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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationOther - Cars & Transportation · 1 decade ago

Statue of limitations for automobile accidents?

I was in a car wreck in which I rear-ended someone and tore off their bumper. It was a rainy day and authorities dubbed it an accident. I did not receive a ticket. I heard nothing of the incident. I was driving a car under someone Else's name but I owned it and had insurance. Finally one year and one month later the insurance company sends me something. Does anyone know the statue of limitations or what I can do??

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In most places the statute of limitations on property damage is 2 years and physical injury is either 2 or 5 years. Why are you worried about it? You said you had insurance. Let them deal with it.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    As you rear-ended someone, and it looks like their insurance company wants to recover the cost of the repair, you have no recourse. The 'statue' of limitations is of no consequence as it takes forever for an insurance company to pay up, and once they do, they want the blood of the person responsible.

    If the 'accident' was only 13 months ago, it would still be well within the 'statue' of limitations to chase a claim.

    BTW, it is STATUTE.

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