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What to cook for someone with a blockage in his heart and high blood pressure?
My husband's friend is living down here, about 1,500 miles from his wife and kids, for work (he works with my husband) temporarily. He just spent this last weekend in the hospital because of his high blood pressure, which he has had a constant battle with. He learned that a reason why his BP is so high is because he has a blockage in his heart. Being so far from his family, unless I cook for him (which has happened only 4 times since he's been here, about 6 months or so) he is eating fast food, which is fried and greasy and SURELY not good for him.
I looked up what to eat to help the problem, and learned some things, but what I really need are specific meals to cook, or specific recipes if anyone is willing to lend a helping hand. I am only 21 (my husband is 25, but the friend is in his late 50s) so I am still cooking by the recipe, ha so I would really appreciate any help you can offer. I don't want to see this man's health deteriorate any more.. He is having an operation in the middle of next month, I believe, and hopefully his wife will be here for that but she, too, is having an operation (on her hip) in two weeks. So if she can't make it, my husband and I are really all the friends he has down here (we live in LA, he is from NY).
Thank you!
8 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
first of all i would like to say that you deserve the best for looking after a person in need.
it is very nice of you to do so.
the man needs to be on a very low cholesterol no salt diet as you have probably read up on,
so stay away from red meat recipes & fried & oils and never add salt.
only grilled/ baked fish or chicken.
here are a few of the basics if you follow them you can adopt them for fish or chicken.
the piece of fresh fish or chicken sprinkle with mixed herbs or fresh parsley or coriander. and half a lemon juice. you can add spices that are mild but tasty like cumin or ginger (1 teaspoon) vary each time so he gets a variety of tastes.
place on an aluminium sheet or in an oven dish and bake for 1/2 hr or 40 mins at the most. or grill for 40-45 mins it takes longer for chicken, best to use chicken breasts. high for 10 mins then reduce to med heat.
you can also buy a whole fresh chicken and make a soup with chopped celery 2 sticks, a carrot an onion and 2 potato's. add a table spoon of chopped parsley and cover the whole chicken with water and let it boil for about an hour till you see the chicken cooked and no red colour coming out of the chicken when you prick it with a fork.
it makes for a good warm soup in winter and you can take a piece of chicken and potato and carrot and that can be his main dish.
you can make soup with any vegetables you have in the fridge some corn or peas are nice too in the soup, another time instead of the potato's you can add a handful of rice literally a handful.
that is the basics and the more you make these recipes the more you can vary just taste things but never add salt as his BP is high.
you can make a tuna sandwich on whole grain bread but no mayo no ketchup hidden salt in them. that can be lunch with a mixed salad , remember no oil unless the dr says a teaspoon of olive oil is ok with some lemon juice
best of luck and if you need any other recipes just email me glad to help.
- C.M. CLv 71 decade ago
Hot Mama, congratulations to you and your husband on this matter. No use getting too many recipes on here, if there is a lot of sodium used or sugars. Someone has given you a link to the mayo clinic, which is an excellent link, the other would go to the Heart Foundations web site.
Hot Mama, as an out patient my self after long term care in hospital, may I suggest you contact the dietitian for the cardiac department.
- finaldxLv 71 decade ago
Wow, it all the people on this planet were as caring as you, it would be a much better place. Thank you for your caring and concern for this friend of yours.
The best diet for this man is lean meat (chicken or fish), nothing fried, lots of fresh or steamed vegetables. Some people who have high blood pressure get some benefit from salt restriction, but not all. A bit of lemon juice helps liven flavors similar to salt, so experiment with lemon juice as a spice. You might want to ask him what dietary recommendations his doctor has offered.
- Anonymous5 years ago
I don't think that he expects you to take over for him in this area, just maybe help a little. It might be a good idea to sit down with him and discuss his likes, dislikes, goals and what you are willing to do to help. Don't make the mistake of pulling all of the responsibility onto yourself though, he has to make some choices here. Just be there to assist if he would like for you to. Some people don't want to change their habits even though it looks necessary to everyone else.
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- PoppyLv 71 decade ago
As far as recipes, anything diabetic or cardio would work. Low carbs, lean meat, so salt added, cook from scratch, fill the salt shakers in the house with the product called "No Salt" it is potassium salt healthy for all.
- mrs g4Lv 61 decade ago
If the Mayo clinic can't help, NOBODY can! Good for you for being a caring person. Now make him eat at YOUR house, so he can lower his BP!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
what is the point of cooking for him,it`s too late,the BP pay`s good insurance
Source(s): BP - BuckhunterLv 61 decade ago
If you are the beneficiary of his life insurance, how about a BLT heavy on the mayo.