get along. I don't believe it's okay to justify any action that hurts or diminishes another person's human dignity. This does not mean that we shy away from an issue that hurts the individual, group, or society but rather, find ways to open communication for understanding and knowledge in hopes to find ways to be compassionate to all people what ever their stage is at.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK - my honest answer:

    1) one can be born with homosexual lust

    I disagree completely. Sexual lust is not something people are born with. Infants do not desire to engage in sex, nor do they attempt to do so.

    2) The problem is homosexuals know that it is not normal to have such lust but act on them any way.

    I would say that this is not universally true of homosexuals; that is, not all homosexuals recognize the immorality of their own lustful desires. The same, of course, is true of heterosexuals.

    3) well in that case wouldn't a man who cheats on his wife be justified by saying the same just born this way

    This is an accurate analogy. Many homosexuals attempt to morally justify their behavior by claiming that it is natural behavior, but acting according to one's nature is never justification for committing an immoral act - whether it be sexual, violent, or whatever. Is it natural for a man to injure his rival - for anything (toys, sex, money)? Is such behavior justified because it is natural? No more than are homosexual acts or sinful heterosexual acts.


  • 1 decade ago

    I answered this a few days ago. A persons sexual orientation is "decided" when the brain develops in the womb. It has to do with the hormones you're exposed to. There for it is not a choice nor a sin. Btw how does two men or two women being together bother you or anyone else for that matter

  • 1 decade ago

    1 It could be the worldly demonic beings that are telling them, that they are in the wrong body. The devil is a liar, an oppressor, and brings on depression, and a confuser of thoughts because he wants to destroy as many people as he can.

    2 Or It's lust and a mental confusion illness. Instead of being told that it's an okay thing, they should be helped for their mental disorder!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I disagree. Not all people "know" homosexuality is "wrong", nor do all people believe it is wrong. Why compare sexual addiction to homosexuality? Homosexuals can be as monogamous as any heterosexual. And why would you condemn someone who is born as he or she is to a life without a sexual relationship with the adult to whom they are attracted?

    But more to the point: what business is it of yours what someone else's sexuality is?

    ~Hetero for GLBT rights; ex-Christian; agnostic atheist

  • Mythos
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think a lot of homosexuals are just normal people trying to make their way in this abnormal world like the rest of us.

    When gays start claiming their homosexuality should exempt them from paying taxes, then we'll have an issue to grapple with.

  • 1 decade ago

    Homosexuality is not a choice, but it doesn't give you an excuse to cheat. You're twisting around a few things. Homosexuality is not a moral issue, either, as there is nothing morally wrong with it.

  • CC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think the article is wrong.

    We know, and all the professional medical associations agree, that homosexuality is not a disorder, and attempts to "correct" it should not be made. The article attempts to paint homosexuality as not-normal behavior (a disorder).

    Source(s): An atheist perspective.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People choose how they think and act. Ive seen no scientific evidence or rational reason to believe anyone is born with a sexual preference. They just want to have you blindly accept that as an explaination without question.

  • samuel
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Natural Phenomenon for population control

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