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At what point should a transgender person come out in a relationship?

I hear pricks all the time saying "oh they shouldn't HIDE their SEX!", but how about this- at what point in a relationship do you describe your genitalia in excruciating detail? Do you do it when you ask someone out? "Hi, I'm Ryan, and I've got a vagina!"

Obviously NOT, so this begs the question- when? Personally I think definitely before things get very serious, but there's a lot of leeway between 'first date' and 'thinking of going longterm.'


Also, a similar question-

if you got back from fighting in the war overseas and were a decorated soldier but unfortunately had your penis blown off, at what point in the game do you tell your date?

Update 2:

@ Eric: Yes, the name would be Bob and yes, Bob would have a vagina. The hypothetical scenario is with a female-to-male transsexual, but since everyone and their mum seems to disagree on the definitions it's easier to refer to transsexuals and transgender persons as 'transgender' in 'lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender' sections.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whenever you are good and ready

    though I would do it earlier in the relationship

    Source(s): ..
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I must agree with Lisa. I understand that you were born in the wrong body and that you want others to see you as what you truly are inside regardless of which set of genitals you have, but you have to face the reality that not everyone is so open-minded. If you save that critical detail for later you would be wasting both your time and your partner's.

    I am pretty open-minded myself. I am not ashamed to admit that I find transsexual women attractive, however since I come from a somewhat conservative family I couldn't afford to date someone like that even if I wanted to. I guess the world isn't quite ready yet to accept you guys as a mainstream group of society. But hey, think of it this way, humans are naturally discriminative and minority groups always have to fight for acceptance. African Americans did it half a century ago. Homosexuals are fighting their fight right now and they are winning. Transsexuals will be right behind them.

  • Stu147
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't think that coming out requires that you describe your genitals in intimate detail, that is just deflecting the issue. I think that people have the right to make choices. Yes, in an ideal world it would be nice if the heart was the only factor in a relationship but it simply isn't. I think that before you take any steps towards romance, including dating, you should make someone aware of who you are. Give a person the right to choose, and allow them to make sense of their feelings. This avoids anybody getting hurt further down the line, yourself included.

    I am totally supportive of you being true to who you are, but allow others to do the same by arming them with what is important information.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Say in a night you are talking and getting to know someone. Before you exchange numbers or hold hand or kiss if you do kiss. Then you should explain to them that you were born a "blank" but you are in fact a "blank" and you would like them to know. Then ask, do you have any questions you would like to ask? And go from there.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    second full sentence spoken rule of thumb anything less is dangerous and can be fatal. you give your date the option to decline first off maybe he or she will be more attracted instead but either way you showed respect and did not embarass the transgender community

  • 1 decade ago

    Ryan should say: "Hi, I'm Ryan and I'm a woman pretending to be a bloke," before saying anything else to anybody about anything at all.

    Most of the blokes I know would severely injure any dishonest transsexual they came in to contact with.

    The thing about the injured soldier is in no way similar to the rest of the question.

  • pj
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    you tell when it becomes pertinent. for the fantasy characters in here, that is never....for the bigots it's at introduction.....for reasonable people...steffi has a good model.

    i like your soldier with the penis blown off analogy. you don't tell everyone you meet that you have had your penis blown off, but you most certainly would tell a woman you were considering a relationship with. is it pertinent?

    we cannot presume to impose our utopian views on the world...we can't assume that since it might be no more than some minor medical fact, such as diabetes or measles to us....the rest of the world shares that view...they don't. that's what's real. what's pertinent means more than what we want it to means what it means.

    yes....the sissy posse, the fantasy character that lives in here will now break out all the thumbs down....the virulent hatred for reality will show itself...but the truth is still the truth

    much love and hope. pj

    Source(s): affirmed transsexual
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you're transgender and your name is Bob, you don't have a vagina. You DREAM of having a vagina. If you're transSEXUAL, you have a vagina, but your name wouldn't be Bob anymore.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    @skewer Then you hang with a bunch of c.u.n.t.s.

    They aren't pretending, and any guys who tried to 'severely injure' me would fooking regret it.

  • 1 decade ago

    asap because any guys you deceived will want some revenge. Others here might not like that comment, but it is reality and reality is where we all live.

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