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Sleepless baby...experience with this needed?

To be fair I have to tell you that I already asked this question today, I was however met with people who were more interested in critiquing my child's diet than helping me with my sleepless baby.

My son will be 8 months old on wednesday, and he will not sleep for more than an hour or so at a time at night (during the day as well although that's not a problem at all). This means that I get up up to six times a night...for the past 5 months. Needless to say I am exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. I'm looking for any mothers who have been through this and tried something that actually worked. I'm going to give you some clear facts now so that you can make an informed opinion.

First this isn't my first baby (not even my second) so the things we all say to first time mommies don't apply here

baby eats what and as often as is recommended for his age group (he loves food)

baby sleeps in his own crib and cosleeping is NOT an option

I would prefer not to let him cry it out

He takes 2 naps a day recently down from 3

He's active (very) and healthy (crawls, pulls up etc.)

He's been to his pediatrician and she says that he will grow out of it (for the last 5 months)

He has no reflux or ear infections although he does teeth off and on (those nights we don't even get to sleep)

If you've been through something like this please help....if you haven't please move on to the next question, I'm too tired to deal with you.

Thank you

Sleepless NEAR Seattle


Thank you Ethel but this not something that is intermittent...what I am meaning is that EVERY night for the past 5 months I have been getting up every hour or hour and a half with him. He cried for an hour last night (first time I've EVER let a baby cry it out) and I cried right along with him. needless to say I'm not wanting to do that again

Update 2:

Thank you abby's mama. i already eat great and take my vitamins but just the support you showed is enough to help me make through the rest of the day. i'll remember it and in a couple of months pass the support on to the next sleepless mommy (fingers crossed)

5 Answers

  • JenJen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh I remember those days like they were yesterday. My 10 month old JUST started sleeping better. It started when she was 6 months old and just ended a few weeks ago. She would wake pretty much every 2 hours and I would have to nurse her back to sleep. It was exhausting! (and we cosleep so cosleeping is definitely NOT a solution LOL)

    I wish I had an answer to your problem. I tried almost everything to get her to sleep better and nothing worked...she just had to grow out of it. One thing that helped me cope with the lack of sleep was to eat better and take a gave me a little extra energy.

    Keep your head up girl! You're doing a great job and it will get better!

  • Ethel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh ha. Usually, at least in my experience, when babies are doing that they are working on something new - in his case it is probably cruising and perhaps the concept of object permanence, but it can also be he knows when you leave the room and cries to get you back because it works, or he could just be growing again. Not that you want to do it, it may be okay to consider cry it out - because it isn't what most think. Crying out means letting the baby cry for a little bit, then go back and comfort for a little bit, let them cry a little longer, and so on - 5 minutes of crying followed by 5 comfort, 10 min crying, 5 comfort, etc..

    Honestly, his brain is doing big things right now and as hard as it is on you it is many times harder for him.

    Source(s): Have three sons, been there with each.
  • 1 decade ago

    My little one is the same way. I feel for you so much but I can't say I have an answer for you. We have be having luck if we bath her, feed her, snuggle/cuddle with her for a bit then swaddle her and place her in her crib and turn on her soother (best $35 I have spent) it has music and nature sounds and soft glowing lights. As long as she doesn't break out of her swaddle she will go to sleep. When she wakes at night and is just fussing (not crying) I can pat on her back and she settles back down. I have tried a pacifier and when she take it, it really helps but she spits it out most of the time. I wish you all the luck and hope what works for you little one!

  • 1 decade ago

    What are you doing when he wakes at night?

    The lights should be staying off, or very dim. You should NOT speak to him. Change his bottom, give him a feed, swaddle him and put him back to bed.

    I am going to say that food is probably a MAJOR issue here- every time I tried to cut my son's daytime milk feeds in an effort to wean him he started waking more often at night. Try feeding him (milk feeds, NOT solids) more often during the day. Also it might be an idea to cut solid feeds for a week or so to see if that has any effect, sometimes if a child is not ready for solids they cause discomfort and adversely effect the night time sleeping.

    Try to get him on a routine- my son thrived on a 9am nap, a 1pm nap and bedtime at 6:30 at night. Putting him on that routine dropped us from 4 night wakings to just 1!

    If you don't want to let him CIO, sit beside his cot and rub his back/tummy when you put him down- it soothes them and helps them to go to sleep.

    They DO grow out of it, some children just take a LOT longer to do so than others.

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  • menken
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    particular, you will desire to definetly study Abdullah Ocalan - Gave his existence so as that Kurdish human beings have an id. (Kurdish each physique is an ethnic team in the midsection East that have been being killed by using the Arabs, Turks and Iranians) Leyla Zana - (Gave 11 years of her existence in detention center) Joan of Arc - (17 three hundred and sixty 5 days previous female who lead the army, later accused of being a witch and burned on the stake. it quite is how they killed all efficient women folk in historic previous) Che Guevara - (Argentinian well being practitioner, grew to become solider to shop Cuba) Jesus- (do no longer forget him) additionally you're able to decide to study "Freedom riders" in the time of the black civil conflict a white guy held a protest against racism. He have been given a gaggle of black human beings, made them sit down on the front of a bus mutually as the white human beings sat on the back. He became against the black slavery and later whilst he have been given off the bus, the white racist human beings stated as him a traitor and beat him so undesirable. (uncertain if he died) additionally you're able to decide to benefit the suffragettes. whilst women folk had no rights, the suffragettes (who have been feminists) could burn down homes of prosperous male politicians, throw themselves in front of horses and die for women folk. They ultimately have been given women folk their rights to education, vote casting, divorce, possessing sources of their very very own call, birth control, abortion etc. desire I helped!

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