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blue317 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Lack of Jobs or Lack of the right jobs?

1. I keep reading on here that we have a lack of jobs in America.

2. But I keep seeing and reading that we have millions of illegals stealing our jobs.

3. How can this be?

4. Do we have a shortage or are we so spoiled in America we only want the supervision jobs?

5. I believe that if Americans would fill these jobs...there would not be unemployment problem or an illegal immigration problem. Also there would be no need for an Entitlement Programs.


So to answer my question...there is not a shortage of jobs, and the American public wants to be paid more and more than a job requires...

Update 2:

Second Point...again you answer my question that we are spoiled...Mexicans can make it on these salaries but we can't or do we chose not to...

About going back with the money they make...we have people here in the US that pay no taxes and get every penny they have from the government...what is the difference.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Illegals have lowered wages in many areas. Here in TX they have taken over the construction business. They work for less and sleep 10 guys in an apt.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a practice called "undercutting" and it's what illegals do.

    There is no documentation, so they can work for around $3 an hour, pay no taxes, receive assistance in many cases, a few groups can sleep in one apartment and some employers offer residences, albeit primitive, they'll take it. They send their paychecks back to Mexico. With around 12 million of these in the country, it's no surprise that jobs are being given to them.

    So, while they're here, what employer in their right mind would hire an American who would legally be entitled to at least minimum wage? No worries with benefits, tax forms, or anything else.

    Edit: You are right, so long as you'll work for around $3 an hour and get paid under the table. How many people can you support on $120 a week?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would agree on every point. We have an entire underclass that isn't and for a long time now, hasn't been willing to take the only jobs they are qualified for. I have been in all around this issue in my career and observed it first hand. I often wonder why nobody really goes after the "bad back" epidemic that plagues so many seemingly healthy people in this country. Of all the maligned and abused social programs, social security disability has got to be the worst.

    I've seen people who were very seriously disabled have to fight tooth and nail to get benefits and then I have seen bottom feeders that don't have any problem at all. Makes you sick.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The problem is that our entire economy is based upon our ability to get and keep credit in order to pay for the consumer goods and services that we don't have the cash at hand for.

    The illegals are living in entirely cash based economy where almost all of their income goes to paying for life's necessities.

    If Americans once again adopted the' buy only what you have the cash on hand to pay for" model our economy would collapse b/c nobody could afford to buy the big ticket items .

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  • 1 decade ago

    The people who employ illegal immigrants at lower wages don't want to pay decent wages for the work being performed. It's not a matter of being spoiled but rather that most Americans would not be able to adequately support themselves and their families on those low wages.

    Desperate people will of course work for any wage that they can get in order to avoid starvation but that is not the situation that we want to create in this country. At least I hope not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many jobs given to illegal immigrants are 'under the table" and do not include mandated wages or benefits.

    All the labor laws work to make it more profitable to hire illegals than US citizens.

  • 1 decade ago

    Illegals live in hovels twenty people to a room. They save their below minimum wage earnings and go back to mexico. Many sneak across daily, returning to Mexico with American money. They pay no taxes, have no insurance....etc,etc

    Is this the level you would have the American worker reduced to?

    If we could enforce our borders and have American jobs for Americans, the wages would be forced to increase, unemployment would go down, People would have money to spend and the economy would start rolling again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Could your parents hook up to a McDonald's job and support the brood? Does McDonald's offer quality health insurance?They hire illegals like Checker's?somebody has to flip those hamburgers.>>>>John Doe, who the HELL is hiring them? Get to the root,get to the ROT, not the manifestation! You are just so against those people being people. Just admit it.

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