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What do you think of this list of ten ways to be a feminist?


I think the definition is pretty clear cut Rowdy. But, you have prob not experience that type of trauma.


As of the early 2000s, all states define rape without reference to the sex of the victim and the perpetrator. Though the overwhelming majority of rape victims are women, a woman may be convicted of raping a man, a man may be convicted of raping a man, and a woman may be convicted of raping another woman. Furthermore, a spouse may be convicted of rape if the perpetrator forces the other spouse to have nonconsensual sex. Many states do not punish the rape of a spouse as severely as the rape of a non-spouse.

Update 2:

Many states also have redefined lack of consent. Before the 1970s, many courts viewed the element of force from the standpoint of the victim. A man would not be convicted of rape of a competent woman unless she had demonstrated some physical resistance. In the absence of physical resistance, courts usually held that the sexual act was consensual. In the early 2000s in many states, the prosecution can prove lack of consent by presenting evidence that the victim objected verbally to the sexual penetration or sexual intrusion.

Update 3:

Why is it that the world must always revolve around men or it is considered politically incorrect?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's a good list, with many relevent points.

    I would add that it's not fair to call women bitches, but would also include ****$, ho$, whores, *****$, etc. These are all words used in the media (non-cable) and are derogatory and sexist. I would add to this that women (and men) should complain to the media - write letters to the editor, op-eds, write emails to the company, write in comment sections, etc.

    I would recommend the same for commercials. Write to them to complain about their narrow view of gender roles or use of stereotypes. don't buy their products.

    I would agree about reading books. I would add that women need to inform themselves on all issues , not just the most popular ones (pay equity, work-life balance). For example, women get screwed in family court, but since we only hear this from men (that they get screwed), we totally overlook the problem. Gender Task Forces have found women get screwed. Primarily b/c they tend not to have legal help (whereas often men do b/c they have more resources). So, in family court then, women are not often believed (see Katie Tagle's case or Amy Castillo or Mohammed Goher) and they lose custody to abusers (see on research citations). This is an issue not well-known, but women who support repro rights must realize we can't leave women in the dust when they deliver.

    Women have to stand up for themselves even if they're seen as angry (tea partiers et al can get angry, but women can't - uh huh), radical, or a non-confirmist. That's the only way. We can't back down, we can't afford to be nice, we cant follow the pack.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I went to your link and agreed with the statements. As for Reality TV, this alone is denigrating because they have the pettiest women imaginable fighting violently over men who aren't worth anything. This is the spectacle of women behaving badly, and it's all on film.

    Do you object to 'rape' applying to all genders? I don't get your point with this one.

    One of my concerns is that people have become hysterical in defining sexual crimes. In Massachusetts, urinating in public is a sex offense that gets you on the sexual offender's list, a horrible stigma that stays with you for life. The law applies even if you are in a very dark corner behind an opaque object. The fact that you are trying to avoid being seen means nothing. I can understand making urinating in public a misdemeaor. But a felony? That's hysteria. I suspect the stinking Fundies are behind this rather than feminists but they have been allies before.

    The lack of consent issue was a major victory for feminists. Your point is-?

    As for many states not punishing the rape of a spouse as severely as rape of a stranger, the law is conservative and is usually lagging behind social changes. The man's unimpeded access to his wife was nearly everywhere taken for granted until the 1960's, when an historic Supreme Court ruling finallly ruled that is was a crime.

    As for women constantly referring to women as bitches, I have never done it. It is propagated through the media by black singers and musicians, who also call themselves dogs. Worse, they still call each other ******, as if this was a badge of pride. Bill Crosby and Richard Prior both pleaded that this word be left out of the English language. I can't agree more.

    Source(s): Lots of reading. Adrienne Rich is a great poet.
  • 5 years ago

    MEN DO COMMIT 90% OF THE VIOLENCE IN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS. And men can be the catalysts in getting other men to change. Thats all that was. And women should get other women inline and provide the same for abusive women. As for UW getting any of my money, NO. Why give the 'middle man" (an extra organization) funds best given to the orgs actually providing the services. The 10 to 20% the UW takes could be put to better use.

