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blue317 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What is the difference between Unemployment and Welfare?

If the government can limit unemployment entitlements and force those who are on unemployment to look for work....why can we not do the say for welfare?...put a time limit on it and force some drug test, community service, if caught in fraud loss entitlement privilege.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Welfare will reward you for breeding. Unemployment used to be a temporary helping hand until you found another job. It has grown into a new career choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's really no difference. People are just more supportive of unemployment insurance because you can only collect if you have been working, whereas it's assumed that people on welfare are too lazy to find a job. Regardless of whether any of that is true, both are taxpayer supported programs that we all have to pay into, even if we never lose our jobs or want unemployment.

    Some states do put limits on unemployment, but there's still rampant fraud. The states just aren't all that motivated to police it. If it were privatized like a regular insurance company, there'd be much more concern about fraud.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can force somebody to look for a unicorn, but they are never going to find one. You fail to answer one serious reality, WHERE ARE THE JOBS? i'm not sure about the time limits on welfare but you have to realize that it is feeding children that would otherwise starve. They spend every dime they are given which has and always will be good for the economy. This has no correlation with a tax break for rich people who are not technically being given money. the government has to borrow money from China to replace the money the gov. would be getting from the rich. The rich generally already have a lot of money invested in the economy so the money they don't send to the government is instead put into a bank account where it does nothing for the country.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    there is somewhat no distinction. all human beings is basically greater supportive of unemployment coverage because you could purely convey at the same time in case you have been working, while that's assumed that human beings on welfare are too lazy to locate a activity. in spite of no remember if any of that's genuine, the two are taxpayer supported classes that all of us ought to pay into, although if we under no circumstances lose our jobs or want unemployment. some states do placed limits on unemployment, yet there remains rampant fraud. The states basically are not all that inspired to police it. If it have been privatized like a known coverage corporation, there'd be lots greater concern approximately fraud.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Unemployment is for people who had a job but lost it. If you are currently working, some of your taxes go to unemployment insurance.

    Welfare is a more a wastebasket term and different states have different requirements and benefits but, mostly the give money to people who have children. It really isn't a complete give away TANF requires the recipients to work.

  • 1 decade ago

    Point is anyone working is paying into unemployment insurance. And really if you are paying taxes at all (income taxes, sales taxes, license fees, etc.) you are also paying into the welfare system. But to answer your question, welfare payments of any kind (food stamps, housing assistance, etc) are intended as short term help. They were never intended to be a way of life so I have no problem with putting some requirements and stipulations onto welfare payments.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unemployment is taxable and based on past income. Welfare is not taxable and is based on current need. They have different funding sources-one is government and one is employer paid. One only pays in cash while the other pays in food, medical care and other things as well as cash. Welfare usually county and UE is usually state-although it can be argued Federal sometimes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Give unemployment some more time on the operating table of the left. And there wont be any real difference.

  • Bobbi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You make more money on unemployment. Welfare gives you very little cash benefits, plus you have to go out and actually work to keep your check.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You and your employer pay into unemployment insurance every day that you work and it goes into a separate fund for that purpose. Back during the Bush years they even decided the fund had too much money in it and they should suspend paying into it. Of course the fund is long gone now.

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