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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why did Sen. McConnell put party politics ahead of the safety of Americans?

At the time that Sen. McConnell was privately advising Mr. Bush to reduce troop levels in Iraq, he was elsewhere excoriating congressional Democrats who had urged the same thing. “The Democrat[ic] leadership finally agrees on something — unfortunately it's retreat,” Sen. McConnell had said in a statement on Sept. 5, 2006, about a Democratic letter to Mr. Bush appealing for cuts in troop levels. Sen. McConnell, who publicly was a stout defender of the war and Mr. Bush's conduct of the conflict, accused the Democrats of advocating a position that would endanger Americans and leave Iraqis at the mercy of al-Qaida.

Unless he is prepared to call a former president of his own party a liar, Mr. McConnell has a choice. He can admit that he did not actually believe the Iraq mission was vital to American security, regardless of what he said at the time. Or he can explain why the fortunes of the Republican Party are of greater importance than the safety of the United States.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is McConnell pattern. When Bush Jr. made Mitch's wife the Labor Sec. one of the things she did was remove tough safety inspectors for coal mine corporations. I wasn't surprised more deaths resulted from this dynamic duo's practices.

  • mgm
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Nuts for Liberty, I am a Kentuckian myself, and let me say he may have done some bad things, but he would have definitely been better than the person ran against him last time Bruce Lunsford was in. That guy was a total creep and ran one of the most dishonest, dirtiest campaigns ever. If McConnell decides to run again he will proudly have my vote, since Lunsford and in this last election Conway will pull and stretch the truth about anything to get elected. I also ask you what Kentucky poll are you talking about? Rasmussen had his unfavorables only at 35%. Favorables at 33%. Boehner's, Reed and Pelosi's were much higher. Pelosi have the most high one. Reid having the second highest one. Boehner having the third highest and McConnell have the lowest number of unfavorables. Also, let me say his hometown paper? The Louisville-Courier Journal? They are a liberal biased newspaper. Of course they're going to blast McConnell over something so stupid. They're going to make any republican look bad, they tried to make Jack Conway's trailing look as little as they could. You can't rely on papers that lean Democratic in Kentucky like the Louisville-Courier Journal and the Lexington-Herald.

    Also America on Bush's Watch you want to know who really caused 9-11? Bill Clinton! I know you don't want to admit it, but you know it's the truth. He caused it, by letting Osama Bin Laden go free after he had his head on a plate three times! Not one, not two, but three times!!!

    Source(s): Personal experience. Like I said I am a Kentuckian myself. I would know.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    on account that 2001 the Conservatives have carried out extra to break to this u . s . then ever in the past. McConnell, Cantor and Boehner could be held in charge for the wear they are inflicting. somebody desires to step in and placed them decrease than the spot easy and disclose their real motivations in the past it extremely is only too overdue. They seen to be disconnected to society and out of touch with certainty. the comprehensive Republican celebration seems in disaster and probably it extremely is via failed management of McConnell, Boehner and Cantor. I doubt that the negativity of the tea celebration, the Koch funds grab or their oath to Grover Norquist is assisting concerns the two.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As a Kentuckian I can tell you he's a career politician and most of us are unhappy with his big government, career making tenancies.

    According to the latest Kentucky poll, about half of Kentuckians disapprove of McConnell's performance, plus his handpicked and groomed candidate for senate was beaten by the Tea Party.

    Hopefully he will get outsed when his seat is up for reelection, I know he wont have my vote.

    Source(s): To be one of the highest ranking Republicans in DC is a bad thing for the party, since he's nothing more than a big government Neoconservative who wants more and more government when it benefits his ideology.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The republican congress caused 9-11 by ignoring the Gore Commission's findings.

    Everything is Party Before Country when it comes to repubes.

  • Ingrid
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He is most likely suffering from Dementia when we remind him of his past remarks and decisions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because republicans always do.

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