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Why do people at my school do this?

I'm in high school. Just about everyone knows I'm a lesbian. I'm totally okay with this and I don't even mind it when people tease me about it. If they can't accept me, then I don't want to get to know them anyway.

But lately it seems like all the students are taking videos and pictures of me on their phones. It's mostly bitchy girls and so-called "popular" guys in my grade, but now even this really sweet, innocent girl who rides the bus with me does it. Every day she sits across from me and video tapes me the whole ride home, even if I'm just sitting there doing nothing.

What's the big deal? I look and dress exactly like any other teenage girl. Why does everyone want footage of me and how do I get them to stop? It's creepy!!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately or fortunately, those who are in public places have no legal expectations of privacy. But I do wonder if a high school would be considered "public" since public access is usually strictly controlled, unlike a city sidewalk. What they are doing to you is creepy and possibly illegal. Since most attorneys offer a free initial consultation, you might try asking for a professional opinion on this.

    Secondly, report your situation to the principal and to the school counselor and perhaps a favorite teacher. If any of them has half a brain they will smell a possible lawsuit and try to put a stop to this foolishness. Also tell your parents!

    If none of that seems likely to you, try bringing your own camera and video them as they video you. Whip our your FLIP and tape 'em in action. That will certainly give them pause and will betray what they thought was their little secret of filming you. And you will also gain some evidence of their abuse.

    Here's an interesting thought: If any one of those kids have taken ANY photo or tape of you in what can be considered a compromising or sexual situation (your legs spread as you slump in the seat of the bus for example or an "up skirt" photo), they may be guilty of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. It's worth bringing this topic up to police and the nearest FBI office, and mention it to the lawyer and your parents, too. Such a charge will stick with those abusers for the rest of their crappy lives. To find out, the police and/or FBI may seize the cameras and computers of anyone who has been photographing you without your permission and possibly arrest them! Oh, happy day!

    I'm the kind of a guy who brings a gun to a knife fight, and you should too. Ignoring them means they win and that's not acceptable. Make a "federal case" out of this.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like an example of people with nothing better to do and who deep down don't think much of themselves finding you and the fact that you're different (or they think you are) a source of entertainment. I don't know what they're doing but it sounds mean and since these aren't people you probably have any respect for, I would do what you've been doing: hold your head up high and ignore them.

    It's a shame that this girl who seemed nice is doing such a stupid thing and you could possibly ask her, calmly, why she is taking a video of you. Perhaps she's hoping it'll make her popular. If she is genuinely a sweet person then maybe you asking her why will surprise her into stopping.

    It's a really crappy situation but don't let these people upset you or get you down; if you have to point at other people to make yourself feel better then you're probably a miserable and pathetic person deep down. Or maybe not so deep down! Good luck hon.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know, probably someone there started it, as a dumb and mean way to annoy you. They wil try to edit it, or just annoy you and put you in a spot.

    There is nothing you can do to stop them, maybe you can ask one person why? if not, you can get a video camera and get some friends and start recording the onces recording you as a weird phenomena. Play the unknown game with them, and dont let them intimidate you. Some of them probably dont even know why are they recording you either at all, they are just following like sheeps. You can just look at the bright side of this, you are now famous in a way, and you can use it for your own advantage. Just stay away of the violent people and ignore the rest. Stick with your close friends or friend.. Dont let anybody hurt you EVER.

    They do this, because for them is not normal that one person at your age is so confident with something that is still taboo in many many places in the world.

    Keep it up and enjoy you popularity.

    Source(s): I have seen this many times.. Teens are just nutz. But they wil get bussy with something else later.
  • 1 decade ago

    T'is not creepy - t'is IGNORANT what they're doing..

    Good for you, who needs people such as them... Just keep your "whits" about you - don't doing anything "rash"

    At least YOU KNOW what you are - whereas they are still experimenting - and you're the one who will succeed down the road with your strong attitude towards things and people...

    Stay well...

    Rachelle In High Heels

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, you look and dress exactly like any other teenage girl, but there is something that you don't do exactly like any other teenage girls

    How do you get them to stop ? No idea

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe they basically think "Oh she has a different sexuality than us so let's take photos and record her!" Which is so very very arrogant, people these days just don't have any respect for someone who is different, good luck to you and I hope this ends soon.

  • 1 decade ago

    oh god that is creepy i feel sorry for you im lesbian and everyone knows ppl make fun of me but have got used to it but i have had never had ppl film me or take photos b4

    i would tell someone such as teacher, parent x hope that works good luck

    btw i wouldnt do that even if i was straight its just wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think theyre trying to do something bad to you

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