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How much do I have to make in the US to bring home $4,000 a month after taxes (Single male)?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tax rates vary wildly in every location. While the US has a federal tax, each state has its own tax rate, and often, many counties and cities will as well. This question cannot be answered with a single number, as you will need to do your research on where in the US you're talking about.

    Also, the cost of living in each locale will play a large role in the VALUE of that $4,000. $4,000/month will buy more in Michigan than in New York state or California, for example.

  • 1 decade ago

    well that is a very confusing question see at a good 40 hours a week with 10$ an hour you got like only $400 but when you add in overtime (10.5) and get lets say 30extra you could be bringing home 450 thats $850 so you wont be making much i say you need wow hmmm 20,25 dollars an hour and plenty of hours good luck and go for it!

    taxes are different where you work

    you must also think about the hours your gitting

  • 1 decade ago

    You would probably need a yearly salary of around $55,000 to $60,000 in most locations.But, there are a lot of factors including local and state tax rates, health insurance costs, 401k with holdings, and the number of dependents you claim (you can claim as many as you want even though you're single, but then you settle up the difference on your tax return).

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