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Update, and question about healing?

Just a quick update. Last Sunday I went in for a non stress test cause I was over due. The monitors picked up some contractions, and then when I was checked they said I was 4cm, 90% effaced, and that I wouldnt be going home. They broke my water, I laboured for 4 hours with little progress, so pitocin was started. I made it for 5 hours on pitocin before begging for the epi. Sadly my epi didnt work (it numbed me up in my chest, so they had to stop it, but from that point labour progressed really quickly, and after half an hour of pushing Adelaide was born at 8lbs 5oz. She is perfect, and I fall more and more in love with her every day. I find myself missing sleep not because she's fussing, just because I can't stop staring at her.

Now for my question. How long did it take you to heal after birth? I had 4 seerate tears (one of them 3rd degree). I had a hymanal ring tear, a perinial tear, and then two around my labia. It took 3 doctors half an hour to put me back together (luckily I had baby on me, so the state of my vagina didn;t matter.

So how long was it until you could:

Walk normally?

Pee without stinging around stitches?

Easily get up and out of chairs?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Congrats on your baby girl! Finally right? lol.

    Ok so it sounds like they worked on your for a while. I ended up having a small tear with this last one and when they went to repair it I tore more! Then the bleeding started... in my case, this cycle went on for 3 hours! I had a blood transfusion and felt much better.

    For me, I had the post-partum bleeding for 5.5 weeks. I was on pain meds for 6 weeks and then was able to ween myself off. With the peri-wash and sitz baths, Dermoplast spray and sitting on ice I was okay by then. The stitches stung for a while but with the peri-wash (just use the squirt bottle they give you, don't try and wipe. I used to do that and then blot lightly with a tissue.) The Dermoplast spray helps to numb where you were stitched. I used my Boppy to sit on but mostly hung out in bed. The first baby though I tore and had an episiotomy. I bled for the 5-6 weeks and on pain killer for about 3. Then had an easier time on recovery. If you keep up on your pain meds and do your sitz baths its a lot better. Some women can get up right away and start walking around. Not me lol. Just take your time and let your body heal. Have your soaks and drink plenty of water. Do not miss your meds! LOL trust me it's hard to play catch up.

    Again, congrats! Best of luck and blessings :)

    Source(s): mother of a 6yr old, 16 month old, pregnant with #3 and experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Well Congratulations!!!

    Sounds like you had quite the collateral damage......

    I had an episiotomy with my first that took about a week to week and 1/2 to feel fine. On top of the episiotomy, I had a REALLY large hemorrhoid so it was quite painful down there. Sitz baths helped me a lot (epsom salts).

    They let me tear with my second but it was minor and I only needed 1 stitch. I was as good as new the same day, really. I had no ill effects (not even hemorrhoids) whatsoever with my second birth.

    I hope you heal fast and enjoy Adelaide! (beautiful name, btw)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My daughter was only 6lb 9oz and I still managed to get a 2nd degree tear. I think I healed pretty quickly though, I was walking normally after about 2 week's. The stinging went away after about 2-3 weeks and I could get up easily after about 2-3 weeks too.

    Your tear sounds pretty bad, so it'll probably take you that little bit longer to heal completely, but you'll be surprised how quickly you will heal though.

    Congrats btw x

    Source(s): x.. Mummy To 7 Month Old Baby Girl ..x.. 12 Weeks & 6 Days Pregnant ..x
  • 1 decade ago

    hiya hunny congratulations on your baby girl :)

    my little girl is 7 weeks old and it took me about 5 weeks to feel completely normal i had a 13 hour labout but was pushing for nearly 2 hours i had a 2nd degree tear because her hand was up by her face when she came out. my advice is to have lots of warm baths add a little salt to keep it clean i found the wams bath to soothe the stinging and i know this sounds a little strange but because when i peed it did sting a lot was to fill a sqeezy bottle with warm water and squirt it near the stiches when your peeing, seemed to do the trick for me :)) xxxxx

    congratulations again :)) hope you are both well xxxx

    Source(s): mum to 7week old evie
  • 1 decade ago

    Congrats!!!! So happy to hear she's finally here!

    WIth my first I had pretty bad tearing resulting from a very fast pushing stage (emergency vacuum delivery) ... with my second I had no tearing so I will comment about my first:

    For all the things you mentioned ... it was about 7-10 days. As for burning while peeing ... spraying the area with a squirt bottle provided to me before/while going really helped relieve the stinging.

  • Congratulations!!

    I have to have an episiotomy when I was in labour and so had stitches. It took me about 6 weeks to heal. But as you have had a few more tears, it may take a little longer.

    I love her name, its adorable :)...

    Congratulations again!

    x x

    Source(s): Mummy to a 4 year old & 4w2d with bambino number 2 :) xx
  • 1 decade ago

    Congrats Alex. I'm extremely delighted for you :)

    Sorry, I can't answer your question, but just wanted to assure that you'll heal in no time and enjoy the most beautiful moments with the little one.

    Love to you and the little one.

  • 1 decade ago

    About six weeks

  • 1 decade ago

    ah hunny just wanted to say congratulations! i'm so happy for you xxxxxxx

  • 1 decade ago

    Can't help with your Q's just wanted to say a huge congratulations to you! xxx

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