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Question about Genesis: If God was able to make…?

If God was able to make the cosmos, all the plants, and all the animals out of nothing, then why did he require Adam’s rib in order to create Eve? Couldn’t He have just created Eve out of nothing as well?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since the time of Maimonides, at least, and probably going all the way back to when Genesis was compiled in its present form, intelligent readers have recognised Genesis as inherently allegorical.

    Here the point of the allegory is the idea of a loving couple as "one flesh".

    it is only in America and Northern Ireland that a large proportion of believers think it is virtuous to take Genesis literally

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    So you want to decide how God created humankind. He did not create Adam out of nothing. If you read Genesis you would have discovered that God made Adam out of already created dust. He was made out of DUST and then he was FORMED and then God Breathed into him making him a living soul.

    He created Eve out of Adam's rib so that she would be in the same line as Adam. Not a seperate being, but one flesh. This is where we get the idea of a man and a woman coming together to be of one flesh.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    one of Adam’s ribs?

    Modern science has confirmed that the

    human body is composed of various elements—

    such as hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon—

    all of which are found in the earth’s

    crust. But how were those elements assembled

    into a living creature?

    Many scientists theorize that life arose on

    its own, starting with very simple forms that

    gradually, over millions of years, became

    more and more complex. However, the term

    “simple” can be misleading, for all living

    things—even microscopic single-celled organisms—

    are incredibly complex. There is

    no proof that any kind of life has ever arisen

    by chance or ever could. Rather, all living

    things bear unmistakable evidence of design

    by an intelligence far greater than our own.

    —Romans 1:20.

    Can you imagine listening to a great symphony

    or admiring a brilliant painting or

    marveling at an achievement of technology

    and then insisting that these works had no

    maker? Of course not! But suchmasterpieces

    do not even begin to approach the complexity,

    beauty, or ingenuity of the design of the

    human body. How could we imagine that it

    had no Creator? Furthermore, the Genesis

    account explains that of all life on earth,

    only humans were made in the image of

    God. (Genesis 1:26) Fittingly, only humans

    on earth are capable of reflecting God’s creative

    drive, at times producing impressive

    works of music, art, and technology. Should

    it surprise us that God is far better at creating

    thanwe are?

    As to creating the woman by using a rib

    from the man, where is the difficulty in

    that? God could have used other means,

    but his manner of making the woman had

    beautiful significance. He wanted the man

    and the woman tomarry and to forma close

    bond, as if they were “one flesh.” (Genesis 2:

    24) Is not theway man andwoman can complement

    each other, forming a stable and

    mutually nourishing bond, powerful evidence

    of a wise and loving Creator?

    Furthermore, modern geneticists have acknowledged

    that all humans likely descended fromonly one

    male and one female.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but the purpose of Eve was to be a helpmate to Adam; therefore God took a rib from Adam to form Eve. God could have just as easily formed Eve as He did Adam but God wanted to show that Eve was for Adam.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Adam had 2 wives. Lilith was his first. She was created out of dirt just like Adam. Adam began to order Lilith around and she reminded him she was equal to him. She left the Garden. She came back and asked Adam to forgive her but he refused. Next God makes a deep sleep come over Adam and God takes one of Adams rib to make Eve. Eve was very content to do as Adam said.

  • Frizby
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Eve had to be part of the same gene pool as Adam in order to procreate, if Eve was not made from the same gene pool as Adam then Eve would be a different species..

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He was giving us a message. He took woman out of man, gave her to the man and made her to be man's help meet.

    The fact that God created Eve this way endeared A&E to each other. She was bone of his bone!

    Gen 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

    Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This [is] now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

    Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is immaterial whether we render elu tsela a rib, or a part of his side, for it may mean either: some part of man was to be used on the occasion, whether bone or flesh it matters not; though it is likely, from verse Genesis 2:23, that a part of both was taken; for Adam, knowing how the woman was formed, said, This is flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bone. God could have formed the woman out of the dust of the earth, as he had formed the man; but had he done so, she must have appeared in his eyes as a distinct being, to whom he had no natural relation. But as God formed her out of a part of the man himself, he saw she was of the same nature, the same identical flesh and blood, and of the same constitution in all respects, and consequently having equal powers, faculties, and rights. This at once ensured his affection, and excited his esteem.She was not made out of his head to surpass him, nor from his feet to be trampled on, but from his side to be equal to him, and near his heart to be dear to him."

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, this is a doctrine from the Gnostic gospels, so you can take it how you want it.

    But in the Gnostic Gospel the story of Adam and Eve starts with Lilith. Lilith was Adam's first wife, who was made from dirt just as Adam was. She viewed herself as equal to Adam because they were created from equal material. So when she refused to be submissive to Adam, he got mad. He went to god and told god he didn't particularly like Lilith because she wasn't being submissive to him because she saw herself as his equal. So she and Adam got divorced. Then God created Eve from Adam's rib, so Eve could be less than equal to Adam, therefore she would have to be submissive.

    That's one explanation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure he could have.

    My bet is that he wanted to create Eve from Adam so the connection between man and woman is made.

    In scripture it does say man should cleave to the woman.(to be faithful)

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