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Will he ever stop controlling me?

My boyfriend of 2 years is an amazing guy! That's why we have been together for 2 years; The thing is just like everyone else he has qualities that I don't like. There are some things that I can get past but; I cannot get past the fact that he controls me. He doesn't control where we go to eat, or what we do for the evening. He does control almost every other aspect. I haven't spoken to any of my friends for almost 2 years. If I do make any new friends, he has to approve of them, & if I want to spend any time with them he gets angry, it's just not worth the fight. He gets jealous if I spend any personal time with anyone but him, ie: my sister, my mom, any family members or family friends. He gets jealous over my dog, if I spend too much time with my dog versus him, He tells me he's just a stupid dog & I love him more. As ridiculous as it sounds that I'm w/him or that I tolerate him being controlling, some things have changed. He used to control what I wore & that's changed. The thing is, I love him, but I miss my freedom, as an independent woman, I miss my friends. He wants to get married & tells me every day how much he loves me and how beautiful he thinks I am. I just am unsure if I want to get married and give everything up. Will he ever change? or should I end things before it gets deeper into the relationship?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    End it ASAP! Controlling behavior is a type of abuse that tends to get worse over time. It can sometimes lead to physical abuse and be glad that he hasn't done that yet. I wouldn't be surprised that he gets extremely angry and resorts to violence when you break up. I also wouldn't be surprised if he puts on the smooth moves of being the great guy to get you back and apologizes. He will claim that he will change, but once a person has done that to someone they will stay with familiarity. The familiarity is the controlling behavior. I don't care how amazing you think he is, because that is a charming tactic abusers use to keep hold of their victim. Please wake up and realize that you deserve better than this. A guy that will love you and give you the freedom you deserve.

  • ChiMom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In so many instances when there is a possessive and jealous partner, they keep you from your family and friends. They do NOT want you to have any outside influence or advice from anyone but him. This is dangerous--he is sectioning you off from your friends and family. Heads of religious cults do this and convince their members that anyone 'outside' is bad and evil.

    Keep your friends and family close --contact them, see them, handg out with them. If he is jealous, he will have to grow up and get over it. And as for the dog--that is simply ridiculous. he needs to enjoy playing with the dog too--and the 3 of you doing things together. No dog is 'just a stupid dog' and it is very cruel for him to say this. he knows how important your dog is to you, and for him to say such a thing uis downright abusive and mean.

    I am glad to hear that he is changing. But please do not put up with his controlling ways.

    Put the shoe on the other foot---how about if you dictated to him that he not have any contact with his friends, or family--and ONLY spend time with you and noone else? But that you could do whatever you want, with whoever you want. See how he likes that!

    You are a strong and independent woman, as you should be and do not let anyone take that away from you. Controlling someone is abusive--it is NOT respecting them nor loving them.

    Do not give anything up! Do not get married to anyone who is controlling you!

    Good luck to you.

    if he truly repsected and loved you, he would NOT be asking you to give up yopur independence, friends nor family, nor dog.

    Source(s): 23 yrs psychiatric hospital healthcare by profession
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no he won't change.

    it won't matter how many arguments you have, or how much you tell him to change, it will never happen.

    the fact he gets jealous about you spending time with the dog should be big alarm bells, but also you NEVER give up your family and friends for a guy, never never never, he has no reason to not trust you, so there shouldn't be a problem with you seeing your family and friends.

    if he wants to get married, please think about it carefully, he is already controlling you, you don't see anyone, you can't spend too much time with the pet dog, it would be like signing your life away to be controlled by someone else & that is not love.

    Source(s): opinionated
  • 1 decade ago

    He's obviously very possesive over you , can u seriously see yourself spending the rest of your life with this guy if he's like this ? You need to tell him staight , he only controls you because he knows he can , stand your ground or you'll start losing the ones you care about

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  • 1 decade ago

    The dude is insecure. He needs to shape up now. If you marry him things will only get worse. He won't be the loving, caring guy that you know now. He's trying to manipulate and tie you down.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He sounds insecure, childish and pathetic, meeting someone and falling in love is supposed to enhance your life not detract from it! He isnt going to change, infact he will get worse over time!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    haha no men do not change. havent you ever heard of that? lol its okay. girl you have to stand up for what you want. if hes not letting you do the things you love then hoe is he an "amazing guy"?

  • 1 decade ago

    Sit down and tell him all of that. try to make him understand. He is not a monster.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its called emotional abuse, and it will keep getting worse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he'll stop controlling you when you stop letting him.

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