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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureCultures & GroupsSenior Citizens · 1 decade ago

I would like to know what Americans think of Donald Trump?

Anyone can answer this question, I would just like to know what people on both of the pond think.

I am hoping to get a lot of answers.

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well besides the 'hair' or not the's the mouth that makes me sick. NO one should have a mouth that small and that thin and shaped that way and have it not be a chicken's behind. I expect an egg to plop out of it any minute when he talks.

    But then some with stronger stomachs than I have kissed that chicken pucker for many millions of dollars and had an anchor baby to secure it so who am I to kibitz?

    Aside from all that I think he seems to be a rather nice person...but those with buckets that full can afford to be generous in public.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm - bit of a poser.

    It's as if someone's combined Wall Street, Local Hero and Forest Gump into a single movie, starring Donald Trump - and no-one can agree on how it ought to end.

    Braveheart/Rob Roy crofters valiantly refusing to move despite 'benefits' to the wider community, by way of investment, tourism, jobs etc. For a few dollars more ?

    Or lorry loads of dollars - US golfers (The good, the bad & the ugly) in loud trousers, offensive sweaters and silly hats (or even sillier hair styles) traipsing all over the hitherto unspoilt glens - splashing the cash, walking the walk, etc.

    It'll make a great movie - in 10 years time. But I suspect Tom Hanks will star - rather than Mr Trump.

    In what might be a bitter-sweet tragi-comedy.

    ; ))

  • 5 years ago

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  • 5 years ago

    Selfish, media seeking,posture of a man. Not to be trusted (ask one of his wives). Do you really think he gives a rat's behind about us? I am not impressed. Rants and Raves a lot but has yet to come up with a sound solution for anything. Not a big fan of Cruz (Canadian/American who cares?) That is just to throw all off track about the big picture. Where is the new wife, where was she born? Is this your new first lady? What will he do? What can he do? I don't care how much money you have. When the leaders of foreign countries will not deal with him as the head of the country, we as a people are doomed.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A typical example of a rich man who thinks he can step on the `poor', although any body who accepted his money and not moving are profiteering too.

    I DON'T agree with compulsory purchase orders unless it is for a good example (a hospital) not a golf course, hotel or an expensive homes development.

    My mother's home was purchased by a compulsory purchase order (She received a pittance).

    The paperwork intimated her home would be demolished and a Communal Garden placed on the land.

    A car dealership was built on it !

    She would have fought against it if she had known this was what would happen.

    We have more than enough golf courses here in Scotland anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    This American doesn't give him much thought. All I really know about him is that he has more money than he will ever spend, bad hair and a reality show. I've heard a few rumblings about "Trump for President" and that is scary. He's got delusions of grandeur if he thinks he has what it takes.

  • TK
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He's an astute luxury real estate developer among other things. I'm not familiar with this particular project, but if he was to develop two golf courses, a hotel and 1450 homes and villas in accordance with typical Trump standards I'm sure it would be something to behold. Never mind the local economic stimulus that would occur during the construction phase of the project, the number of permanent jobs that would result from a development of that size would be significant and the income from the end users of the development that would spill over in terms of property taxes but also the consumption of local services like interior designers, fine dining and drinking establishments, boutiques, gift shops, book stores, bakeries, electronics stores, petrol and automotive repair stations, local banks, et cetera.

    If an individual or family doesn't want to sell his/her/their property that is their right of course. The only way you could move forward with such a project would be via eminent domain proceedings, which I assume are not an option. If an individual or family wants to sell but cannot agree on the fair market value of the property then he/she/they could agree to a binding arbitration process that guarantees a minimum purchase price for the seller so that the process is an upside experiment for him/her/their real estate valuation experts.

    In the end these estate owners aren't really holding Donald Trump hostage. Trump is doing just fine. I saw him on television last week and he looked and sounded good. He was sitting in a very large, comfortable chair and about 8 well qualified people were desperately vying to get him to hire him or her. The only people who are being held hostage are the people whose lives would be greatly improved if this real estate project goes forward.

    I worked with a real estate developer once and he was in a similar situation. He proposed buying the fellow's property for FMV and then he sold the fellow a fairly choice building lot in the new subdivision for cost. The fellow sold his property for about $350,000 US and he got a lot of land at cost (about $40,000 US) that he sold 2 years later for about $180,000 US. It was a win-win.

    Trump is authentic New York royalty. Many people admire his vision and tenacity as a tough businessman who is now an internationally known brand name, and some do not. I don't live in New York, but my sister, who does, has always admired the Trump style. A high school classmate of mine who is an architect also lives at one of the Trump residential towers (or did the last time I spoke to his sister) and also thinks very highly of Trump's real estate vision and his philanthropy.

    Good luck over there. I hope things work out for everyone involved in the development.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am one American who absolutely do not like the Donald Trump but most Americans have the need to idolize so I am not surprise of the first answer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi, Suzie, I hold Donald Trump in no high regard but that story seems a bit slanted to me. Looks like a tabloid. I've never watched his TV show The Apprentice and I don't know all that much about him. I guess the biggest impression I have of him is arrogance, but, as I say, that seemed a bit much.

  • 1 decade ago

    OK....since you asked the question.

    As an American I don't think much of him.

    To me he's fake looking and from what I've seen he lives a fake life. no more thinking about "The Donald".

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