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Black ops zombies, why do people get more points than me?
When i play either of the black ops zombies maps, even if i get the most kills, i find myself with less points than everybody else.
My strategy is to buy the m14 then kill them with my pistol as soon as i see them until the pistol runs out then i use the m14, the majority of the time i get mostly headshots.
Why might these people be getting more points?
14 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
The big hint here is that you say you get the most kills, the thing is, while you're doing all the killing, your buddies in the room are killing AND rebuilding the barriers for the extra points, the best strategy for zombies is to work together, keep to your own windows/doors area and kill the zombies, then rebuild the barriers. I always try to keep one zombie active, let him chase a player around while the rest of the team build up the defenses for the next wave.
You gotta communicate with your team-mates FTW, i don't like playing zombies with players who don't have a headset.
- 1 decade ago
I found a site which explains how you earn points in Black Ops Zombies.
I have put some parts of the article here.
"First off, the point of Zombies is to stay alive as long as possible. You're not getting out alive, so the goal's to go down fighting, and fighting hard. In order to do that, you need better weapons. Weapons cost points, and you accumulate points by killing zombies and fixing barriers. Not too difficult, right?"
"Every hit rewards you 10 points, but the reward earned for the killing blow depends on how it's delivered:
Body - 50 points
Headshot - 100 points
Knife - 130 points
Grenade - 50 points"
"And that brings us to drops. Every time you kill a zombie, there's a chance that a pickup will appear:
Insta-Kill - Just like it sounds. One hit, one kill. Lasts 30 seconds.
Bomb - Pick up this bad boy to instantly incinerate all the zombies around you.
Double Points - All point rewards are doubled. Lasts 30 seconds.
Max Ammo - Completely refill all of your ammunition, including grenades - except for your current clip, so make sure everyone reloads before activating it.
Hammer - Instantly repair all barriers."
To read the whole article, go to .
I have also found a strategy guide for the map "Kino Der Toten" on YouTube (go here:
Source(s): - 1 decade ago
You get points for each hit. A knife is more points than a shot, so what I try to do is first figure out how many shots it takes to kill a zombie for each round. (For me it changes all the time.) Then, for example, if it's 7 shots, I shoot the zombie with the pistol 6 times and then knife. After about round 4 I start opening doors and getting better guns. Try to revive people as much as possible, and when you have insta-kill just knife. Don't rely on just one gun, but have two really great guns. For me I like to do one shotgun and one automatic. Try to upgrade the guns you like and for the shotgun try to get the stake out. When the dogs come, get into a corner and use the shotgun to kill them as they come. For the map FIVE, in the control room don't open the elevator to go into the lab until you really need to, because opening that elevator and going to the lab causes the gas crawlers to come out. Also, when the gun box disappears, there should be a TV somewhere above the box. If you watch that TV it will show you the next location of the box.
Hope I helped!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
The best way is to KNIFE them. Knifing gives you 130 points, that's the most you can get from killing a zombie. What i normally do:
-buy the olympia or m14 (i choose the olimpia) and i only use my pistol
-only shoot the zombies with the pistol but not enough to kill them ( that way you can gain an extra 30 or 40 points on the 1st round) and then i knife them (doing this you can get up the 170m points just for 1 zombie)
-On later rounds whe i just releas a whole magazine of pistol rounds on a zombie i just end up knifing them untill they die
-When the room seems to get crowded with zombies I take out the olympia and blast them back enough to knife acouple more.
Of course this can only work if you aren't playing with **** that run up to ur window and take all ur kills by shooting the zombies before they are close enough to knife them.
If they do that to me, i just end up taking the lift without them or putting a trap on them, lol!
Hope i helped, it took me some time.
Source(s): WAW & BO experience and being extremely selfish, lol - How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
tips : keep pistol for first 4 rounds on the first and second round let the zombies break in and only use ur knife, the number of knifes it takes to kill a zombie is the number of waves u are on, so if ur on wave 1 it would only take 1 knife to kill a zombie. anyway let them in first couple of rounds so u get the xp from the repairs, try save ur money if u can until u get into a diffrent room i would recommend going outside at round 5 and buy the ak47u and hold them off there for a few rounds, they put m14 and olimpya or whatever the shotgun in the first room cuz they are the worst weps in the game if u was to buy machiene guns or SMG's u could hold that first room very easy for alot of rounds, so knife them repair and u will have about 3k-5k at round 5
Source(s): play it alot wave 23 best - Anonymous1 decade ago
Knifing is 130 and headshots are 100, so if you aren't knifing or getting headshots your points aren't going to add up to quick. You should shoot them a couple times and then knife in the first couple rounds, after the first couple rounds it takes too many knifes to kill them and you wont survive so you should just shoot them a few times and end on a headshot. Plus if you leave one guy alive at the end of each round so you can rebuild all of the barriers before the next round begins you will get like 40 points per window. Even rebuild the barrier while you are killing them in the first few rounds even if there aren't that many zombies cuz the points add up
- 1 decade ago
this is a tactic that will make you get more points :
Shoot the zombie with your pistol 3-4 times then knife them.
Shoot the zombie with a whole clip of your pistol then knife
you probably ran out of ammo here . Buy m14 and try to get headshots (never buy ammo)
let some of the zombie break the barricades and come in you might get max ammo for ur pistol . and you can repair the barricades to get a few more points
Source(s): hope this helped XD - 1 decade ago
if you get headshots you get a lot of points. when you get to about round 5 when headshot zombies there head falls off and you get 20 points per second they survive without there head. for example i headshotted a zombie the other day and it kept walking it lasted bout 10 seconds before it died and thats because i was in a cornor and it was still walking towards me so i killed it. so i got 20 points per second so i got 200 points plus the headshot points pluss obvioulsy the kill points. but sometimes people just get more zombies at there windows so they are gonna get more. also when ever a person dies try to revive them because that also gets you points
Source(s): i play zombies. - Anonymous5 years ago
a million) Browning(extensive magazine) + Galil on the grounds that's lighter. 2) Kino Der Toten, once you your interior the alley on the window by way of double faucet. i'd hop the fence and pass to the Berlin warfare because of the fact of those device weapons. proper Zombie killing machines. 3) Nickolai, Tank, and Takeo because of the fact takeo is quiet and Richtofen would wipe your memory and test on you. 4) Zombie dogs because of the fact the monkeys pass quickly and are small mutually as George is almost Invincible. 5) If i'd desire to pass away the map like i choose, 2 or 3 days. Staying in Kino, a million-3 hours.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
there probly using there pistols and knifes u get 130 points for knife kill and 10 points with every shot with a pistol
Source(s): i had the game and i played alot