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Does anyone know ALL the songs sung by Kurt on Glee?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Let's see......

    (in order of performances)

    SEASON 1:

    1. "Mr. Cellophane"

    2. Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"

    3. "Defying Gravity"

    4. "4 Minutes" (with Mercedes)

    5. "House Is Not a Home"

    6. "Pink Houses"

    7. "Rose's Turn"

    8. "Bad Romance" (along with glee ladies)

    SEASON 2:

    1. "I Want to Hold Your Hand"

    2. "Le Jazz Hot"

    3."Get Happy" / "Happy Days Are Here Again" (along with Rachel)

    hope i helped

    Source(s): glee fan by heart (:
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