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Hey R&P, heard the new Kanye album yet?

If not: What's wrong with you?

Don't miss out on the icons of the golden age you were born into and live in without choice.

BQ: Last great album you discovered?


In case anyone took that "what's wrong with you" too seriously, I'm kidding. The thing came out today. (It's been available for a while online, but we're all far too scrupulous for such actions, I'm sure.)

But seriously, like I said, it's an icon. (And it's great, too.)

Update 2:

The thing I keep wanting to say about this album is that there's nothing like it. But even if there is, it doesn't matter, because I doubt it's this good. This really is among the most exciting pop albums I've ever.

(I'm succumbing now:) Okay, check this out:

When have you heard anything like that before? I don't even like Bon Iver much, but this is just about the greatest idea for a song ever (a cappella autotune harmonies), and the execution is perfect.

Update 3:

Two corrections - First, "most exciting pop albums I've ever" should end with "heard." Second, it's sort of dumb to give Kanye West credit for the IDEA of Lost in the World, because it's clearly Bon Iver's idea, but Kanye makes it about fifty times better.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yup yup yup. I'm getting a copy of it later today. I think it's his 2nd best yet, really close to his best. It's a freakin' hiphop/R&B/pop masterpiece that I think everyone should at least try once.

    My favorite song on it is Dark Fantasy.

    also, there's no way in hell Kanye West can be overrated at this point. Look at some of these responses, the majority hates him.

    I'd comment more on why he's overhated, but no one will bother to read/care.

    BQ: Best Coast - Crazy for You

    Source(s): oh geez you people are so negative!
  • 1 decade ago

    I enjoy some rap (Lil' Wayne, Eminem, B.o.B, etc.), but I'm just not much of a Kanye fan, I'm not going to lie I am a Taylor Swift fan, so that may still be in the back of my mind, but his music alone doesn't do it for. Some of his older stuff was pretty good, and if the new album is anything like that I may give it a quick listen. I do listen to mostly rock/pop music, and to answer the Bonus Question, I have to say Doo-Wops & Hooligans by Bruno Mars, that is me and girlfriend's soundtrack.

    Source(s): Oh, and please answer mine;_ylt=AnDJ0...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, great music on there, I liked Gorgeous, All Of The Lights, and Runaway. Overall it is a strong album with a couple of fillers I would say, but very strong indeed. I didn't like the song Monster though, don't really find anything special with that song.

    BQ: The Velvet Underground & Nico

  • 1 decade ago

    No I haven't. I'm sure I'll hear it soon enough.

    What's wrong with me: I missed the bus with this guy. Nothing against him, I just haven't heard a rapper I really liked in about 15 years. He's fine as a pop star but I really laugh when I see people talk about him like he's some revolutionary hip hop artist. Maybe he is and I just don't get it, like I said I'm out of touch.


    In case you are worried I am the one who took that part too seriously, I knew you were kidding. I went and listened to a few tracks on youtube, as I said, fine pop star.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't like Kanye West. I'll give it a try though.

    BQ: The Microphones - The Glow Pt. 2. Amazing.

  • Stuie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No I really don't see why people like Kanye West so much and I'm strictly talking musically. I Think he is really overrated.

    BQ: The last "great" album I discovered was The New Pornographers - Challengers. I've gotten a lot more since then. Some were really good, most were just good but Challengers was definitely my last great one.

  • 1 decade ago

    no i havent nor will i

    i dont like rap and i dont like kanye west

    bq the greatest hits of howlin wolf

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