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GoodJob asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My dog ate some strings off of a towel and is now vomiting. What should I do?

I went to my parents house Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and spent very little time with my poor dog. While I was away he ate some strings off of a towel. He has been vomiting, but seems to have stopped. He refuses to leave my side though and just wants to lay in my lap. Should I be worried or is this normal behavior for a dog who has been left alone for a couple of days with little interaction?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's clingy because he probably doesn't feel all that wonderful and he's hungry for your companionship after not having much of it for a couple of days.

    As to the strings, if he threw it all up, he'll be o.k., but watch him carefully. If he seems to be straining to poop, assume he has an obstruction and he needs immediate vet help. Same if he seems to be trying to throw up more.

    Had a dachshund eat the stuffing in a toy a couple of years ago, he threw up for hours, I was outside in the dog yard with him until after midnight watching that he threw it all up. Fortunately, he did, none of it lodged in his intestines, but that can easily happen.

    Just hope he threw it all up before it got stuck, but watch him to be sure he isn't trying to eliminate more and can't. In that case, he needs to get to a vet --- fast.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have, they think you left them for good, that is probably why he is so clingy. But what I will say is that it is possible that the string is making him feel ill. If he continues to be like this in about 2-3 days I would suggest bringing him to the vet. I really think it has to do more with you leaving and him thinking you were not coming back. This has happened so some of the dogs I used to work with in doggy daycare the first couple of days.

    Source(s): former vet tech
  • Myra
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What you need to do is keep an eye on him as those strings Can cause some serious problems. If this continues I would not wait two or three days to take him to the vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    The string could cause an obstruction which could be dangerous. You are with her if you think there is something wrong then hed to the ER vet

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  • 1 decade ago

    Don't worry, the strings are just caught in the dogs throat. He'll either regurgitate them back up or they will be digested. It's not blocking his airway so he should be fine. Try getting him to eat something soft/ easy to chew or drink water so the strings can be flushed down his throat or throw them up.

    Source(s): Similar thing happened to my dog.
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