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To the men out there ~ preferably the 35 and over gents....?

I am recently divorced and starting to date again. I consider myself a lady and would like to be treated as such, especially in public and around my kids (all grown or nearly there). I love a man with a sense of humor and can appreciate a good joke as well as the next person. That being said, I guess my question would be; why do so many men think that vulgar comments/jokes are not only acceptable, but might even turn a woman on? And, how do I let a very nice man with this flaw know that it is not something I enjoy without him thinking I'm mad at him? I tried to tell him yesterday, after recieving a pretty disgusting media message from him about why girls get everything they want for Christmas, that men and women have different senses of humor and things like that are fine to send to his dude friends, but I don't want to recieve any more like that from him ~ especially since I have to pay extra for media messages. Told him via text and didn't cuss him or anything. About four hours later I got a text back from him asking if I was still mad at him. I reread the message I'd sent him and made sure it didn't sound bitchy. It didn't, so I'm good there. Just want to know if you men out there think like he does or do you 'mind your manners' around a lady?

11 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Austin,'s an awesome liberal, healthy, athletic and vibrant city, they just opened a kiss and fly, and though there's no "gay ghetto" (might actually be a good thing) the city and its people are very accepting, (Travis Co. the county Austin is in, was the only county to vote against the Texas marriage ban, 60-40). Austin is a major party city from 6th street to all its different lakes there's a lot to do and it's not super expensive either, the city is young, and with all the college students, you'll find no shortage of people around your age, (remember the University of Texas is only a couple blocks from the state capitol.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know, I think this is one area where the current pop culture has changed things. There used to be things that you would just never say around a lady, but the constant media blitz depicts women as matching men in is almost like the fight for women's equality has won for women the right to use "bathroom humor" just as much as men.

    Mind you, I respond to a person individually, and I realize there are different things that different people will find funny. Personally, however, I don't really get crude with women, although I have an offbeat sense of humor. I was raised rather old-fashioned; one of my friends, who I actually first got in contact with through R&S, is a lady who was a hippie in the 60s, and has certainly seen more of life than I have. She and I talk nearly every night, and it is a great friendship. One of the funny things, though, is that even though she is a woman in her sixties and a Christian, and I am a man in my 40s and an Atheist, I am far less risque in speech than she is. In fact, she got to laughing one evening when I just couldn't bring myself to say a certain term; I have that etiquette instilled by the institutions of the old British Empire.

    I may look pretty wild, judging from my picture, but I am not so wild as most of my peers.

  • 1 decade ago

    tbh i do mind my manners around my wife (I'm 37 and we only met 2 years ago) and that is because she mentioned it to me! before that I had been seeing a lot of younger women (18-22) and I have to say that that kind of dirty crass chat does actually turn them on (different women every night for over 5 years) its just that an older woman has grown up and wants some finer just takes men a bit longer to grow up

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate to say it, but lots of women these days find that stuff pretty funny for some reason. The girl I like, I always treat with respect, never talk about rude dirty stuff in front of her and then she turned me down because I'm "too nice". She's just starting dating someone, who quite frankly is just a fowl mouthed idiot and she sees it as perfectly normal as it's the way most men behave these days.

    If he's used to women going for that sort of thing, then he's going to think it's all right to do it with you as well. Just tell him to his face your not mad at him, but you don't like to hear that sort of thing.

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  • Hello! {{{{{Lady}}}}

    They all do that, unless they are gay.

    There aren't any men out there that think with the heads on their shoulders, much as I love some of them, {you guys know who you are}, they are all horn dogs till the day they die.

    A star for you, go answer my question now!;_ylt=AgxGx...

  • 1 decade ago

    Sweetie, it could be nerves. I've seen many a man turn into a moron because he is interested in a lady.

    Just keep putting him in his place as required & be patient if you think he's worth it. In time, he'll relax & be himself instead of his version of "witty"

    (I know you wanted guys, but I have seen this problem often)

  • 6 years ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I mind my manners until she makes a joke of that nature. I still wouldnt send everything I would send the guys.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm just one of those morons Toke refers to.


  • 1 decade ago

    you should make him aware of your feelings, see his reaction and the decide.

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