  • sam
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hmm some good points. Personally I don't have a problem with rape jokes if they're funny (which many aren't, they're just gratutitious). 2-6 are pretty obvious. I don't have time to read much outside of my course at the moment, but yes agree. 8, I don't really get the whole referring to each other as 'bitches' thing, but each to their own. 9 and 10, fair enough for anyone that has the time and energy.


    "Why is it that the world must always revolve around men or it is considered politically incorrect?"


    It's kind of interesting actually, I wonder how many men realise how often women have to make substitutions in the things we read because they're written for men or by a man without any thought as to his audience. It's something we do without thinking a lot of the time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I thought the list was terrible and blatantly radical. To me, and I always thought to most people, feminism is the belief that women are equal to men. Ok, that's fine. I do not have a problem with that. Sometimes though, feminists push it just a little too far.

    1. Seriously? Nobody thinks rape is a joke. I understand that being raped is a kind of trauma that can derail somebody's life. On the other hand, I learned in college that the best way to deal with tragedy is comedy. I can't tell you enough how much this is true. This woman isn't looking at the context of the joke. She obviously has a bad sense of humor. Recently, South Park's episode "It's a Jersey Thing" featured a scene where the town gets the help of Al-Qaeda to wreck airplanes into a crowd of invaders. Do you think that Trey Parker and Matt Stone think that 9/11 is a joke? Of course not.

    2. How is that going to help you be a feminist? I help people out when I see something wrong, but recognizing class and racism doesn't make you a feminist. It makes you anti-racist.

    3. I guess so. Isn't she singling men out though? Shouldn't you support everybody you feel needs it? I'm not sure about supporting absolutely everybody though. What if they're a bad person?

    4. Ok, fine.

    5. Good advice, not sure it belongs on this list but ok.

    6, 7, 9, 10. Do what you please.

    8. Oh please. Give me a break. I know it's mean to call someone that, but there's nothing wrong with tossing words around like that. Once again she suffers the fallacy of context. When a word crosses into everyday usage, it loses power. Many years ago it was rare to hear f**k. Now it's said almost everyday. There's always going to be derogatory words, if you keep eliminating them, new ones will surface.

    I'm done ranting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, I found it very interesting. I'm still thinking it through.

    My only comment though, is that I think it is one sided. I don't think the focus shouldn't be on how "to be a feminist". Surely the focus should be on how to make the world a better place for women. And for that, most of her points are legit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I failed on points 7, 9 and 10... and plan to hire somebody to rectify the situation!

    Maybe... that and shovel snow, snow, snow, snow...

    Merry Christmas, Deirdre!

  • 1 decade ago

    Item #3 clearly states that only women are allowed to be Feminists™.

    "... other women ..."

    Item #9 makes it clear that helping men is not part of Feminism™.

    "... an organization that helps women ..."

    Regarding item #1, women seem to love to talk about rape and giggle at the idea ... especially when men are the victims. I do not think they are ready to stop making rape jokes nor using rape as a weapon against men. Even those women who would never rape a man ever still seem to chuckle at the thought.

    At least now we can be sure what Feminism™ means.

  • First thought:- "Ummm, MS magazine - this should be good for a laugh!"

    Second thought:- Same old worn-out, clap-trap lines of one-sided propaganda - but at least I've now determined that the current preoccupation with 'rape jokes' is a direct response to the often silly 'definitions' of 'rape' put about by Faux Feminists. "Every face is a rape face" is obviously a dig at the puerile attempt to classify all men as rapists. Faux Feminist rat-bags have succeeded in making the issue a laughing stock. No-one else to blame there!

    You learn something new every day here!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Every one seems already part of what I do, expect for eight, because some women don't ever stop bitching.

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