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Bottle feeding during the night?

I'm due to have my 1st baby in 3 weeks and am planning on bottle feeding using formula milk (as cannot breastfeed). On the box it says not that once a feed has been made up it needs to be used within 2 hours and has to be made by boiling water and then leaving to cool for 30 mins b4 givin to baby. My question is what about when my baby wakes during the night needing a feed surely i cant make her wait for 30 mins whilst the water cools enough for her to drink. Would it not be ok for me to just make up a feed before i go to bed and then use an electric bottle warmer to heat it up for her?


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i put boiled water into bottles then add milk when bottle is needed and heat up takes a few minutes :)

    Source(s): mum of 5
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's so confusing isn't it! I just started my baby on formula a week ago and I couldn't believe how strict the instructions are. So I'm supposed to let my hungry new born baby cry for 30 mins whilst they wait for their bottle to cool?! This may be ok for older babies because generally they have more of a feeding routine so you may know for example, that they are going to want feeding at 4am so you can make up a bottle just before. Like you, I went on the internet and I found that in reality, very few mothers stick to the guidelines on the back of the formula boxes. I boil the water and then I put it in the sterilised bottles maybe making up 4 or 5 at a time. I then leave the bottles sealed (with the teat and lid on) at room temperature. I add the formula in when my daughter cries to be fed. There is no need to warm to formula. Some babies prefer it but room temperature is absolutely fine for your baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    You take a sterlied bottle and add the correct amount of boiling water to it.

    You can let them cool. Have it in the room with you.

    When baby wakes you can then put the bottle in the warmer until the water is the right temp. Should take 5-7 mins depends on type of warmer.

    Once warmed add the milk powder and shake.

    Check the milk temp on the back of your hand

    Give bottle to baby.


    Or keep a flask of hot water in your room.

    NEVER make a pre mixed bottle up with no intention to use it as soon as. The reason they tell you not to keep it for more than 2 hours is cos milk powder can have bateria in it and that makes baby ill.

    The other option would be to buy ready made cartons and open one. Pour it in the bottle and warm up in a warmer.

    It will all make sense when your baby is here and you have done it 20 times lol

    Good luck

    (Sorry have just been looking at some of the other answers. If you live in the UK there are different guidlines for formula and how it should be used. It looks like some people have used formula that can be made up and stored for ages. I would look at the websites of the brands your considering using. I used Cow&Gate and NEVER EVER pre made bottles with the powder in them to use hours later. As a mum you have to weigh up following the rules with saving some time. Id hate for your baby to be ill by following bad answers on here)

    Taken from Cow &

    . Improper use of an infant milk or inappropriate foods or feeding methods may present a health hazard. If you use an infant milk, you should follow manufacturer’s instructions for use carefully – failure to follow the instructions may make your baby ill. Infant formula is suitable from birth when babies are not breastfed.

    or see these links. Depends on which brand you choose.

    Source(s): Experience Mum to 2 year old and 19wks Pregnant
  • 1 decade ago

    I boil the water and add the formula, then in the day time put the bottle to cool in a bowl of cold water for 20 mins and in the night, as soon as I've made it i run the bottle under the cold tap for approx. 4/5 mins, so in the night your baby shouldn't have to wait more than 10 mins MAX. Also brands like SMA do uht (long life) milk, so basically you pour straight from the carton into the bottle. They are expensive so we buy maybe one a week for emergencies when we haven't got time to cool a bottle or if we are go out.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all you should ALWAYS boil the water because when it reached boiling point that when the bacteria/germs are gone!

    What i do is, Boil the water wait 30 mins make about 4-5 bottles to last me the day and store them in the fridge and i make sure i never keep the bottles in the fridge more than 24hrs.. So when i need to make her a feed i just get a clean bottle and pour the pre-made milk in the bottle and warm it up in the microwave for 30 secs and its ready to eat!

    So make sure you've made enough milk at night so you wouldnt have to make more..All you would have to do is pour the pre-made milk in a clean bottle, warm it up and its ready..Also always make sure you test how warm the milk is by flicking some milk out of the nipple on your hand to check if its not to hot!

    Hope this helps... =)

    Source(s): xx..Mama to a 5 month old baby girl..xx
  • 1 decade ago

    yes you can make them up in advance and store them in the fridge, they will last 24 hours this way and can be warmed up when the baby wants the feed but will have to be used within 2 hours whatever method you use to make a feed because of germs growing. thats how i used to do it for night feeds with my daughter, you can also buy bags for the specific bottles you use where you store them and it keeps them the correct temperature for up to 6 hours. making a feed from fresh is best but it is a nuisance having to wait for it to cool down, so i used to make the boiled water an hour before my baby was due a feed and leave it to cool down, when she was due the feed id add the formula and itd already be the right temperature. youll find a way that works best for you. good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I boiled a kettle full of water before I went to bed and then just used that for her. They want you to boil the water so its sterlized so doing it that way is ok.

    Also they have a few different kinds of formula. If you try the just add water, liquid formula its said to be easier for a newborn to digest. You open a can and have to mix the entire thing right away (made about 8-10 4oz bottles) and store in the fridge. So when your daugher woke in the night you could just grab a pre mixed bottle from your fridge and heat it up.

    congrats on your first baby its going to make your life so amazing :) Couldnt imagine mine any other way.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i exploit bottles at night, yet i exploit formulation. i does not recommend leaving any milk out for longer than an hour or 2. Bottle heaters paintings ok, yet take an prolonged time if the milk is frozen. As a tenet, perchance you're able to desire to basically breastfeed at night and exchange a bottle for a feeding or 2 for the period of the day.....

  • 1 decade ago

    What I do is just prepare the bottles before I go to bed and then when he wakes up in the middle of the night I already have them prepared. Anyways, you may not even have to warm it up for your baby, some babies may take their bottles cold.

  • I never heard of that. We just make up the bottles and keep them in the fridge. It says they must be used in 24 hours. I keep them in the fridge and heat them up my putting them in a cup of hot water or put it in the microwave. takes a few minutes.

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