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crazyme asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

This is not a joke I am serious.. Can a dog be gay?

I have a mixed breed male dog who is 6 yrs old. he is not neutered yet. I also have 2 other males one is 10 yrs old and the other is 3 they are both neutered. They are all inside during the evening and at night and outside in a invisible fence during the day. There have been females in heat in the neighborhood but my 6 yr old has never seemed interested at all. (a good thing) however he does seem interested in my 10 yr old male. he is always following him around and trying to hump him. he also is always licking his privates. I know humping can be a sign of dominance but this is different then that. Also if I take my 10 yr old to the groomer the 6 yr old goes nuts when we bring him home. he will even try to get into the same room with him and wont let him out of his sight. He never acts this way with the 3 yr old one. I don't know what to do about it. its embarrassing when people drive by or stop by. I just don't understand why he does this.

I know he needs to be fixed that's not the question here. and I do plan on getting him done just I cant do it rite now.


I love the way people just jump to the conclusion that I am some bad pet owner because he is not fixed. Did you ever think maybe there is a reason for that like I have not had him the whole 6 yrs? And I guess the fact that my other two dogs are fixed didn't give you the hint that I do fix my dogs?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Somehow I don't think so. I think animals rely more on raw instinct than pondering why they do things or what gender they prefer :P A dog's instinct is to breed to pass on his genes. He knows that to breed, he needs female. He could certainly be very attatched to a male friend... or in the case of your dogs, I think it does sound like a bit of a dominance thing. Not letting the other dog out of his sight, always trying to hump him etc, it sounds like he's keeping a short leash on the other guy so he can be sure he stays on top... double pun, basically not intended ;p

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely not.

    Dogs do not have human emotions such as romantic feelings, therefore no sexual orientation. They mate as an instinct to 'plant the seed' & populate not because they are physically or romantically attracted to that other dog.

    Dogs humping, licking one another etc is not a sign of anything other than dogs being dogs. What we view as sexual dogs don't give a second thought about.

    Also, animals that are not spayed or neutered will still hump. Chances are even after you have this dog fixed, if that is what you choose to do, he will still hump.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a fixed FEMALE dog who loved to hump my sister's FEMALE DOG(sometimes she'd hump her head). I really think it was a dominance thing. We used to joke around that they were a couple because they would spend hours "making out"(licking the inside of each other mouths). I would pull one of them away and they would start right up again. It might also be a affection thing too.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's nothing more then dominate behavior, and will only stop after you have trained him to stop. Getting him fixed will not replace training. Neutered dog hump for the same reasons..dominance

    and no, dogs are not wired the same as humans and are not gay..

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  • 1 decade ago

    Oh man, this is going to get me into trouble if any of the GLBT people read this answer.. but no, male dogs are not gay. See, to dogs (and animals in general) their goal is survival and just below that is: spread their seed and make offspring. Only humans are" gay". It doesnt work in the animal kingdom.... simple as that.

    Its strictly dominance.. I know you think it's "more than that" but its not. Its that simple. You have a very dominant male dog. This will lessen when he is fixed.. Oh wait, he's 6 and not neutered yet! At this point, its a bigger operation, more costly and greater risk of side effects then when you do it at the recommended age.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, according to the movie Elle Woods: Red White and Blue, dogs can be gay. Her dog Bruiser was gay and he had a gay Rottweiler boyfriend.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your dog watches the elder because the elder is probably the "alpha" male in your pack. It's nothing to be worried about and, I'm sorry, but you're asking for this to continue until you get your dogs fixed. Humping is harmless, just leave it alone or train him not to.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Your way of thinking is stable on my buddy ... regrettably there is no longer one guy or woman interior the international ((or should not be)) who's prepared to grant that style of capability over to any or one government and rightfully so. i in my view don't think in psychological ailment. Nor do i've got faith that the greater heavily mentally ill ((a minimum of clinically determined)) are demon possessed. there's a non secular Vail that separates our actual 3-d international from the Spirit international. i've got faith those like the concern of your text fabric, actually have a thinner Vail or none in any respect. this could make for an extremely complicated life. The drugs they are given to administration or restrict it or despite, are man made drugs, created by ability of drug companies who receives many of the Drs in Psychiatry to apply them by ability of handing out the terrific promises/presents. My mom - a MHMR nurse interior the gadget Been doing this artwork for over 2 many years. The drug companies purchase the Dr's and their places of work, which is composed of those that are state funded or state run. My mom even replaced into waiting to take me, of no relation to the sphere, on a dinner backed by ability of the drug enterprise. I have been given a present bag - which lined the coolest new mouse for my workstation. no longer presents you may think of of related to psychological wellbeing, no longer appropriate in any respect. we are talking some technological expertise that replaced into nevertheless appearing lobotomies and electric marvel therapy interior the 80's. Over ten years later those remedies have been banned - over 10 yrs later. right here you have a technological expertise which has for distinctive years claimed to comprehend the psychological wellbeing or stability of a individual in keeping with ... what ... yet another guy or woman saying so because of the fact of discovered e book know-how ? they have recently come out with a technique that's meant to relatively be waiting to objective the brains chemicals to be sure if there is unquestionably an imbalance. they won't enable it for use on state funded sufferers in spite of the undeniable fact that because of the fact they declare the technique is so costly. So in case you have the terrific insurance, you will be essentially examined, or you would be placed interior the gadget and characteristic experimental drugs on your gadget.

  • Cheryl
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    animals can be gay but your dog is not ... your dog is a dog that was never taught not to hump or do inappropriate behaviours ... but occurring in nature, there are too many creatures to list that display homosexual behaviour ... not your dog though, just untrained, very easy to train him not to do it ...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dogs cannot be gay.

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