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Why didn't the American Atheists put up a billboard proclaiming the Hanukkah story a myth?

Update 2:

Yeah, isn't that funny, Tolstoyevsky?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Four reasons:

    #1. No one's claiming there is a war on Hanukkah

    #2. Most people who are atheists who feel a need to join atheist /groups/ are ex-Christians, and just like Ex-wives and Ex-smokers, can't shut up about what they used to be, and usually keep the bad habits they acquired as Christians.

    #3. (Not all, but some) Christians often act like total creeps around the holidays.

    #4. A majority of Americans can't use the word myth properly, just like some can't use the word 'theory' properly. It's actually funny, since some atheists like to pretend all Christians can't use the word theory properly, to see an atheist group do the same thing with 'myth.' (A myth is a story, and many myths are at least partially true....saying that Christmas was 'a fiction' or 'you know it never happened' would be correct. Saying 'it's a myth' is only bugging people who don't know how to use the word myth.)

    Edit: "American Atheists" [ ] is an organization. They are not the same as atheists who happen to be Americans. They do take a capital, just like Americans United, or Girl Scouts of America.

  • 1 decade ago

    I want to make sure I understand the reasoning of the majority here: The fact that something is a myth has no correlation whatsoever with whether or not a billboard will be erected denouncing that myth. The deciding factor would be the extent that those believing the myth were perceived to be annoying?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in case you desire to, then decide for it. it relatively is a unfastened u . s . a .. How could i think? i could experience sorry for whoever believed those thoughts, and that i could be praying for them that God will help them. Why do you meant you "shy away" each time you a message approximately Jesus? Why are any Atheists so disenchanted by them? could make somebody think of that those indications are hitting a nerve or something. yet, with my faith in God, the only ingredient i could shy away approximately is for the human beings who have not got God of their lives. Diane: Are you so threatened by God which you're feeling the ought to "purely rearrange the letters on church marquees so as that they are announcing issues to offend non secular human beings.. convey duct tape and be imaginative an E could nicely be an M a L ca be a 7 it rather is all in the way you seem at it.. "? Or is it lack of self belief?

  • I figured that most atheists would see this action as absurd. When I was an atheist I saw no point in acting like the religious. Alas, even atheists have their idiots.

    But the main reason why they are attacking Christianity is probably because Christian churches put up so many billboards with their messages. But atheists are doing the same annoying thing in return. I think that's absurd. Next thing you know they'll be handing out literature on the bu..... oh wait, they already do that. Pathetic.

  • actually Hanukkah is a very minor holiday for jews, as such they really don't make as big of a deal as it that christians do about christmas

    also there is some merit in the fact that Jesus was not born in the winter, and that most christmas traditions are really usurped pagan traditions, add to that the fact that the story that hanukkah is based upon an actual event (the Macabee uprising against the syrians) it really isnt a myth, the mythical part is the oil story, which is just told to kids the real story is that the jews rose up against the syrians who destroyed their temple

  • 1 decade ago

    well, mainly because i have never had a Jew hand me literature and stand around trying to convert me, nor have i seen any billboards promoting Hanukkah. christians on the other hand....

    now, i personally wont go around telling people "be an atheist!". that makes me no better than any of the people who come up to me and say "be a christian!". people are entitled to believe what they believe. as for the actual act of putting up the billboards, if christians are allowed to put up billboards, then atheists should be allowed to as well. if jewish people want to put one up, they can go for it.

  • Cam
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Christians-76% of Americans

    Jews-1.2% of Americans (note that decimal)

    So, if we direct proportionate campaigning to each, then we should be criticizing Christianity 63.3 times as often as Judaism. Anything else would be over targeting based on their population. Also, Christianity has far more political power in the US than Judaism. If we lived in Israel, we would be criticizing Judaism far more, because it would have the numbers and the power, but in the US, that is not the case.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well said Labgrrl!

    And after all the crazies out on Black Friday trampling over each other, and reading kdanley's answer here, I'm even more convinced that there is a need for more reason this season, regardless of your religious beliefs!

    Source(s): Pagan
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Right you are ...and I sense people are seeing that the Atheists are testifying to Christianity as the measure, goal, and direction of Truth for the common man.

    See, good coming from evil.

    I must post this from a brilliant man, a Bible scholar and historian, and once anti-Catholic. It is marvelous, same thing as you are referring to. This realization helped Newman convert to the Church he was fighting against. He saw exactly what his own fighting HAD TO MEAN !!


    In one point alone the heresies seem universally to have agreed,—in hatred to the Church.

    This might at that time be considered one of her surest and most obvious Notes. She was that body of which all sects, however divided among themselves, spoke ill; according to the prophecy, "If they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of His household." They disliked and they feared her; they did their utmost to overcome their mutual differences, in order to unite against her. Their utmost indeed was little, for independency was the law of their being; they could not exert themselves without fresh quarrels, both in the bosom of each, and one with another. "Bellum hæreticorum pax est ecclesiæ" had become a proverb; but they felt the great desirableness of union against the only body which was the natural antagonist of all, and various are the instances which occur in ecclesiastical history of attempted coalitions. The Meletians of Africa united with the Arians against St. Athanasius; the Semi-Arians of the Council of Sardica corresponded with the Donatists of Africa; Nestorius received and protected the Pelagians; {254} Aspar, the Arian minister of Leo the Emperor, favoured the Monophysites of Egypt; the Jacobites of Egypt sided with the Moslem, who are charged with holding a Nestorian doctrine. It had been so from the beginning: "They huddle up a peace with all everywhere," says Tertullian, "for it maketh no matter to them, although they hold different doctrines, so long as they conspire together in their siege against the one thing, Truth." [Note 1] And even though active cooperation was impracticable, at least hard words cost nothing, and could express that common hatred at all seasons. Accordingly, by Montanists, Catholics were called "the carnal;" by Novatians, "the apostates;" by Valentinians, "the worldly;" by Manichees, "the simple;" by Aërians, "the ancient;" [Note 2] by Apollinarians, "the man-worshippers;" by Origenists, "the flesh-lovers," and "the slimy;" by the Nestorians, "Egyptians;" by Monophysites, the "Chalcedonians;" by Donatists, "the traitors," and "the sinners," and "servants of Antichrist;" and St. Peter's chair, "the seat of pestilence;" and by the Luciferians, the Church was called "a brothel," "the devil's harlot," and "synagogue of Satan:" so that it might be called a Note of the Church, as I have said, for the use of the most busy and the most ignorant, that

    she was on one side and all other bodies on the other.


  • 1 decade ago

    The last time I checked, Jewish lobbyists weren't constantly schmoozing with the government trying to render unconstitutional my ability to marry the man I love (once I find him).

    Source(s): Gay atheist
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